Doctor Demon

Chapter 122 - The Cursed Painting (3)


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"Are you sure we should be here?" Junho whispered. Hobin had driven them to the apartment where the Park's had died. He collected the address from the internet and wasted no time. Junho was skeptical because it was still a crime scene. 

Even though the police have left, it was still kept sealed and he did not want to tamper anything. But in order to check if there was a demon or spirit involved, Junho must do the initial investigation within the first 24 hours. Otherwise, they might lose the demon's trail.

Moreover, there were chances that the demon might remain in the apartment even after the family members died. 

"Take off your shoes," Hobin instructed. "You're wearing double socks like I told you to?"

"Yes," Junho replied. He took off his shoes outside the apartment. Hobin did the same and both of them put on their gloves. There were no policemen around and the door was locked. But Hobin used his badge to convince the caretaker to give them the spare keys. He unlocked the door and slowly entered the apartment.

It was a small, three bedroom apartment fit for an urban family. The walls were painted a dull white color but adorned with several abstract paintings, some of which were smeared with blood. Hobin took pictures of the artworks for future references. On the floor was a silhouette of a body drawn with white chalk. There were some stains on the floor as well which felt strange to him.

"The neighbors didn't hear any noise but there was definitely a lot of struggle here," Junho muttered. He was observing a blood trail which traced back to the master bedroom. Hobin stepped towards a medium sized bedroom in a corner which belonged to the older sisters of Park Jongwha. There were two beds on each side and the walls were a light pink color. A long closet sat at the end of the room with two identical desks on the other end.

"Do you see the painting?" Junho asked.

"Nope," Hobin replied. The bedsheets were probably taken to the lab because they were barren.

"Let's check the master bedroom," Junho suggested. They climbed up a narrow strip of stairs which led to the master bedroom. Upon opening it, they found that everything was neat and tidy in there except for a similar white chalk silhouette on the floor. The bedsheets were taken away along with the curtains. CSI must have put some chemicals on the walls to cover the blood stains because Hobin could sniff the hints of peroxide and chlorine.

"The painting isn't here either," he frowned. 

"Hold this for me," Junho said, handing him a black backpack. Hobin watched as the old man took out a small remote-like object which had the patterns of rainbows on it. 

"What's that?" Hobin asked.

"An EMF sensor," Junho explained. "It helps us sense the EMF activities. Turn off your cellphone and any other electronic device you might have."

"Does this thing even work?" Hobin asked, feeling skeptical. "It can go off at the slightest network! Even a minor spark of electricity can trigger this!"

"The electricity in this place has been turned off," Junho pointed out. "I asked the caretaker downstairs and she told me. Which is why, this sensor can help us detect if a demonic activity truly took place here. If it did, then we'll be able to deduce that there's been a demonic possession. Turn off that damn phone of yours!"

The sensor in his hand was beginning to move so Hobin switched off his cellphone. Junho held the sensor up to detect unusual activities.

"If the sensor ranges between Violet and Green," he said. "It means the EMF activity here is normal. But once it crosses the yellow mark, it means that there's been spirit activity. However, if it goes to red, then we'll be certain there is or was a demonic presence here."

"What makes the sensor go red?"

"The presence of sulphur," Junho revealed. "I tweaked this particular sensor with the help of my shaman friends. The presence of pure sulphur can trigger it."

He was now running the sensor over the walls, careful not to touch anything. The meter hovered between violet and blue, indicating there was no demonic presence. 

"Let's go back downstairs," Junho finally said. They climbed down the stairs, with Junho still brandishing the sensor before him. There was no change in the sensor in the daughters' room either.

"Only one bedroom left," Junho muttered. "The son's one."

"It's there," Hobin said, pointing at a room next to the kitchen. They slowly opened the door.

The boy was a fan of football. Posters of famous football players were hung on the walls. His bed was the same size as the girls' one and it, too, was empty. The drawing of the silhouette was on the floor with bloodstains around the head. 

"The sensor is acting up!" Junho warned. "Is your phone off?"

"It is."

Junho held out the sensor which was now moving past the green shade. They watched as it kept on moving towards yellow.

"I think there was something here," Junho stated, running the sensor over the walls. It hovered between yellow and orange until Junho moved his hand towards the silhouette on the floor.


Both men froze. The sensor was now turning red. Junho brought it closer to the chalk drawing of Jongwha's body. 

"There's sulphur lingering in this area," Junho stated. "Pure sulphur usually has no smell but the demons leave a rotten egg-like stench. I can sniff some of it."

He was right; Hobin also caught a mild scent of rotten eggs which was a characteristic of sulphur.

"That explains why we couldn't catch the killer all those years ago-"

He broke off when they heard the front door open.

"Someone's here!" Junho hissed. "Let's hi-"

"Don't move!" A familiar voice cried out, making the men frown.



Jina's face appeared at the doorway. She had a gun in her hands which she immediately put away upon seeing them.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" she demanded. "This is a crime scene! You can't be here, old man!"

"Actually," Hobin began. "I brought him here."


"We're investigating a demonic possession," Junho revealed.

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