"Bored?" Vernon's frown got even deeper, his eyebrows scrunched together until they almost formed a straight line. He was about to say, 'that's bullshit,' but Mackie was with him, so he had to refrain from cursing.

He wasn't satisfied with that answer, but Mackie was just a kid, so she would believe all her mother's lies.

'Where did she go? There's no way she can drive with only one hand,' Vernon thought. He didn't want to have any kind of suspicion to Chloe. But he couldn't help it, especially when he knew that Chloe's life was always in danger.

'I'll ask her later,' he thought.

Chloe finished taking a bath and walked to the stair. She heard the sound of plates and metal utensils clanking and also the giggle of her daughter.

Her lips curled up as she realized that Vernon must've come home earlier today, 'That's good, he really needs some rest,' she thought.

Chloe went up, and her curled-up lips bloomed into a gentle smile when she saw Mackie and Vernon eating dinner together.

She joined and ate with them without hesitation. As her connection with her new family improved each day, she regained some of her appetite. Thus, she didn't need Vernon to coax her to eat anymore, though she still ate a small portion each time.

Vernon glanced at Chloe, who was eating without any problem. He lived with Chloe long enough to know that she would lose all of her appetites whenever she was stressed out and would regain them when she was happy and relaxed.

'She doesn't seem to be nervous,' Vernon thought. 'Does that mean she didn't get into any trouble today? But what about the four hours' disappearance? Is it really just her walking around the apartment because she was bored? I found that weird.'

-n0ve1、com There was a lot of suspicion in Vernon's heart, but he kept it all until dinner ended.

"Mommy, will you tell Uncle about it?" Mackie opened the conversation.

"About what?" Vernon interrupted. "Tell me."

Chloe and Mackie looked at each other and giggled at the same time. They thought it was funny, not knowing that Vernon's mind was running wild.

There were so many theories— even the illogical ones because he was driven by fear. The fear that Chloe and Mackie reconciled with Vincent somehow and would leave him alone.

That was the worst nightmare that could happen, and he would do anything to prevent that from happening, even if he had to abandon his long plan and kill that bastard right now.

But his fear was proven to be false.

Because Chloe smiled at him and said, "We had a talk before, I asked Mackie if she wants to transfer to another school since the current school is not… uhm… not proper for her study, and she said yes."

"Wha-?!" Vernon stood up from his seat and darted his eyes at Mackie. "Is that true?"

"Un!" Mackie nodded happily. "I want to change school, so the bullies won't find Mackie and Mommy anymore!"

"That's amazing!" Vernon's eyes were glimmering with hope. All his suspicion and fear vanished instantly as he finally got good news from Mackie and Chloe.

"She doesn't mind getting transferred as soon as possible," Chloe said. "So, if you don't mind..." Chloe let her words hang as she wanted an answer from Vernon.

She was worried that Vernon might be too busy, so he couldn't help Mackie transfer.

"Are you kidding? Of course, I'll help!" Vernon answered. He tapped his chest proudly as he volunteered, "In fact, I will be the one who finds the safest and best school for Mackie, so you two don't need to worry about a thing!"

"Yay! Uncle is the best!"

The atmosphere became so much better after that. Vernon ate his dinner with relish while they chatted about random stuff, of course in moderation, as Mackie was still there.

After they were done with dinner, Vernon asked, "Mackie, can you go to your room first? I have to talk with your Mommy about your transfer."

"Un! I'm also sleepy," Mackie jumped from the seat and walked to the stairs. She turned her head, looked at Uncle and Mommy, and grinned from ear to ear, "Mommy, tell me if Uncle bullied you again with a big police stick tonight, okay? Mackie will beat him!"

"M—Mackie—" Chloe's cheeks reddened instantly. Mackie was still too young to understand what Chloe and Vernon were doing privately, but that only made this even more embarrassing.

Mackie went downstairs without looking back and giggled along the way.

"Geez, that kid," Chloe complained. She glanced at Vernon, and her rosy cheeks turned rosier as she started to fidget uncomfortably. "Um… don't listen to her. She's too young to understand."

Vernon raised one brow and teased, "What if I actually want to bully you with a Big police stick today? Are you willing?"

Chloe lowered her head as she couldn't handle the shame.

No, she wasn't ashamed of the question. They had done it a few times, and she'd love to have some fun with Vernon.

She was more ashamed of the fact that she was actually willing— no, very eager to play with that big police stick again. She felt lecherous.

"W—Well, if you insist…." Chloe murmured.

"Fuck—" Vernon cursed as his trousers got tighter instantly. He was teasing Chloe, but her willingness was like a dopamine rush. His instinct told him to pounce on Chloe and eat her clean. That would be the best dessert he could get.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. He wanted to do it, but they had to address the most important thing first.

"We can do that later," Vernon said. "We have to talk about Mackie's transfer."

"Ah, yeah," Chloe straightened her back and raised her head to look at Vernon. "Um, just like what I said before. I asked Mackie if she wants to find another school, and she said yes."

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