Doctor Demon

Chapter 189 - Blue Hyacinths (13)

Jina was waiting for an answer from him. She was sure that Hobin never tasted her mother's cooking. They never even met and yet, he spoke of her as if he knew her very well.

"Yoonmin told me," he smoothly lied. "Also, seeing how your sister is nuts for crab cakes, it's obvious she eats them a lot at home. Am I right?"

He smirked at her. Jina rolled her eyes. He was right; Miyoo always ate up all the crab cakes whenever their mother made them.

"You are right," she nodded. "Now eat up!"


Hobin flashed her a naughty smile.. "Aren't you gonna feed this to your handsome hunk of a boyfriend yourself?" He teased her.

Jina blushed hard, gaping at him. "Eat it yourself!" she mumbled.

"How mean," Hobin lamented. "My girlfriend won't even feed me pancakes! And here I was, hoping that she'd be more romantic towards me…"

He peeked at her and was amused by her completely embarrassed face. How shameless!

"No!" Jina exclaimed stubbornly. Hobin's shoulders fell in disappointment but he had other ideas to tease his Tinkerbell. Jina took a bite from the pancakes on her plate.

"You have something there," Hobin said, pointing at her lips. Jina wiped them.

"Is it gone?" she asked him. 


Jina was about to wipe her lips again but he grabbed her hand. Before she could react, Hobin leaned forward and stole a kiss from her. She was surprised by the sudden lip lock, his tongue slightly brushing against her lips.

"It's gone now," he said in his sexy hoarse voice and winked at her. Jina was dazed by the moment, completely embarrassed. Hobin pinched her cheek and she pouted at him.

"That was mean!" She whined. 

"What? I was just wiping the syrup off your lips."

"With your own lips?"


Jina tried to playfully hit him but he grabbed her hand again and leaned over to kiss her again. This time, he did not stop at a simple peck but deepened the kiss, prying her lips open. Jina's brain stopped focusing on everything else and gently kissed him back, letting herself immerse in the moment. She softly moaned when he lightly bit her lower lip, making blood hum in her veins. He pulled her close, positioning her on his lap without breaking their kiss. The sounds of their passionate kisses echoed in the room and she giggled against his lips.

Finally, he let her go. Both of them were gasping for breaths, their chests heaving heavily.

"That was tasty," he winked. "I wonder what's for dessert-"

Jina pinched his arm.

"Nothing!" she claimed. "No dessert! We have work today."

"I don't mind dessert after dinner tonight," he said, feigning innocence. 


Jina tried to get off but Hobin kept a strong grasp on her and was not willing to let her go. He hugged her tight, breathing in her essence and realized how much he missed being with her. Ever since he regained his memories, he could not help wanting to stay with her all the time just like they used to. 

She giggled when he kissed her neck. 

"You're being really clingy," she smiled. "Why the sudden outburst of love?"

"Because I want to!" He smiled back. "And my hands are busy holding on to you so you'll have to feed me the pancakes."

"This was your plan all along?" she exclaimed. "You are such a-"

"Genius! I know."

Jina could not win against this guy at all! He only smiled at her shamelessly, waiting for her to feed him breakfast.

"Now be a good girlfriend and-"

Jina stuffed the whole pancake into his mouth, making him gag a little. Hobin coughed while Jina stuck out her tongue at him.

"Serves you right!"

Before Hobin could cause any more mischief, she slipped out of his arms and went back to her chair. He grumbled while she only laughed and they finished their breakfast in peace. 

"I'll put the plates away," Hobin said warily once they were done. He picked up the plates and put them in the sink. His phone rang up and Jina answered it.

"Doctor Ohm, this is Soobin!"

"Soobin? This is Jina. What happened? Why do you sound so panicked?"

Hobin turned around when he heard that Soobin was panicking over the phone. Jina was also worried by her tone as if something had happened. 

"Jina sis! Thank goodness you're there! There's been an incident with one of Doctor Ohm's patients!"

"Hold on, Soobin. I'm putting you on speaker!"

Jina pressed the speaker button and put the phone on the table for Hobin to hear as well. Soobin took a deep breath on the other end.

"Doctor Ohm's patient, Kim Yooseok, was found dead in his apartment," she revealed. 


Jina and Hobin rushed to Yooseok's apartment. The police were already there but the case was under a different precinct. Without the permission of the head detective, they could not enter the crime scene.

Jina sought out the detective in charge, Detective Yeon Li, who was talking to his colleagues.

The portly detective was in his forties with thin hair and was stern looking. He eyes Jina with suspicion.

"How can I help you?" he asked them.

"I'm Detective Hwang Jina," she told him. "And this is Doctor Ohm Hobin. He was treating Kim Yooseok for insomnia."

The two men shook their hands. 

"Yes, we came across his prescriptions," Li said. "He also recorded in his journal that he couldn't sleep for days."

"Can we see the state of the dead body?" Hobin asked. "I was his doctor and I might be able to give insights into his murder. I'm also a criminal profiler with the police."

Li was a little suspicious of them but after checking their badges he nodded. "Lemme warn you folks," he said. "You're not gonna like the state his body is in."

He motioned them to follow him to the bedroom where the body was being investigated by the CSI. 

"When did you meet him last, doctor?" Li asked.

"About two weeks ago," Hobin stated as they headed for the bedroom. "He came in for a second check up but he said that the insomnia was not gone. I referred him to a massage therapist and also to take a week off work. He was supposed to come in today for another session."


Li opened the bedroom door and revealed the situation behind it. Jina and Hobin were completely shocked by the state of the room. A strong, pungent scent hit their nostrils.

"This…" Hobin began. They stared at the walls which were filled with the symbol of a star and cross in a circle. Every inch of the walls was drawn with it, even the ceiling. 

Yooseok's body lay on the bed, completely thin and dehydrated. His skin had sunk and his dead eyes were staring up. The body had entered rigor mortis and judging by the stink, he had been dead for days. He had lost a lot of weight to the point his bones were visible. Maggots had already eaten parts of his stomach, crawling in and out of it.

All of them covered their noses as they examined the body.

"How did he die?" Hobin asked. 

"I can't be sure but it seems that he starved himself to death," Li winced. "We found that his fridge was stocked but the food was rotten. He did not eat anything for days and just lay here until he died."

Jina was also studying the body. The presence of the symbol meant that this man was related to their couple murders' case…

"I'll have to call my team here," Jina told Li. "The symbols on the wall are related to a case we're working on."

"But this is under our jurisdiction!" Lil protested. "We can't let you take our case!"

"You can take it up with the Commissioner and report to him on why you interfered with the investigation of a serial killing case," Jina said warily. Li was silenced and Jina took the opportunity to call her team over. 

"Where did this guy work?" Jina asked Li. "Maybe we can ask his colleagues about why he might have been so depressed?"

"He worked for Cho Industries," Li stated. "The steel tycoon."

While Jina was talking to the cops, Hobin was flipping through Yooseok's diary. It was more about his work life than his personal thoughts. He was about to shut it close when he came across a page which had only one phrase written all over it.

"Oi, Tinkerbell," he muttered to Jina. "Look at this."

Jina took the diary and read the phrase. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Son of a bitch!" she cursed. "He wrote just one name here."

Hobin nodded. "Ming Jisoo," he said. "Our demon friend is after Ming Jisoo."

"But why? Why is he after her?" Jina whispered. "And where is she now?"

"Wherever she is, she better hope that the demon never catches her," Hobin said in a grim tone. "Otherwise she'll face the same fate as the women in the other murders."

Just then, Jina's phone rang. It was Jiwoon.

"Yes, Jiwoon!" She said. "Where are you guys?"

"Dahoon and Woohee are heading over there," Jiwoon informed her. "I'll have to take Chanmi and Jaebum with me elsewhere."

"Why aren't you guys coming?"

"There's been another murder," Jiwoon revealed. "A woman was raped and murdered in her house by our killer."

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