"I have an idea."

"And what'd it be?"

Vernon slid the document towards Diamond and said, "This is the contract for the 35% share that he promised. If I sign this, I basically co-own that company with him."

-n0ve1、com I know that he must've set up a trap with me. I don't know what kind, but I don't want him to get control over me or use this as an opportunity to make me obey him. After all, he's a power-tripping asshole," he added.

"So, what do you want to do, Sir? Do you want to just refuse to sign this and ask for a regular payment for your job instead?" Diamond asked. "Though, it'd be a waste if you just want money as your payment, you should ask for something more."

"I will not pass this up, but I plan to save my ass and also... teach him a lesson," Vernon grinned. He got the idea when his Big bro kept being a racist ass and saw Diamond as a piece of meat he could buy with money. "But this will involve you, Diamond. I need your help in this."

"Me?!" Diamond's eyes widened. She quickly shook her head and took a step back. "Ain't no way-- nah, no, Sir. I'd rather not deal with him and his creepy ass! Eww!"

"Really? Don't you want to teach him a bit of humility too? I actually want you to take part, and you will get A LOT of money, probably more than your time working with me for at least two years," Vernon tried to convince her.

"Money is NOT the problem, Sir," Diamond retorted. "I'd rather earn money from my salary here rather than killing myself against him."

Vernon understood Diamond's reluctance and fear, though nobody wanted to deal with Vincent, especially knowing he could mess anyone's life up at any point just because he felt like it.

But he really needed her contribution here, "I will guarantee-- with my name-- that you will be safe in this. I just need your name and we can proceed."

Diamond saw the seriousness in her boss' eyes. He seemed to be sure he could protect Diamond, even though Diamond was convinced that Vincent would fuck her up, literally and figuratively speaking.

She chewed her lower lip and brought her hands to her chest. She clasped her elbows with her hands before nodding, "Fine, I will take your promise, Sir. I will do whatever you want me to, but remember, I am not kind. If you dare to put me into some crazy shit, I will rope you in and fuck your life too. Deal?"


Vernon agreed without much question. Though both of them knew that Diamond was just saying an empty threat, he should acknowledge her nervousness and had to try her best to keep her safe.

"So, what's the plan all about," Diamond returned to the topic. She wouldn't lie that she was also curious about what her boss would do next.

Vernon smiled thinly and pointed at a spot beside his chair, signaling Diamond to come near him.

Diamond walked around the desk and stood beside her boss. She leaned as she was ready to listen to the whisper.

Vernon smirked and whispered his plan to her ears.

Diamond's expression changed from curiosity to shock and then assurance. After Vernon whispered his plan, Diamond had no fear in her anymore, "That is a great plan, Sir. You should've just told me sooner. You scared the shit out of me."

"Heh, I was just testing whether you have faith in me or not."

"Well, I might be loyal to you for now. But aint no way I'm jumping to a wolf den without a plan," Diamond rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I'll go and make another contract between us, with that new one, I will be able to get connected with this deal."

"Mhm, with this, you and I will benefit, Diamond. Don't worry, you can take all the profits for yourself. I just want to put my name there symbolically," Vernon said. He grabbed the shareholder contract and signed it without much thought before handing it to Diamond.

"Understood, Sir," Diamond accepted the file and left the office.

Now Vernon was alone. He felt more relaxed as the biggest obstacle in his mind had been lifted, thanks to Chloe.

'If I hadn't asked her yesterday, I'd simply say no to the offer, and Vincent would not be pleased,' Vernon thought. 'She is right. He might not want to ruin my life, but he wants to pressure me to be his pet. He just wants control over everything, especially people that are close to him. So I have to play according to his rules.'

Vernon had to admit that he underestimated Chloe a lot. He always thought that Chloe was just a housewife, so she was better left doing housewife duty and didn't need to know about the company's affair.

But she was intelligent and neutral in her opinion. Despite her fear and hatred against Vincent, she gave him the correct information that Vincent saw him as his treasured Little bro.

"Well, now I miss her," Vernon said out loud. He picked up his phone from his pocket and checked the contact. He already changed Chloe's name from Chloe Gray to;

Chloe Phoenix Gray.

He knew it'd take a while to realize his dream, but a little wishful thinking wouldn't hurt, right?

"Should I call her?" Vernon asked himself. His thumb hovered above the call button, ready to call her and surely-- listening to her voice would cleanse all the bad energy that seeped in when he talked with Vincent, especially when he had to pretend that he didn't see Chloe as the most beautiful woman he ever met.

That was a lie, she was indeed the most beautiful, and his opinion never changed even after ten years.

"I know that I have to be more strict, especially after our fight this morning, but... ugh, fuck it! I'll just say it quick and hang up immediately."

Thus, Vernon took decisive action and pressed the green call button.

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