Doctor Player Chapter 138

But I had to do it somehow.

“We will proceed with emergency surgery right now. Please prepare.”

Did Christine Hansson guess the bad prognosis?

Everyone nodded with heavy faces.

* * *

In order to lower the probability of infection during surgery, the cleanest tent was rented and prepared for surgery.

Raymond looked at the blade in his chest before starting the incision.

‘It's fortunate that it's a thin sword.'

If the broad bladed sword had penetrated, it would have pierced and tore through all vital organs, damaging them.

It was a thin blade, so there was little chance of damage to various organs.

However, it was not at all that the wound was light.

Depending on where and how the penetrating wound in the chest was penetrated, even a wound like a needle could cause death.

‘The location of the wound is the very center where the heart is located.'

Contrary to popular misconceptions, the heart is not located on the left side, but in the center of the chest.

It is only tilted slightly to the left.

So now, the sword is penetrating the area where the Duke of Life's heart is located.

‘no. If the heart had been pierced, even a sword master wouldn't have been alive until now. At least the heart is likely out of the way.'

After taking necessary measures such as disinfection and anesthesia, he held up a scalpel with a stiff face.

‘Use skill!'

[The skill ‘Seojeon's hand movements' is manifested!]

[The skill ‘Seojeon's experience (C)' is manifested!]

It was fortunate that I saved the sergeant's hand movements earlier.

The sensory level suddenly rose to 66.5.


With nervous hands, he first incised the skin and then held a large ‘knife'.

It was a knife with a blade like a saw blade, and it was a special knife for incising the bone in the center of the chest.

Raymond cracked the bone with a lot of force in his hand.


An eerie, bone-slicing sound resounded.

Blood splattered on the white cloth glove.

“Hanson open your breastbone.”

“Yes Master!”

Hanson opened the sides of the incised breastbone with an iron tool.

With a terrifying sound, the space inside his chest was revealed, and Raymond drew in his breath. Hanson Christine had the same reaction.


It was in a miserable state.

It was full of blood and pus.

The pus that was about to explode was pressing down on his lungs and heart, and the most serious thing was the trail of the sword.

Fortunately, it did not pierce the heart. Neither the aorta nor the vena cava was penetrated.

However, it tore the outer membrane of the heart and pierced the middle esophagus accurately.

‘Esophageal perforation.'

Raymond let out a groan.

‘That esophageal perforation must have caused this condition.'

If the contents of the esophagus leak into the chest cavity, a serious infection may occur.

Without treatment, the mortality rate is nearly 100%.

‘Esophageal perforation is a very big operation. Will I be able to save them?'

I couldn't help but feel that way again.

Of course, Raymond hasn't saved all patients so far.

I tried my best, but many patients eventually lost their lives.

Especially after coming out on the battlefield, such a thing was frequent. On some days, more patients died than were saved.

Through such experiences, Raymond knew keenly that he was not omnipotent.

‘no. Let's not think weak. I'll save you somehow.'

He moved his hand with determination.

The first step was to remove the blade.


If you don't do it as delicately as possible, there is a possibility of causing secondary damage during removal.

Since the blade of the sword was shallowly embedded in the outer wall of the heart, a mistake could open a wound in the heart.


Hanson and Christine watched Raymond slowly remove the blade with strained eyes.

Is it because of the senses reaching 66.5?

Raymond was able to pull the blade out without making any mistakes.


But it was the moment of letting out a low sigh.

A strange thing happened.

“Ma Master! Heart suddenly!”

“… … !”

Since the sternum was open, I could see the movement of the heart with the naked eye, but it was vibrating wildly and irregularly!

‘Ventricular fibrillation!'

Raymond's face went white.

Since the original body was weakened, even a small shock of pulling out the blade caused an arrhythmia!

My heart, which had been trembling for an instant, suddenly stopped moving.

Cardiac arrest!

“Start CPR! Inject epinephrine, please!”


Because the chest was open, it was different from normal CPR.

Raymond grabbed his heart with his own hand and pumped.

‘It's a temporary shock, so if you hold on, you'll be back! I have to hold on.'

The question is when is that?

Even if the heart doesn't beat for 1 minute, fatal damage to the brain occurs.

Even considering the body of a sword master, 3 minutes... … I had to be back in 5 minutes at the latest.


Raymond also cast the ‘Berserker Curse' with the feeling of grabbing at least a straw for the judges.

At the risky moment after I squeezed my heart so desperately.

Took. Took.

My heart started beating again.

“ha… … .”

Raymond let out a big breath. It felt like my own heart stopped.

“I will proceed with the operation again.”

I barely passed the hurdle, but there were still many hurdles left.

Tuuk. Tuuk.

His heart beat seemed to be weaker. It looked like it would stop again any minute.

‘Can't last long. It has to be finished as quickly as possible.'

Raymond bought the item.

‘Item purchasing skill proficiency increased!'

[The proficiency of ‘Seojeon's hand movements' has risen to C grade! (Limited to 24 hours)]

[Sense stat increases by 15 points!]

[Skill points consumed by 50 points!]

‘One more time!'

[The proficiency of ‘Seojeon's hand movements' has risen to B grade! (Limited to 24 hours)]

[Sense stat increases by 20 points!]

[100 skill points are consumed!]

A total of 150 points were consumed.

It was not a small expense, but it was not the time to save.

Fortunately, a message popped up.

[We are desperately trying to save the dying patient!]

[Special benefits will be given!]

[Skill point consumption reduced by half!]

Fortunately, only 75 points were consumed.

Anyway, that didn't matter now.

The operation had to be completed before the quivering heart stopped beating.

“Sterilized water.”

The next step is to clean the inside of the chest full of blood and pus.

It wasn't easy.

It's not just washing with water, it's because you have to remove all contaminated and infected tissues. It also avoids the densely packed heart and large blood vessels.

Raymond moved his hand away from the tainted tissue.

Was it because he raised the mastery of hand movements? Or is it because of superhuman concentration?

His hand movements were much better than usual.

Raymond let out a long breath after removing the necrotic tissue so quickly and accurately that he was surprised by himself.

‘This is the last step. The pierced esophagus needs to be repaired.'


The most difficult stage remains.

‘Given the condition, primary suturing is difficult.'

The simplest way to treat a perforated esophagus is to suture the open section with a thread.

But in the case of Duke Leif, it was impossible.

The condition of the wound was extremely poor. Necrosis is already in progress, so if you try to suture it, it will open right away.

‘In this case, the damaged part of the esophagus must be cut and connected to the lower stomach.'

This was the most standard treatment.

For reference, the structure of the intestinal tract leading from the mouth is like this.

Mouth → Esophagus → Stomach

So, if you cut the esophagus, you have to connect it to the stomach located below.

There were two ways to connect the stomach and cut esophagus.

How to connect by holding the upper part located under the first one long and pulling it up.

Second, how to open the stomach, cut out the intestines from other parts, and transplant them into the middle leg.

Both methods were procedures that put a great burden on the patient's body.

‘No matter what technique I use, it will be difficult for the current Duke of Leif's body to endure.'

Raymond groaned.

‘damn. What do we do? I have to choose one of two methods.'

let it die So I had to cut the esophagus unconditionally and connect it to the stomach.

However, neither of the two techniques was easy.

There was a high chance of death no matter which surgical method was chosen.

‘Which technique is even slightly more likely?'

A heavy feeling weighed down on him.

Raymond couldn't make a choice easily and was anxiously worried.

Perhaps feeling Raymond's anguish, Christine Hanson also swallowed.

‘I don't know. How?'

Raymond used the skill with the feeling of grabbing at least a straw.

[The skill ‘Expert's Judgment' is manifested!]

[Intelligence stat increases by 5 points!]

Intellect has additionally increased, but no clear solution came to mind.

It was natural.

It's because a hopeless situation doesn't change to hope if your intellect increases. It only made me more clearly aware of the dangers of both methods.

‘I can't take any more time. I have to do something.'

It was the moment when he was gritting his teeth and trying to move the scalpel.

Raymond suddenly came to his senses.

He wondered if he was overly impatient with the pressure.

So I thought maybe I wasn't making the right decision.

‘Think Raymond. Is there any other way? I have to come up with a way to put as little strain on the patient's body as possible.'

It was after thinking about it.

One method flashed into my mind.

‘You can cut the esophagus and connect it to the stomach later! I'm only giving first aid now!'

Raymond thought to himself.

In short, it is a two-step operation.

Right now, only first aid is to cut the esophagus, and connecting the esophagus and stomach is done after the body recovers.

In this way, the operation could be completed without putting too much strain on Duke Rife's body.

Raymond immediately moved the scalpel.

Resection of the esophagus was not difficult.

It was cut with a scalpel and the cut section was tightly sutured with thread.

Christine asked in surprise at Raymond's sudden treatment.

“Are you not connecting with the above? Then how about nutrition?”

You cannot eat without connecting the esophagus to the stomach. will starve to death

But Raymond offered a simple solution.

“It can be supplied through injection.”

“ah… … .”

‘I'm not even in a state where I can eat rice anyway. For the time being, the necessary nutrients can be supplied with fluids.'

After completing the final treatment, Raymond let out a deep breath.

“I will close.”

So the operation was completed.

* * *

Can it be said that the treatment was successful?

I don't know anything yet.

I just did everything I could.

‘What's left now is up to Duke Raif.'

After using all methods, including post-surgery treatment and healing, Raymond looked at Duke Rife's face with heavy eyes.

He is still unconscious. Vital signs are also not recovering from the state of shock.

He has done all the treatment he can, and now whether or not he recovers is entirely up to him.

The only hope is that he is a sword master.

Since the basic physical strength is superior, the possibility of overcoming it must be high.

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