"He has been so sticky to you since he was a kid. I guess he truly can sense a good heart," Dorothea said. "Unlike me."

Chloe turned meek again as she kept being praised by Dorothea. She wasn't used to getting any genuine compliments, so her feeling of pride and joy was a little weird.

Dorothea sighed, "Wish I would've realized this sooner, so you don't need to suffer with Vincent."

"D—Don't blame yourself, Dorothea. It's a choice I made to marry him back then," Chloe said. "Anyway, I'm also wondering about one thing."

"Hm? What is it?"

"I wonder how did you discovered my relationship with Vernon?" Chloe asked. "I've been wanting to ask that since yesterday actually, but your condition was so concerning, so I kept it to myself."

"Do you really want to know?" Dorothea asked.

"Is it information I'm not supposed to know?" Chloe asked back.

"No, it's fine. I can tell you," Dorothea said. "I'm just a bit nervous because this woman who told me about you and Vernon… she is poisonous, and Vernon knows about her."

That last sentence caught Chloe's attention immediately. She knew that Vernon had a lot of flings outside before they reunited, but she never thought that Vernon would tell anyone about Chloe and Mackie.

Either this woman was very special to her, or Vernon had a moment of blunder.

"Please tell me," Chloe said while staring at Dorothea.

Dorothea sighed, "She is my—"

Knock. Knock.

Dorothea zipped her mouth instantly when she heard the knock on the door.

Dorothea and Chloe simultaneously turned their necks towards the door and side-eyed each other.

"Did you order something?" Chloe asked.

"I don't think so," Dorothea replied.

Knock. Knock.

"Room Service!"

The voice of a young man from outside gave a massive relief to both Dorothea and Chloe.

"Phew, I thought it's Vernon," Chloe said. "If that's really him, then we're fucked, like absolutely fucked."

Dorothea chuckled. It was good humor because it was true.

If Vernon discovered that Dorothea was staying here, complete with Chloe, who had been visiting her behind his back, then both of them were absolutely screwed.

Knock. Knock.

"Room Service!"

"Alright, let me tell him to go," Dorothea said. She tried to get up from the sofa, but Chloe quickly got up first.

"Let me do it. I'll just tell him that you don't need room service," Chloe said.

"Thank you."

Dorothea sat back as Chloe walked to the door. She didn't check through the peephole because she thought it wasn't important since it was just room service.


Chloe unlocked the door and opened the door slightly. She peeked from the gap and said, "We don't need—"

Chloe saw a scared young man, probably around nineteen years old, wearing the standard janitor uniform. He stood in front of the door, his body was trembling from head to toe, and his face was ghastly pale out of fear.

Chloe soon noticed a man standing right behind the young man.

He had a big frame, his palms were bloodied for some reason, and he wore an expensive work suit that had been disheveled.

Since the man was tall, Chloe's eyes followed his height until her eyes met his.

The man smirked while staring at her as if she was a random roadkill at the side of the road.

"What are you doing here, love?" Vernon asked.

Chloe gasped. She tried to slam the door shut, but Vernon used one hand to stop the door from closing. He chuckled and looked down at the janitor, "You can go now."

"Y—YES, SIR!" The young man quickly scurried out of the corridor because he believed there'd be a bloody scene soon, and nobody dared to stop Mr. Phoenix Gray from doing so.

Chloe tried to push the door out of reflex. Vernon looked so terrifying that her first reaction was to flee and hide.

There was no way he'd forgive her after this.

"C—Chloe? What's wrong?"

Chloe looked over her shoulder while she tried holding the door with her shoulder. Dorothea was confused and about to approach Chloe to check, but Chloe shook her head frantically.

She mouthed, 'HIDE' without making a sound, and then 'VERNON' to signal her who the man was.

Dorothea's eyes widened, and her feet felt weak instantly. She leaned on the wall to support herself. She wasn't ready to face her second son because the timing was absolutely terrible, and there was bound to be a lot of misunderstanding after this.

They got discovered, and this was the end of her.

Fear started to take over Dorothea's body, and she started hyperventilating.

Chloe also panicked and tried to instruct in a low voice, 'Hide! Hide!'

"I heard that, honey," Vernon responded. His smirk grew wider as his heart kept on getting crushed every second.

He kept trying to deny it repeatedly as he walked through the corridor. He wished it was just a big fat misunderstanding and he was just overthinking, because he still believed that Chloe wasn't that kind of woman.

Sadly, the truth was out.

His beloved woman cheated on him, and there was no denying it.

"Why are you trying to hide your guest? I want to have a talk, heheh…." Vernon taunted his desperate lover.

He could push this door easily, no matter how hard Chloe tried to hold it. But he wanted to know to what extent Chloe wanted to protect that bastard.

Chloe started getting desperate, so she yelled, "HIDE!"

Chloe's voice snapped Dorothea out of her daze. She was still panicking, but when she saw her daughter-in-law trying her hardest to hold her second son, Dorothea's instinct was to help Chloe shut the door.

"HIDE!!" Chloe yelled again as she realized that Dorothea was about to help her.

Dorothea was startled by Chloe shouting at her. She hesitated for a moment before rushing to the bedroom and locking it from inside.

"Hmm? Is he hiding for real? Heh, what a useless bastard," Vernon mocked

'He?' Chloe was confused for a second.

Who was this 'he' Vernon mentioned just now? Because for sure there was no man in here.

"Since he's hiding like a cornered rat, then I'll treat him as such," Vernon said as he started pushing the door open.

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