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*Three Weeks Later*

"The little fairy cast her magic and freed the prince from his dungeon," Haeji read out loud. Hobin smiled and clapped.

"Very good!" he exclaimed. "See? You're not stuttering at every word anymore!"

Haeji giggled and flashed her lopsided tooth. After the culprits were caught Haeji's condition had improved a lot. After going through the traumatic experience of almost being buried alive, she was unconscious. But the second trauma also seemed to have snapped her out of her catatonic state and the moment she woke up, she made some grunting sounds as if trying to say something.

Over the next few weeks, Hobin worked to make her come out of the shell. Her new adoptive parents were kind people and had aided her in every way possible. They even moved her early to their home so that they could take better care of her. Thanks to the constant care, Haeji had recovered well enough and had begun to talk again.

"It's a miracle!" Haeji's new mother, Mrs. Kim, exclaimed. "I thought that we'd lost her forever."

"If treated with love and care, children can get over their traumas much more easily," Hobin explained. "It gets difficult to treat traumas when the memories are forcefully suppressed."

"It's all thanks to you, doctor," Mrs. Kim said gratefully. She was a king woman in her early forties with brunette hair. Her husband and she had been trying to conceive a child for years but failed so they decided to adopt. When they met Haeji, they were ecstatic and even bought a new house to raise the child. Upon hearing of Haeji's sudden trauma, they did not give up and continued the treatment.

The owner of the orphanage was ashamed of what his daughter-in-law did and cut ties with her. Aera, the murderer, and her accomplices were in the process of being tried. She tried her best to wiggle out of prison but the evidence was overwhelming. Wonho's body was exhumed from the underground room and the autopsy results were enough to seal their fate. Furthermore, her minions confessed to killing Wonho and Minki, implicating Aera even further. The skin tissues under Minki's nails matched with Aera's and she was going to face two consecutive life sentences if punished.

"She's brave," Hobin nodded at Haeji. 

"Will the treatment take longer, doctor?" Mrs. Kim inquired. 

"Well, she has improved a lot," Hobin stated. "And she's in a new environment now, so she's away from the place which gave her so much trauma. I'll cut back on the appointments to only twice a week but if you feel that she's having any problems, just let me know as soon as possible. And make sure she takes her medicines on time."

"Alright doctor," Mrs. Kim nodded. "We'll follow your treatment plan properly."

She turned to her daughter and said, "Say goodbye to the good doctor, Haeji."

Haeji did not respond but got off the chair and went around the table towards Hobin and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Goodbye doctor!" she said cheerfully. 

Hobin ruffled her hair. "Be good," he said. 

She nodded and followed her mother out of the cabin. Hobin leaned back, feeling elated that Haeji was finally getting better. 

Siwan peeked in to see if his brother was busy or not.

"You free?" he asked.

"My next patient will be late," Hobin said. "What is it?"

"Mom sent crab cakes," Siwan smirked and held up a bag of crab cakes which their mother, Doyoung, had sent for them.

"Woah!" Hobin exclaimed. He loved crab cakes especially the ones made by their mother. Siwan put the bag in front of him and sat on a chair. Hobin did not waste time and took out a box and sniffed it.

"Smells so good," he said, his mouth watering up. "I'll heat it."

He had a small microwave in his room. Putting the cakes on a plate, he turned on the microwave and set it up to heat the food.

"How's your police work going?" Siwan asked. "Got any new cases lately?"

"Haven't really looked into any new cases after the orphanage one," Hobin said. "I guess this place isn't as interesting as I thought it would be."

"You think crimes are interesting?" Siwan frowned.

"The criminal mindset is interesting," Hobin corrected his brother. "Unfortunately, I didn't find any interesting criminals yet. All of them were easy."

"They were easy coz you keep using your powers on them," Siwan pointed out. "If you can read their minds, then you can obviously tell who's the criminal."

Hobin thought about it for a while. "I guess you're right, bro," he nodded. "I really haven't challenged myself. Let's place a bet then…"

He grinned and leaned forward. "I'll not use my powers for the next case," he promised. "If I win, I get your convertible."

Siwan snorted. "Yeah right!" he claimed. "You can't stay without using your powers."

Even though Siwan was outwardly taunting Hobin, in reality, he was looking out for his little brother. He felt that the more Hobin used his powers, the more his little brother would become dependent on them. Hobin was a brilliant doctor on his own but Siwan wanted him to be even better and not rely on his abilities too much. For some reason, he felt that the more Hobin used his powers, the more danger he was going to be in.

It was a ridiculous notion but Siwan could not shake it off. Lately, he noticed that Hobin was a little too lost in his thoughts and was hiding many things. He was aware that Hobin had a greater purpose to come to this country and that was connected to Wang Taehee. If that was true, then Hobin was putting himself in peril, something which worried Siwan.

"I will prove it to you," Hobin vowed. "I can work without my powers."

The microwave pinged and Hobin took out the plate from it. He picked up a fork and put one cake in his mouth. 

"What's on the news today?" Siwan wondered and turned on the television in the cabin. Instantly, a news flash popped up.

"The body of the missing heiress, Song Rachel, has been found buried under her family mansion's basement," one reporter was stating. "She has been missing for the past three weeks and there were rumors of her running away. Her father is the famous pharmaceutical tycoon Song Yohan. He claims that he has been looking for his daughter but found no traces of her and is shocked to know that she was buried in his very own basement."

"Move!" A familiar voice yelled at the reporter. Jina appeared on the TV but she was focused on the body which was now being examined by the CSI.

"Song Yohan?" Siwan frowned. 

"You know him?" Hobin asked.

"His wife is one of mom's old friends," Siwan said. "The girl was just eighteen. Tragic."

Hobin leaned back on his chair and thought hard. "Brother, I think I found my next case," he slowly said.

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