Doctor Demon

Chapter 293 - Realization

Hobin sped to pick up Jina from their apartment. He was already dressed up in a dapper emerald suit with dark pants and a white vest. Even though it was a formal party, he opted for a semi-formal look to highlight his good looks. He wanted to look his best next to his Tinkerbell who was definitely going to turn a few heads that night. Hobin chuckled, recalling their conversation when he informed her about the party…

"What?" Jina had exclaimed over the phone. "A party?"

"Yeah," he replied. "It's more of a formal event which the Doctors' Association hosts every year. Prominent healthcare experts from all over the country attend it and I got an invitation. I get to bring a date too."

Jina squealed at the other end. She was suddenly excited because this was their first formal event as a couple.

"I'm gonna get a dress ready!" She insisted. "I'm so excited!"

"Speaking of the party…my brother needs a date too," Hobin realized. "I'll make him attend. Do you have any friends who might be interested?"

Jina thought for a while before snapping her fingers. "I got the perfect person!" She said. "I'll ask her."

"Is she pretty?"

"Why do you care? I'll kill you if you flirt with her!"

"I'm asking for my brother!"

"She is but you're not allowed to go near her!" Jina scolded him. Hobin suppressed a laugh. He was imagining her cheeks going red with jealousy and it was cute. 

I should make her jealous more often, he mused. 

"Don't worry, Tinkerbell. You're more than enough for me."

Jina smirked. "I know," she claimed. "No one can beat me when it comes to being awesome! You're lucky to have me, Ohm Hobin."

If only he could tell her that luck had nothing to do with it. If given the choice, he would keep on returning for her. 

Hobin was chuckling at the memory of his conversation with her. She was so excited and she did not even hide it. He knew that she must have worked hard on her look for the night and if he did not compliment her, she was going to give him the silent treatment.

But she's always beautiful in my eyes, he sighed. He pulled up in front of the house and got out of the car. Hobin was walking up the stairs when he saw the landlady, Mrs. Ahn, coming down the stairs. She was wearing a black dress and looked glum.

"What happened, Mrs. Ahn?" he asked, feeling concerned at her sad face. "Are you alright?"

"No," she admitted. "My…my longtime friend passed away. I'm going to her wake."

"I'm so sorry for your loss," Hobin told her. "Is there anything I can do? Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, it's okay," she said with a small smile. "It's just that she was a very good friend of mine. We used to go to school together. We even went to the same church. She was a lovely woman. After my husband passed away, she supported me a lot. I just wish I could've seen her one last time."

"How did this happen?"

"It was a hit and run," she replied. "A car hit her and she died on the spot this morning."

Hobin pitied the old woman. She was a sweet lady, always jolly with everyone. She even helped them to look after Miyoo when no one was available so it was hard to see someone like her look so sad and demure.

"If there's anything I can do, please do let me know," he insisted. 

"It's okay. I finished all my work here. You go ahead."

Mrs. Ahn slightly smiled at him and walked away. Hobin watched her leave, hoping that she could get over her grief. He turned away and headed towards Jina's apartment. Technically, it was also his apartment now. Since they were serious about their relationship, they kept on using each other's houses like free property. He mostly lived over at her place and was considering permanently moving in with her.

Should I ask her today? He wondered. Or would she think it'll be too soon?

Hobin was in a dilemma. He wanted to tell her that he was Shinho but he was unsure how she was going to take that news. What if she did not believe him? Or think that he was lying to her because he already read her memories of Shinho and could easily pose as him?

Deciding against revealing his other past life as Shinho, he knocked on Jina's door. 

"Just a minute!" Her voice came from inside. 

"I'm waiting!" He told her. Hobin lingered in the hallway, eagerly waiting for his girlfriend to come out. He was texting one of his acquaintances when the door to Jina's apartment opened. Hobin looked up from his phone and was stunned

Jina flicked her long hair which was let loose in soft curls. The peach colored floral dress she wore was off-shoulder with roses embroidered on the torso. It reached a little above her knees in a loose series of pink layers, revealing her smooth legs. 

Her pearly skin was shimmering with slight glitters and she wore simple makeup with wine red lipstick which highlighted her luscious lips. Her chocolate colored eyes twinkled upon seeing him as if she, too, was checking him out.

"I'm worried," Hobin said in a serious tone. Jina's smile flickered.

"Why?" She asked.

"I'll have to beat up the guys who will be staring at my beautiful girlfriend tonight!" he whined. "It's so hard to keep those pesky guys away from you."

Jina snickered.

"And I will have to keep some annoying girls away from you," she sighed. "Coz you look like a snack!"

"Yes but only you can eat it," he winked and before Jina could even blush in embarrassment, he swooped her into a long kiss. Jina gasped, his soft lips pressing against hers as he slowly deepened the kiss. She was also lost in the moment, kissing him back hungrily. He pushed her against the wall, not caring if anyone saw them.

"Hobin…" she murmured in between their kisses. 


"The party."

"Let's ditch it and go back inside."

Jina pushed him away and gave him a stern look. "No!" She said. "We have to go. This is our first event as a couple and I'm not missing out on it."

She was pouting so Hobin had no choice. 

"Fine!" he exclaimed. "We'll go."

"Yaii!" Jina happily exclaimed. "And as a reward…"

She whispered something in his ears which made his jaw drop open. "Are you serious?" he laughed. 

Jina nodded and bit her lower lip seductively. If she gave him that look, then how could a poor man like Hobin resist?

"Agreed!" He grinned. "But I must warn you, Tinkerbell. I take my dues very seriously. That too with interest."

"Good luck taking interest from a miser like me!" she winked again and pulled his hand. Hobin was amused by the challenge and let her pull him away. It was going to be a really good night for him.

"By the way, where's my brother's date?" he asked when they got into the car. "Should we pick her up?"

"She'll meet us at the party," Jina replied. "I already gave her Siwan's number. She'll call him."

Hobin shrugged and started the engine. He was terrible at setting people up on dates so he took Jina's help in finding Siwan a date. She had excellent taste in people so she would know a great girl as a date for Siwan.

"I just hope he attends," Hobin said. "Bro can be unpredictable at times."

"I think he will," Jina said. "He texted me where we were a while ago."

Hobin nodded and they drove off towards the party which was going to take place at a hotel.

Siwan got out of the car and buttoned his coat. He was wearing a sleek dark tuxedo with a bowtie. His dark hair was brushed back and his chiseled jawline was more prominent. The suit was well fitted to his lean body and he fixed his bow.

He was unwilling to attend the party but Hobin had insisted so much that he had to come. 

"Where are they?" he muttered.

The party was taking place at the Grand Rose, the most luxurious hotel in the country. It was one of Hwang Minho's many properties and was large enough to host thousands of guests at a time. Siwan walked into the grand ballroom which was glittering with hundreds of golden and silver lights. 

The guests had arrived and were mingling with each other. Some of them came over to Siwan and congratulated him on his recent surgeries and research papers which were all a success. He was smiling and talking to them while keeping an eye on the entrance for Hobin and Jina.

"Doctor Kang?"

A familiar voice called him and he turned around only to be momentarily breathless.

Jiwoon stood there in a black sequin gown which reached to her feet. The dress hugged her curves, showing off her slender figure and was full sleeved with small beads stitched along the neckline. Her short hair was brushed to the side, held together by a ruby studded hairpin. 

For a moment, Siwan forgot how to breathe. He knew that Jiwoon was pretty but for the first time, he realized how ethereal she was. Her cheeks were rosy with a soft tint of makeup blush and she looked younger than her years. She was looking at him with her innocent, cat shaped eyes as if she was very curious about something.

"Your bow is a little skewed," Jiwoon said, not noticing that he was completely speechless.

"Oh right!" Siwan realized but before he could fix it, Jiwoon stepped forward to do it for him. He gulped when she stood close to him, straightening his bow.

"All done," she smiled and smoothened the tie. Siwan cleared his throat.

"So, are you my-" he began but someone interrupted him.

"Jisoo!" Ilhoon came running towards her. Jiwoon turned to address him.

"I'm so sorry!" he apologized. "I got engrossed in the conversation with that neurosurgeon and when I turned around, I couldn't find you. I thought that you were gone!"

"I spotted Doctor Kang," she replied, pointing at Siwan. 

Siwan was confused before realization dawned on him.

"So…" he slowly began. "You are Mr. Kim's date?"

"Yes," Jiwoon revealed. "I came as Ilhoon's date."

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