Dorothea's plan was ingenious. It might not create a big controversy in public. But it was enough to make at least a few days trending, or maybe a whole week, and that would be hell for Vincent's PR team to handle because people must've thought the ever-so-charitable Mr. Vincent Gray had become stingy.

Or maybe there was a problem within his company, so he couldn't pay those scholarships on time. All those rumors were beneficial for Vernon!

Vincent would definitely get busied by this problem. He would become sloppy handling other businesses, making it easy for Vernon to infiltrate Vincent's company and start doing his stuff.

Though, there was one more concern lingering in Chloe's mind;

"What is it now, Chloe?" Dorothea asked. "Your face said that you're still worried about something. You shouldn't worry, I control most of Vincent's charitable works."

"Well, I'm worried about you," Chloe sighed. "You proposed this kind of amazing idea. But it will harm you. With your current position, wouldn't Vincent find out about your doing very quickly? I don't think we can do this if it'll harm you, Dorothea."

Dorothea had a mysterious smile as she listened to Chloe's worry. It was adorable. Chloe could've just said yes and never mentioned Dorothea's well-being.

After all, this plan was proposed by Dorothea herself, so she would take the full risk and responsibility had she got discovered by Vincent, and she would never tell him about Chloe.

But her concern only showed that Chloe was selfless, a trait that was not present in any of the Gray family and everyone around Dorothea.

"Don't worry about that," Dorothea said lightly. "I already have a plan to 'mess' with the bureau. It will disrupt the money flow, and I can use my depression and old age as an act so I cannot act swiftly. It is a low risk job for me."

Chloe was stunned by Dorothea's shrewd plan. Despite her old age, she retained her cunning nature and sharp wits.

'I wonder if Vernon inherited most of his nature from Dorothea,' Chloe wondered.

Honestly, she was still unsure if this plan wouldn't backfire. She was always worried that everything around her would go wrong, and she was scared that something bad might happen to Dorothea.

But at the same time, she believed that she needed to push herself out of that box of fear and worry, or else she would never be able to help Vernon with his dangerous mission.

Thus, Chloe wrapped Dorothea's hand with her left hand and squeezed it tightly, "Dorothea, thank you for helping me and Vernon. I can't tell him about this yet, but I will try my best to make him understand. That's the best I can do."

"Haha, you don't really need to do anything for me," Dorothea said. "I'm doing this to help myself. I want to make things right."

"I know, but... I feel so guilty if I don't do anything to repay you...."

"Well..." Dorothea paused for a moment. She took a few quick glances around the room and nodded, "You can always visit me here, I'd love to have company."

"W--Well, I can start doing that once Mackie returns to school after her full week break...." Chloe said. "But I usually have nothing to do since my right hand is basically useless for at least two months to come...."

"Great, I'll stay here for about two months before I have to return to the Gray mansion for a week. Then I can stay for another month or two here."

"Won't it be suspicious for those in the Gray mansion?" Chloe asked out of concern.

"Oh, worry not, I can always say that I'm going on a long trip around the world to heal. Knowing my mental health, they'll probably think that I'm going to kill myself in one of those countries I visited," Dorothea replied.

"I won't let you do that!" Chloe said seriously. She squeezed Dorothea's hand tighter. "I know you can go through this. I will keep asking you everyday, making sure that you won't have too many bad thoughts!"

Dorothea smiled. She also reciprocated Chloe's gesture by squeezing Chloe's hand as well.

They were like two withering trees, with their twigs chopped, their trunks scarred, and slowly getting uprooted.

But they found the strength to stand together by entangling themselves, as they were experiencing the same thing.

"I suppose I can find my peace from now on," Dorothea said. "Now, I have one thing to ask, Chloe."


"Mackie," Dorothea mentioned her beloved granddaughter's name. "How's she doing? Is she doing well?"

"Ah, she's doing great," Chloe had a proud grin as she talked about Mackie. "She's doing well in her study, and she's happier now since she has a father figure she can talk to every morning and evening."

A smile full of relief bloomed on Dorothea's face. She was so relieved that her beloved granddaughter was alright.

"I really want to meet her," Dorothea sighed. "But I can't, and probably for a long time. Mackie is a chatterbox. She's loud and proud. If you bring her here, she will spill it to Vernon, right?"

"Right..." Chloe thought the situation was unfortunate. Though her relationship with Dorothea was terrible back then, she still wouldn't deny that Dorothea loved Mackie so much. She was always sober and well-dressed whenever Mackie was around, giving the impression of a fancy grandma.

She also taught Mackie many table manners since she was so young and also a few proper etiquette that only the old money knew how to do, something that Chloe couldn't teach Mackie.

She was a good grandma to Mackie, which was quite ironic since she was such a terrible mother to her sons.

"It's fine," Dorothea smiled. "I miss Mackie, but I don't want to ruin a good situation between you and Vernon."

"Sorry..." Chloe apologized for being unhelpful. She was about to shift the topic so the mood wouldn't be so somber.

That was until she remembered one thing.

Her eyes widened, and she quickly took her phone out of her pocket and opened the phone gallery, finding one particular video, "Dorothea, I want to show you something."

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