Chapter 115: Even Enemy [1]

Ganghyuk pointed at Dongpa’s butt while covering his nose with his hand.

Dongpa tried to cover his trousers with an embarassed face, but it was in vain.

It was already brown and he could not cover the smell.

“Yes, he did.”

Makbong pointed at him.

“Shit, how does a doctor catch an epidemic?”

Dolseok pulled his legs.

“Guys, move him as well.”

Ganghyuk tried to fool him.

Dongpa was embarrassed.

He murmured with blank eyes.

“Ah… It’s not mine! It’s probably someone else’s and it got…”

“You’re discharging.”

Ganghyuk pointed at Dongpa’s butt which is still discharging watery feces.

Ganghyuk looked at the feces that he put on Dongpa some time before.

‘He caught the disease. Should I feel sorry? No…’

That could not be the cause of the disease. It was too fast to make one sick. Dongpa’s symptom should have originated from other causes.

Although we contact germs or viruses, not all will have the disease or show the symptoms.

It takes time for those bad things to start fighting with our body.

Perhaps Dongpa’s body has not fought with the germs in the feces that Ganghyuk put on the trousers.

It might not…

In medicine, there is nothing that’s truly sure.

‘Ei, I don’t know. I am not the one who made him sick.’

Ganghyuk shook his head as he suppressed his bad feelings.

Surprisingly, Dongpa shook his head.

“I don’t need that! I will be okay if I don’t eat anything!”

“Heo. You are an idiot. Don’t be stubborn.”

“Do not pull my legs, sir. You are a doctor and you should not make a fool of a patient.”

“I am not making you a fool. I am persuading you.”

“What kind of persuasion this is!”


Ganghyuk looked at Dongpa with his arms folded.

‘His eyebags are already sunken and dark.’

He is producing feces in real time with sounds.

It means that he has severe cholera at the moment.

‘He will discharge continuously some time later.’

It was conspicuous considering his status.

He will discharge feces continuously soon enough.

He will not eat anything considering his speech.

Then his condition will become serious soon and the worst situation would be him having a seizure.

‘It’s better if he had a fit, as I have a chance to cure him. But there is a far worse scenario.’

Sometimes patients die instantly because of dehydration. In that case, Ganghyuk cannot help him at all.

Ganghyuk has not experienced such cases but there were many cases reported and published in textbooks or academic journals.

‘What can I do? It’s his fate.’

Nobody forced him to do that.

He was the one who wanted to eat nothing and wait till he died.

Ganghyuk could not do anything.

But he did not want to leave the patient in a seizure under the quack’s treatment so he decided to take him out.

“Where would you take him… Euk.”

Dongpa tried to stop them, but it ended up in vain.

He could not manage to stand still.

Dongpa followed them while discharging feces here and there and finally gave up following Ganghyuk’s group.

“Yes, you stay there and discharge feces.”


Dongpa could not follow them anymore.

Ganghyuk turned away from Dongpa and looked at the patients who were 9n his side.

The patients who were about to run to Dongpa’s side were retreating.

It seemed that they did not want to get treatment from the doctor who was discharging feces like themselves.

“Yes. You stay here. Eat what you are given. Dr. Heo is from the Naeuiwon. You know what the Naeuiwon is for.”


Ganghyuk articulated Naeuiwon with emphasis.

People are weak in front of authority.

The word had significant effects as the patients returned to their places.

“Hey, you don’t answer, do you?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Yes, please take care of these people, Dr. Heo Jun and Heo Im. Yeoni, you too.”

“Yes, sir.”

Yeoni answered while wiping her forehead.

Heo Jun and Heo Im were also very busy running here and there to feed them.

They seemed to do their best to take care of the patients. As they were originally very strong, they could manage to take care of many patients.

‘I wish I could have more fellows to work for me.’

As a matter of fact, he had many workers.

Dolseok, Makbong, Yeoni, Yeoju and the Flail.

They are all gluttons though so it was not easy to earn bread for them.

‘However, if I could have ten more, it would be good.’

With that thought, he knew he needed more wealth and power.

‘Should I open a clinic in Hanyang?’

If he did that, then he could make enough money.

But how about power? He had a good idea for power.

‘For men, the penis. For women, cosmetic surgery.’

He thought the upper class have the same desires.

If he can deal with these two problems, he would not have difficulties.

He finished his daydreaming and entered the room.

The patient who was in a seizure was lying on the futon.

There was a place for a person to lie down beside the patient. Ganghyuk did not know why there was such a place. While he was wondering, Yeoju came and looked at Ganghyuk.

“Why? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“You will do a transfusion, won’t you?”

“Yes, you are right. But why are you looking at me like that?”

“Your blood is good and effective, isn’t it?”


Good blood?

What does she mean?

The problem is Dolseok and Makbong were looking at him with the same eyes as Yeoju.

‘How can I explain it?’

His knowledge on antigens and antibodies were surfacing, but he suppressed the thought.

‘I will teach it later in the lecture where everyone is present.’

Anyway, Makbong would not be able to understand what Ganghyuk said.

Ganghyuk shook his head and made some excluses.

“No, no. The patient matched with me but I don’t know anything about this patient.”

“Eh? Then should we extract blood again?”

Dolseok scratched his head with dissatisfied eyes.

Ganghyuk hit his head so that he would not scratch it any more.

“Hey, you. Do you remember that I lost bowls of blood already? I will only get a little for the test.”

“Bowls of blood? It’s not that much though. You are exaggerating.”

“You’re looking for a beating, fellow.”

“Are you okay? Your hit is not as strong as before.”

Dolseok looked at Ganghyuk with a pitiful face, as if he were the son who knew his father’s age only after he was hit by his father.

After hearing that, Ganghyuk felt as if he were breathless.

He did not want to hit Dolseok again after he heard Dolseok’s remark.

‘I have another way.’

Ganghyuk gave a signal to Makbong with his chin.

It was a small signal but the effects were very good.

“Egugu. Why do you have him hit me? I’m quite worried.”

“Your eyes are telling me a different story.”

“Sir, you are not Gungye and how can you read people’s mind?”

“I read your mind anyway. Come and give me your arm.”

“You hit me and then you extract my blood? Do you even feel my pains?”

“Compared to the patients, you’re having it easy.”

As a matter of fact, Dolseok felt the same so he did not say anything else. Instead, he gave his arm to Ganghyuk.

If it was as usual, he could extract the blood without any difficulty.

Ganghyuk was very confident in his clinical skills such as cutting, suturing and blood collecting.

But at the moment, there was an exception.

‘My hand is trembling.’

He learned the lesson once more.

Too much blood should not be extracted. He extracted 800 mL at once and now he’s paying for the consequences.

“Yeoju, you did a good job when you collected blood from me. Dolseok also has good veins.”

“Eo eo… There is Makbong too. Why me?”

“It can only be you.”

“Why? Euk.”

Yeoju stabbed the syringe giving no time for Dolseok to protest.

In an instant, red blood was sucked into the syringe.

“Ah, you have already collected the patient’s blood. Good.”

“Yes, I saw what you had done.”

“Okay. Let’s mix it.”

“Yes, sir.”

Ganghyuk mixed the blood extracted from Dolseok and the patient.

Dolseok grumbled at the back of Ganghyuk.

“My blood is not good. It is different from that of a noble.”

There was no change in the mixture even when considerable time has elapsed.

Ganghyuk nodded his head with satisfaction.

“No change.”

“No, not at all.”

“Yes, Dolseok, it is your turn.”

Dolseok tried to run away but he did not succeed.

Makbong grabbed his collar and threw him on the floor.

“Aiku, fellow. Why are you throwing me? I was just preparing for the blood extraction.”

“Sir Ganghyuk donated his blood without complaints and you tried to escape?”

“Sir Ganghyuk is… Ah, it is hard to…”

“You are his servant. Lie down. Here…”

Dolseok lied on the floor while he dropped his head, as if he learned a lesson from Makbong’s remark.

“Yes, the master has done this.”

“Yes, fellow.”

“You seem to enjoy it, right?”

“Yes, I enjoy it.”

Makbong said while moving his waist forward and backward lightly.

The 21st century dance was seen in Bojewon.

Dolseok got angry and agitated once he saw the dance.

“Son of a bitch… Euk. Miss, please warn me before you put the needle.”

Dolseok could not say anymore because of the needle which was put into his vein.

He could not move at all because of the needle in his vein.

“Hey, I am extracting the blood. Be calm. Don’t move.”

“Yes, please do it slowly.”

“I am doing it slowly.”

“It seems that it is a lot quicker than the last time you drew the blood of Sir Ganghyuk.”

“No, no.”

“Yes, I am sure. You are doing it too quickly.”

Dolseok and Yeoju were disputing about the speed of blood collection. In the meantime, there was another fuss outside.

It was Dongpa.

“Oh, he collapsed.”

“He did not eat anything and discharged continuously. He might be unconscious”

“No one knows. Get him.”

“Him? Why?”

Makbong hesitated.

His face said that it would not matter even if Dongpa would die there.

Ganghyuk felt the same thing but he could not leave him there because of his vocational spirit.

“Get him. I will revive him.”

“Eh? Ok, sir.”

Makbong walked towards Dongpa.

Now there was no more patient who wanted to go to Dongpa’s side.

They could accept that he got the same disease and discharged a lot.

Although it looked funny, they could understand and there were some who still wanted to get his treatment.

But now, he collapsed.

It is not what they expected.

“Guh, odor…”

Makbong murmured as he took Dongpa with one hand.

Dongpa’s symptoms were very acute.

He had already discharged much on his trousers.


Makbong dragged him into the room grumbling.

When he was dragged into the room, the odor filled the room.

Ganghyuk grabbed his shoulder and tried to wake him up.

“Hey, Quack.”


“You had better come to me earlier. I cannot help it. Give me your arm.”


Thinking of collecting blood from Dongpa, Ganghyuk suddenly turned vibrant.

He was very tired just a few minutes ago, but his arms were full of vitality with the thought.

He could collect much blood in no time.

“Hey, Makbong.”

“Eh? Me?”

“Yes, give me your arm to me.”

“Ah… Do you want to give him my blood?”

Makbong gave Ganghyuk his arm with hesitation.

He collected some blood from Makbong and started the blood cross-reaction process.

Sometime later, Dolseok smiled.

“Oh, your blood did not coagulate with his.”

“Ah, gosh.”

“Ok, Makbong, lie down.”


“As I did it once, you should do it as well. It is what you told me some time ago.”

“Yes, I remember.”

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