Doctor Player Chapter 147

“It is said that there are not enough troops to occupy the capital protected by Baron Penin! It says that His Highness is asking you to personally lead the troops and bring reinforcements!”

Berard nodded.

‘Yes, instead of staying here to save power, I have to occupy the capital of the kingdom.'

Berard immediately moved troops.

“Return! To decapitate Drowton's archenemy, old Raymond! After cutting his head, I will dethrone the foolish king, so everyone follow me!”

Some troops were left in the rear to block the Houston Kingdom's pursuit.

After that, they hurriedly marched to capture Raymond.

Of course, the morale of the soldiers who followed Berard naturally fell.

‘Why do I have to fight for that demon?'

‘And Baron Pennin is the one who saved our King's Highness. Do I have to fight to decapitate such a person?' We exchanged such stories and everyone lost the will to fight.

As a result, there were deserters from day to night.

When I woke up, I could feel the barracks empty.

‘damn. Shit!'

Berard spat nervously, but there was no way to prevent the soldiers from deserting.

He was angry and reprimanded the general who led the soldiers, but of course it had no effect.

Now there is only one way left for him.

All he had to do was somehow decapitate the young king and Raymond.

It was then that the Marquis dulac contacted me.

[To subdue Baron Penin quickly, we must join as quickly as possible, so please pass Kaisen Gorge.] The

Marquis dulac pointed out a specific place.

‘Kaisen Gorge?'

Archduke Berard frowned.

The Kaisen Gorge was a shortcut to the kingdom's capital.

The problem was that the military liked to ambush, so it was easy to fall into a trap.

For an instant, an ominous feeling passed through Berard's spine.

‘Couldn't Dulac have changed his mind?'

But he soon shook his head.

‘I worry too much. As long as the lives of my twin children depend on me, Durak will never betray me.'

Yes, there was no need to worry about Dulac's betrayal.

Thinking so, I headed towards Kaisen Gorge.

I was able to arrive quickly thanks to repeated desperate marches while gritting my teeth.

And after a while in the canyon, Berard realized something was wrong.


“Let’s hit and kill the devil Berard!”

“Long live His Highness!”

“Long live Baron Pennin!”

With shouts of departure, numerous soldiers appeared from both sides of the canyon.

It was the army of the Marquis of Dulac!

“this person… … !”

Archduke Berard's hands trembled.

“You bastard! What is this! Don’t you think your children’s lives are worth it?”

I stabbed the Marquis of Durac in the back, but the Marquis didn't even budge.

He just looked at Berard with cold eyes.

The answer came elsewhere.

“Are you talking about cute twins?”

Soft handsome look.

emerald eyes.

It was Raymond!

He raised the corner of his mouth.

“I’m sorry, but the twins don’t need your medicine in the future.”

Archduke Berard made an expression of disbelief.

How do you do that? With a face like this, Raymond shrugged.

“Because I will provide the medicine for the twins in the future. so… … .”

Raymond declared.

Honorifics were omitted.

“You damn devil, pay for your sins in hell.”

“… … !”

The moment the declaration fell, messages came to mind.

[The effect of the title ‘Kingdom Hero (Great)' is manifested!]

[The morale of allied soldiers (from Houston Kingdom) soars! Allied soldiers would jump to the limb if they were with you!]

By the way, the Houston Kingdom army was also present here.

The stragglers who had been scattered without being able to retreat during the defeat in the war gathered after hearing the news of Raymond.

It was about 2000 people.

Together with Raymond, they displayed lava-like morale.

Also, those affected were not only the soldiers of Houston Kingdom.

The title effect also affected the soldiers of the Droton Kingdom.

[The morale of the allied soldiers (of the Drowton Kingdom) is soaring! Allied soldiers will also show great courage if they are with you!]

[Enemy soldiers' morale is greatly reduced by your dignity! Enemy soldiers see you and want to run away!]


Again, the canyon roared as if it were about to leave.

The soldiers following Archduke Berard didn't even seem to have the courage to fight.

They didn't even think of taking up arms.

“Ooh, how do we beat Baron Pennin?”

“There is also His Excellency the Marquis of Dulac.”

Archduke Berard turned white and trembled all over, as if he had intuited his fate.

Raymond looked back at the Marquis dulac.

“Then, please order an attack, sir.”

Meanwhile, the Marquis of Durac was looking at Raymond with admiration in his eyes.

‘It's really great. Just being there raised the morale of the soldiers so much. Isn't it really overwhelming charisma?'

I was well aware of Raymond's excellence, but meeting him in person was more than I could have imagined.

Raymond's soft charisma dominated the soldiers on the battlefield.

Also, Raymond's brilliance was not the only one.

It was when Dulac and Raymond met a few days ago.

“You know that the lives of my children are now in my hands. So please absolutely obey my request from now on.”

Hearing this, Dulac lamented.

Another threat appeared other than Archduke Berard.

However, Raymond was different from Archduke Berard.

“My first request is that we work together to drive out Archduke Berard.”

There was no reason to object.

Dulac asked nervously.

“Then what are your other requests? If you're going to make an unreasonable request... … .”

Raymond said with a hard face.

“I'm sorry, but that's an unreasonable request.”

Dulac hardened his face.

‘They say it's the light of the Houston Kingdom. After all, the inside is the same as the others.'

But I couldn't help it.

As long as the lives of his children were at stake, Dulac could not refuse Raymond's words.

“… … What the hell are you trying to ask for?”

“As a criminal, help Machapel III and restore the post-war Droton kingdom.”

“… … what?”

The Marquis of Dulac asked dumbfoundedly.

“You know that you have committed an irreparable sin this time. The crime you committed is a high treason for which there is nothing to say even if you lose your life.”

“… … .”

“However, His Highness Machapel III does not want to punish you. Because I know the allegiance you've shown me.”

Raymond continued.

“So, please become a sinner and work hard to restore the Droton Kingdom. And please work hard for the friendship between our two countries so that such a terrible war will never happen again in the future. That is my request.”

Then Raymond said firmly.

“I know it won't be easy. I know that there will be many difficulties. But please do your best. As long as you do this favor, the medicine will be provided to the twins without a hitch.”

Dulac didn't answer anything for a long time.

He said it was light. It was real.

“It's the first time I've been threatened like this.”

He opened his mouth in a sigh.

“… … There is no one in the world as good and wonderful as you.”

It was a sincere admiration.

Raymond made an embarrassed face.

‘Isn't this a kind request?'

Yes, Raymond did not ask for this out of a good heart.

On the contrary, it was a request that he thoroughly made for his own benefit.

‘Only when the relationship between the two countries improves, the territory I will receive will be safe!'

It was because the territory of the Lafalde region that he would receive would be safe only when the kingdom of Drowton was stabilized and the relationship between the two countries improved!

What if things go bad between the two countries?

La Falde, caught in the middle, could become a battlefield again.

If that happens, he's ruined.

So the two countries had to get along well from now on. Even if it was for the security of the territory he would receive.

‘In other words, it's a mutually beneficial win-win request.'

Raymond has one more request here.

‘It's regrettable if it ends like this, so I'll take care of other benefits.'

In fact, he originally intended to demand a large sum of money for the treatment of the twins.

However, it turned out that Dulac was a poor nobleman!

He was a noble aristocrat with integrity and high honor, so he didn't have much money.

‘Damn it, I tried to get the best price for it.'

So Raymond decided to take advantage in other ways.

“I have one more requirement.”

“What is it?”

“If there is a patient in the Drowton Kingdom that healers cannot treat, please send them to my Penin Treatment Center.”

“… … !”

It was a demand for market expansion.

If the Marquis of Durac highly recommends it, many wealthy nobles from the Drowton Kingdom will also visit it.

They will become the new source of money for the Pennin Treatment Center.

“Why did you ask for such a favor?”

When Dulac asked in surprise, Raymond pretended to be a saint.

Because image making is always important!

“There are no borders for healers who treat patients. I want to help.”

No wonder the Marquis of Dulac admired it!

“To think of even the sick of our enemy kingdom. what the hell are you... … .”

just light.

Raymond, seen by Dulac, was a being of light itself.

“If Baron Penin was our Droton Kingdom.”

If so, the Droton Kingdom would be able to develop several times more than it is now.

Raymond, whom the Marquis dulac saw, was so great that he thought so.

‘As long as Baron Penin exists, it will be impossible for our Droton Kingdom to surpass the Houston Kingdom.'

Dulac thought to himself.

‘Then I'd rather have a thoroughly friendly relationship. That's the direction our Droton Kingdom will go forward.'

In this way, Raymond also managed to improve relations between the two countries.

It was another big hit.

And now.

The Marquis of Dulac looked at Raymond before giving battle orders.

“It would be better for you to give the attack order to punish that demon, not me.”


“Everyone is looking only at you.”

At that, Raymond looked around.

Both the Houston Kingdom Army and the Drowton Kingdom Army were waiting for Raymond's command.

‘… … Am I doing something wrong?'

But it didn't seem to be the case.

Raymond drew his winter sword with an awkward face.

‘Is it just a matter of attacking the entire army and shouting?'

“All troops… … .”

the moment you say it.

[The ‘Guardian Doctor of the battlefield' attribute is manifested!]

[The effect of the skill ‘Heart of Steel' is enhanced!]

[The effect of the skill ‘Doctor's Charisma' is enhanced!]

[Title: ‘Kingdom Army Hero (Great)' The effect of ‘ is strengthened!]

[Allies' morale goes up even more! The morale of the enemy is further reduced!]

Messages came to mind.

Thanks to the effect of the skill, the voice naturally had firmness and dignity.

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