Doctor Demon

Chapter 89 - Retaliation


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Jina met up with Yoonmin at the hospital where Soobin was admitted. Thankfully, Siwan was the on-duty doctor that night and he managed to patch her up before giving her the clearance to leave. Jina signed the discharge papers since Soobin was still a minor but they decided to keep Soobin at the hospital overnight.

Miyoo was sleeping next to Soobin in the ward so Jina and Yoonmin were at the cafeteria, discussing the events of the night.

"Rachel attacked your house?" Jina echoed. She was now very frustrated with the poltergeist which was ruining the lives of her siblings. Soobin was badly hurt and Miyoo could have been injured too. The latter thought scared Jina to no end and she was getting angrier at the poltergeist by the minute.

"Miyoo saw her," Yoonmin confirmed. "I think she went to attack Minyoon, thinking he would be there. But he went out with grandpa."

"Where are they?" Jina asked.

"They went to meet one of the old man's friends," Yoonmin stated, sipping on his coffee."Someone who knows a lot about poltergeists."

"This is so annoying!" Jina scowled. "Not only is her killer on loose but this crazy poltergeist is creating more ruckus!"

"Why doesn't she chase her killer?" Yoonmin frowned. "She should hate him the most!"

"She probably doesn't know who it is," Jina sighed. The cafeteria was mostly empty at that time of the night except for a handful of people. Jina ordered another cup of coffee and a meal for Yoonmin who had not eaten anything in the whole mess. 

"Are you okay, sis?" Yoonmin asked. "You're stressing yourself too much."

"I'm not okay," Jina mumbled. "I just can't seem to concentrate on anything! Every suspect I question, turns out to have a rock solid alibi."

Yoonmin did not reply but quietly listened to his sister rant her heart out.

"Just one clue," she went on. "Only one clue. That's all I need to reach the killer."

Yoonmin was about to say something when he spotted two figures walking towards them. Jina turned around to see Siwan and Hobin both heading their way. T

he brothers were wearing their white coats but they looked more like supermodels than doctors. Some of the nurses were giggling and blushing at them. Siwan did not seem to have noticed but Hobin winked at some of them which made Jina groan.

"What are you doing here?" Jina asked Hobin. 

"I heard that my protege got hurt so I came over to visit," Hobin shrugged as he took a seat.

"I informed him," Siwan told her. "He called me to check up on what I was doing. That's when I told him about Soobin."

"When did Soobin become your protege?" Yoonmin demanded, feeling a little irritated at the pretty boy.

"She's interested in psychiatry," Hobin slightly sneered. "So she's been helping me out during weekends to learn more about it. She just does the basic stuff like filing and keeping database records."

"Is that girl crazy?" Yoonmin exclaimed. "She's juggling school, waitressing, babysitting and also works at your office? That's slave labor!"

"Says a fifteen year old talent agency owner," Hobin said. 

"It's not unusual for girls her age to do several part time jobs," Siwan said but Jina was also frowning.

"Wait, this is strange," she pointed out. "Working and studying is fine, but this is insane. When does this girl get time to socialize? Or study? And isn't she living alone now? Where are her parents?"

"She said that they're out of town," Yoonmin replied. Hobin threw him a surprised look.

" guys didn't know that she was living alone?" he asked. Yoonmin now turned to him.

"You knew?" he demanded. 

"She told me when she started working with me," Hobin revealed. "And her parents aren't on a business trip. They were only living with her for the first few days when she moved here. Soobin moved to the city all by herself to study at Dalton High. It's the only school she applied to and was desperate to get in. Her parents couldn't afford the tuition fees so she works multiple jobs to support herself. They can't live here with her because they have their own jobs back in the countryside."

The others were looking at him in dismay. Jina leaned over and hit him on the head.

"Ow!" he exclaimed. "What was that for?"

"A teenager is living alone and you didn't tell us!" she scolded him. "What if something happens to her!"

"I thought it was normal in this country!" Hobin exclaimed. "I mean, your brothers are living away from your parents-"

"We live in our aunt's condo!" Yoonmin scowled. "Where we get 24x7 security! She lives in some shady neighborhood where murderers throw bodies in trashcans!"

"Hobin, not every country is like the UK where teenagers can live on their own!" Siwan sighed. 

He turned to Jina and Yoonmin to add, "I'm sorry. He still doesn't know the culture of this country well. If Soobin wants, she can move into our mansion. It's close to the school and there are many household staff there who can look after her."

"What about our mansion?" Yoonmin asked. "I can move back there and keep an eye on-"

"No!" the adults said in unison. 

"I think she should stay with bro," Hobin agreed. "I'll talk to her about this. And-"

The rest of his words were cut short by a nurse who came rushing to Siwan.

"Doctor Kang!" she gasped. "An emergency case just came up! A ten year old has been rushed into the hospital. He's bleeding badly! We'll also have to file a police report because he was hit on the head by the maid who was looking after him!"

Siwan immediately got to his feet and the others also stood up.

"I'll tend to him," he told them. "Talk to you later!"

He scurried off towards surgery. Jina, however, stopped the nurse.

"Tell me about the incident," she ordered. "I'm a cop."

She flashed her badge at the nurse. 

"Well, the boy was playing and the maid hit him on the head with a vase," the nurse narrated. "The boy's mother told me that apparently she scolded the maid a lot and she lost her cool which is why she hit the boy. That's all I know."

The nurse hurried off. Yoonmin shrugged but upon glancing at Jina and Hobin's faces, he frowned.

"What happened?" he asked.

But the duo were still, their heads hit with the same realization.

"The maid was scolded a lot…" Hobin whispered.

"So she hit the little boy in retaliation…" Jina said. They looked at each other, knowing very well what the other was thinking.

"What the hell is going on?" Yoonmin demanded. 

"The killer is a servant at the Song mansion!" Jina and Hobin exclaimed in unison.

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