Doctor Player Chapter 122

Surprisingly, they all knew Raymond's name.

Because it was the most famous name on the battlefield.

Currently, Raymond was nicknamed ‘The Light of the Kingdom Army' among the soldiers of the Houston Kingdom, and that nickname spread to the Kingdom of Drowton.

“Why did the Prince of Houston come here?”

Raymond shrugged.

“Didn't you tell me? He said he came to treat the patient.”

It was only then that the eyes of the people who realized that it was sincere shook.

“How come?”

Raymond realized that an opportunity had arrived to care for the people of Drowton.

It happened to be a shelter, so many people of Droton were watching him.

‘It's not just words, it's important to stabilize the people's sentiment for the defense of the castle.'

If public sentiment in the castle is stable and the defense is strong, Raymond's safety will be guaranteed. So, it was good to stabilize public sentiment as much as possible.

There was also another personal reason for him to step out like this.

‘It's an enemy now, but it could become a potential customer after the war.'

When the Droton kingdom was occupied, they were all potential customers.

‘So it would be nice to plant the best possible image when you have a chance!'

With that in mind, Raymond let go of his luck, putting on a face that was for the sake of others as much as possible.

Just then, a message popped up.

[‘Doctor's charisma' is manifested!]

[Warm dignity is conveyed to people!]

[Speaking for patients!]

[Skill ‘Speech' is manifested!]

[Synergy with ‘Doctor's charisma' It comes true!]

“I’m a healer.”

“… … yes?”

“Because I am a healer, I am here for patients. As a healer, it doesn't matter to me that you are citizens of the Droton Kingdom. I just want to help because I have a patient.”

As always, it was a voice that was dripping with sincerity.

Raymond went on to say:

“We became enemies inevitably, but isn’t that what we wanted? We know that you are all victims of war. As a healer, I want to help you.”

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the people of Droton became red.

A victim of war.

It was a word that accurately penetrated their pain.

“But we are the people of your enemy country… … .”

“Did you tell me? That's why I came as a healer with personal qualifications. I'm just ‘Healer Raymond', not the Houston Kingdom Army.”

The story ends here.

“Once you understand, let’s see the patient.”

Raymond looked at the girl's mother.

‘I got caught in a fight and got a wound on my thigh. It's the stage just before sepsis because it didn't get treated properly and festered.'

I had to clean the dirty wound right now and administer antibiotics to save it.


“Yes Master!”

For reference, Elmude was not allowed to be called as a master, so he used the title of master.

Elmude, who had followed closely, handed over the royal bag.

It was an all-purpose bag containing essential medicines and basic surgical tools.

Raymond immediately began abbreviated surgery.

Fortunately, it was not an area where surgery was difficult. However, the degree of festering was so severe that it was not an easy surgery to finish.

“Please prepare boiling water.”


After the skin was incised, it was thoroughly washed first. After the pus was washed clean, the necrotic area was cut off with a scalpel.

Raymond's eyes deepened. I was completely engrossed in the surgery.

The patient's background has disappeared from my mind. There were only healers and patients in this place. With that in mind, I did my best.

And Raymond's sincere efforts were watched by the countless people of Drowton gathered in the shelter.

They said in a trembling voice.

“To think he did that for us, the people of the enemy country.”

“How in the world is someone like that?”

Everyone was heartbroken.

Then someone lamented and said.

“… … He said he was an angel who came down from heaven for the kingdom of Houston. It really was.”

“Why is there no one like that in our Droton Kingdom? half of that. No, if there had been someone we resembled even the smallest bit, we wouldn’t have to suffer like this.”

The ruling class of the Droton Kingdom was the worst.

Berard, the personification of greed, usurped the government, and similar rotten bastards took all the seats below him.

Thanks to this, the people of the Droton Kingdom have been suffering for a long time.

‘This war also happened because of the bastard Berard.'

‘Why do we have to suffer like this!'

Countless people of Droton thought so.

Because of the truths Raymond uncovered before the war, everyone knew that this war was caused by Berard.

Thanks to this, the morale of the people of the Kingdom of De Thorn was at a rock bottom. Because it suddenly became a country fighting for the devil.

‘I envy the people of Houston Kingdom who have such a person.'

It was when such thoughts were spreading among the people at the shelter.

Raymond completed the abbreviated surgery.

“It's done. I'll leave the penicillin here, so make sure you don't miss it. Then you will recover.”

More time has passed than expected.

It was already just before dawn. It was time to go back to being a healer in the Houston Kingdom.

“Then I will go away. Goodbye.”

The people of Drowton looked at such Raymond from the back with emotion.

* * *

After that, Raymond's double life continued.

Hearing the rumors, the people of Droton kept coming.

There were many people with poor circumstances, so I couldn't refuse.

‘When the castle fell, all the healers on the Drowton side ran away and couldn't get any treatment.'

I treated it late at night to avoid rumors as much as possible, but eventually the tail was caught.

“What the hell are you doing! Healing the people of the enemy country!”

The commander of the castle was Count Maybo.

He was a pro-Seitilpa nobleman, so he was dissatisfied with Raymond, but as if he had found a good excuse, he approached him haughtily.

Raymond swallowed.

‘I have to do well here.'

If you don't behave wisely, you can use a false name.

Fortunately, a message came to mind as if to help him.

[I am stepping up for the patient.]

[The skill ‘Heart of Steel' is manifested!]

[The skill ‘Speech' is manifested!]

My heart became bolder and my voice became more sincere.

“As a healer, I only treated patients.”

“under? You mean the people of the enemy country?”

“Because the guidelines of the Tower of Healing, which healers must follow first, say not to discriminate against patients based on their nationality. Even if it is during a war.”

First of all, he pointed out that his actions were not illegal, and said,

“Also, above all, the fact that I healed the people of Drowton is for the sake of the Houston Kingdom.”

“What nonsense is that… … .”

“Excuse me, Count, what do you think is the greatest weakness of allies defending Bioton Castle?”

Count Maybo, who was in charge of defending Bioton Castle, did not answer for a moment.

“These are the people of Drowton Castle right here. It hasn't been long since they've been occupied, so the atmosphere is terrifying. Although we are suppressing them with spear knives, we are in an unstable state.”

“… … .”

“If the people inside rise up and join forces with the enemy outside, the castle will be in great danger.”

Raymond said in a strong voice.

“As a healer loyal to the Houston kingdom, I am trying to prevent bad situations from occurring by stabilizing the public sentiment of the people of Drowton.”

It was a perfect tour that was hard to find fault with.

Count Maybo could no longer find fault with him and disappeared.

And the war of words that day spread to all the people of both countries, the people of the Houston Kingdom, and the people of Drowton.

First of all, the Houston Kingdom

‘s ‘As expected, our prince couldn't have done such a thing without thinking.'

‘It all had a deep meaning.'

I shook off all doubts and admired Raymond's deep intentions, and

the Drowton people... … .

“To even fight against the Commander for us.”

“It must have been a huge burden.”

They were moved by the fact that Raymond fought against the commander to heal them, the enemy people.

‘So much for us, the people of the enemy country.'

‘It's not wrong to say that he is an angel who came down from the sky.'

Gratitude filled their devastated hearts.

Of course, not all Drowton people thought so.

Because there were also people who hated the Houston kingdom deeply as they were enemies of each other.

Such people watched Raymond's move with great respect.

‘It's clear he has some ulterior motive.'

‘I'm not fooled.'

Among them were those who had been secretly ordered by the Marquis of Durac.

‘It's not far before the day of the act that His Excellency the Marquis of Durac ordered. That's when his pretentious behavior ends.'

Those who had been secretly ordered to do so stubbornly looked at Raymond.

But just before the big day approaches.

An incident occurred that shook Bioton Castle.

The shelter for the people of Drowton who lost their homes collapsed!

* * *

“Ah… … .”

Seeing the crime scene, Raymond bit his lip.

Needless to say, most of the people in the evacuation center at the time were children.

Children as young as 10 were dying under the collapsed building.

“Hanson, get first aid quickly!”

“Yes Master!”

“Transfer patients who need surgery to the treatment center! hurry!”


Enemy people? Gossip?

I hadn't thought deeply about that.

Seeing the children who were about to die before the flowers bloomed, all I could think about was saving them.

Many children could be saved through desperate struggle, but not all children were saved.

A few children ended up dying.

“Keuheuk keuk. no!”

The child's family sobbed and Raymond bit his lip.

‘Shit. What crime did this child commit?'

“Huh. Black. Healer. please save my child please!”

“… … sorry.”

Raymond bowed his head.

He did not leave the scene for a long time with a heavy face.

Since he was such a young child, he was also heartbroken.

‘I'm like this too, but there's no way to express my parents' feelings.'

Raymond bit his lip hard.

No words can comfort the parents who lost their child, but I wanted to share the sorrow with them even just a little bit.

After consoling the victim's family, he left again to treat another patient.

Raymond's appearance was watched by many people of Drowton.

‘… … It's not a pretense.'

‘I really sincerely care for the patient.'

The hearts of the people of Droton were reeling.

[Drawton people are moved by your good deeds!]

[Reputation rises!]

[Achievement: ‘One who inspired the enemy people'!]

[Bonus level up!]

[Get 50 skill points [

Benefit: Gaining the support of the people of the enemy country who are impressed!]

After such a message came to mind, Raymond received an unexpected invitation from the unknown people of Drowton.

“You want me to secretly come to the back alley tonight?”

“I have a story to tell you.”

“That’s a bit… … .”

Raymond made a puzzled face.

All he was allowed to do was treat patients. If you cross the line beyond that, there will definitely be a story.

Besides, a back alley late at night? It was a meeting that anyone could see.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think that will work… … .”

“What I am going to tell you about is the Houston Kingdom.”


Raymond looked at the other person startled.

For some reason, the opponent had a very determined look.

“I have a story I want to tell you closely. Please give me some time.”

In the end, Raymond had a secret meeting with a man and obtained surprising information.

< The Marquis of Dulac, urging the movement of the glorious people of Drowton. >

Raymond's eyes widened.

It was the first phrase of the letter the man secretly delivered.

Afterwards, the content of the correspondence contained the details of the plot devised by the Marquis of Dulac.

It was an enormous amount of information.

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