Doctor Goes Back to Joseon

Chapter 127: Facial Operation [4]

Chapter 127: Facial Operation [4]

Ggol Ggol gol

With strange sound, blood comes from Dongpa’s arm.

At the same time, Dongpa was grinning his face.

It seemed he really hated the process but he could not say no to Ganghyuk.

He knew that he could be saved through this process.

Furthermore, it was not the atmosphere that he could say anything against it.

“Hey! You pressed it too hard.”

“Yes, yes.”

“Yeoni, you too. If his artery is damaged, it is of no use!”

“I see. Sorry, sir.”

“Let’s do our best. Ok?”


Ganghyuk seemed to lose his mind.

He was in a kind of excitement.

It was said that there were some people who lose their minds when they see blood. It seems Ganghyuk was in that state.



“You must press here. Do not make it loose!”

“Yes, sir.”

How a person can do the two things at the same time? Giving a thread and pressing the artery at the same time?

He made a nonsense order and then shouted.

It was the thing that Ganghyuk disliked most, he could not help it. It was an emergency.

‘The heart cannot stand it.’

If breathing was reduced too much, it would overload the heart and if it would happen.

The heart could not stand it and would make irregular beats.

As it is an artificial irregular beats, it can be resolved by removing the cause.

The problem here is how to remove the cause.

“Makbong! The heart beats irregularly! Blow the breath quickly!

“U bub ub!”

Makbong was blowing the breath with his best. His swollen veins showed it.

Everybody knows that he was doing his best.

Ganghyuk knew it, too.

‘My goodness. Now his blood pressure is too high.”

Makbong blew his breath to the end without counting the breath.

Therefore, the pressure in the chest cavity rises high.

The blood pressure was rising and blood was splashing.

He tried to suture, which made blood splash all directions.

‘Is it enough with Dongpa alone?’

Dongpa’s face was already yellow, and it seemed he could die if Ganghyuk drew more blood from him.

It was at most 300 ml yet.

But he could not stand it because his health was already bad enough.

‘He had steroid himself. Therefore, it is natural that his body is almost destroyed.’

Dongpa was not a bad man. His problem was that he was ignorant.

He tried the medicine before using it to his patients.

While trying many medications, he found the herbs full of steroid. Thus, he had the biggest amount of the steroid.

He could not live long probably.

“Heok... I am ok. Sir, please do it...”

Dongpa thought that Ganghyuk was worrying about him when their eyes met.

Therefore, he nodded his head with shaking voice.

‘Ha, is he taking a war movie?’

He behaved as if he were wounded by sword of a Japanese bandit.

As a matter of fact, Yeoni was wounded by Japanese bandit but she never showed such a show.

Perhaps she could do better than Dongpa in the blood donation, too.

‘Ei, if it is too urgent, I should use Dolseok.’

Suddenly, Dolseok became a blood donor from the first assistant in Ganghyuk’s mind.

But Dolseok was working hard without knowing what happened in Ganghyuk’s mind.

“Sir, suture! If impossible, how about cutting?”

“Yes, wait for a moment. The heart beat is going to be stable. Wait for a moment.”

“Yes, sir.”

If there is bleeding with irregular heartbeat, the situation can go worse.

Especially, if blood gushes out from the artery like now, there is higher possibility to go worse.

If he loses blood too much and too quickly, the heart cannot adjust itself to the changing environments.

Then it will not stop at the irregular heartbeat. There will be a real disaster.

“Ok. Now, it is good. Blood will splash but do not worry. Do not make a fuss.”

“What should I do, then?”

Makbong asked with gasps.

His face was puzzled because he was being scolded even though he followed Ganghuyk’s order closely.

“What are you asking for? Do what you are doing now.”

“I mean... faster or slower?”

“Just normal. Don’t slow it down.”

“Yes, sir.”

To reduce blood pressure, hey should slow down the breath.

But after the irregular heartbeat, Ganghuyk did not want to slow it down.

He had no medication for it and he did not have simple electric shock generator.

“No question? Ok, then proceed.”

“Yes, sir.”


Ganghuyk took the suture devices after a deep breath.

The needle at the end of the suture device trembled a few moments and then became steady.

Ganghuyk’s eyes found their calmness.

Nobody could find the one who was embarrassed and at a loss a minute ago.

‘Now, I will connect.’

He made his mind to connect the blood vessel no matter what happened.

Then he became very calm and could see the situation clearly.

“Release it.”


“Release the vessel.”

“Ah, yes.”

Yeoni and Dolseok released the artery almost at the same time.

As soon as they released the artery, blood gushed from the part which is near to the heart.


Dolseok moaned.

Yeoni could not hide her surprise and looked at Ganghuyk.

All of the people in the room looked at Ganghuyk.

‘I got it.’

He caught the artery section with a tweezer regardless of gushing blood.

Then he sutured them.


Ganghuyk’s hands moved violently unlike in other operations.

Ganghuyk was always confident in his skills and when he sutured he moved gently.

Therefore, people say that his operation is an art or elegant.

But now he looked different. If the same person sees the operation now, he will not say his operation is an art.


With rough sounds, the needle penetrated blood vessel constantly.

He sutured violently as if he did it without purpose and plan.

As a matter of fact, Dongpa, Yeoju, and Yeoni thought so.

But Dolseok could recognize his brilliant skills while Ganghuyk was busy with suturing.

‘Wow, he is an outstanding doctor.’

Although blood splashes all directions, Ganghuyk does not miss important points and his needle is moving according to his plan.

Although it seems that he does it violently, he does not pull the thread too much. He pulls the thread with the right amount of strength not to destroy the blood vessel wall.

Thanks to his skillful operation, the blood gushing out from the artery almost stops.


Ganghuyk was suturing without any words.

When it is almost finished, he opened his mouth.

“Now, it is done.”

That was all that he said after the difficult operation.

People around him made a fuss.

“Sir, how can you do it? Wow, incredible.”

“You are really a good doctor.”

“Sir, I am impressed.”

“I could not draw it fully because you were too fast. One more chance...”

However, Ganghuyk closed his eyes and said nothing.

He could not hear anything.

The reason was simple.

He was busy with praising himself in his mind.

‘I am a genius.’

He connected artery without equipment.

It was not a normal artery. There was a big aneurysm as big as a coin and it was almost deteriorated.

The incredible thing happened under the artery.

The nerves pressed by the artery got to be revived.

Now Simin will not have urgent and keep pains any more.

‘I have treated tertiary neuralgia.’

He is more than a genius.

Ganghuyk opened his eyes after spending some time to praise himself in his mind.

Until then, the people were praising their master’s skills.

Through anatomy sessions, their medical skills were improved and they knew how difficult the operation was.



“You are a divine doctor.”


“I am honored to have you as my teacher.”


Ganghuyk’s laughter was heard from outside, too.

Hwang Yungil who came out of the room at the shout could hear the laughter.

At the shout, he was worrying at bad incident and wandering around the room for a while.

When he heard Ganghuyk’s laughter, he was relieved.

There would be no doctor who laughed when his patient had bad incident.

He could meet Ganghuyk with joy sometime after.

“Haha. Sir Hwang.”

“So, is he ok?”

Although he could guess the result, he wanted to hear it from Ganghuyk’s mouth.

Hwang Yungil’s voice was trembling.

Ganghuyk pointed the room making a big laughter.

“Very good. He is still sleeping but he will wake up soon.”

“Is that so? Good. Good.”

“Yes, it was a really difficult operation but he endured it.”

“It is because you did it well,”


Ganghuyk did not deny it.

It was true that he finished very difficult operation.

After the operation, Ganghuyk touched Simin’s cheek for confirmation and found that there was no responses any more.

That means there was no bad and useless stimulus.

‘Yes, I am a genius.’

Ganghuyk met Hwang Yungil without leaving his world of self-praise.

Therefore, he did not spare praise for himself.

“It was fortunate that I knew you and I introduced him to you.”

“Yes, you did well. Other doctors could not treat it.”

“Heoheo. I would like to see him.”

“You don’t need to see him in your eyes. I did it perfectly.”

In normal condition, it was not the right remark in Joseon.

Modesty was a very important virtue in Joseon.

But Hwang Yungil was assimilated by Ganghuyk’s overly chat and did not think it strange.

He was thinking how he could take him to Japan.

‘What should I do? Ah, he is in good terms with Ryu Seongryong. I have to ask through him.’

Hwang Yungil was Seoin and Ryu Seongryong was Dongin. In other words, they belonged to different parties, which meant that they were nearly enemies.

But Ryu Seongryong was a person who distinguished the public and the private.

Ryu Seongryong was a patriot and he might listen to him for the country, he though.

‘According to people, this man is a patriot, too. He will listen to me. If he comes with me, I have no worries no matter how difficult the travel is.’

Ganghyuk did not know what Hwang Yungil thought in his mind and praised himself continuously.

“Then his head was broken...”

“Heo, did you save the patient with broken head?”

“Yes, of course. I treated people with smallpox there.”

“Ah, yes, I know that story. You won smallpox.”

As Ganghyuk listed his achievements one by one, Hwang Yungil made his mind to take him to Japan.

‘Yes, I will take him with me.’

When Ganghyuk started to talk about the patient with glaucoma, Dolseok called him.

“Sir! The patient woke up.”

“Oh, I am coming. Sir, let’s go together.”

“Yes, I will.”

Two of them rushed into the room.


Entering the room, Hwang Yungil opened his mouth wide and could not close his mouth.

The room was a mess.

Blood was all over the room regardless of floor, ceiling and wall. It was natural that Yungil was surprised.

Strange thing was Simin looked good. Given the amount of the blood he bled, he must have been pale. But he looked very healthy.

A youth beside him had bad complexsion.

Yungil asked a question standing at the door.

“Hey, Simin. Are you ok?”

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