Chloe thought Vernon was just trying to sympathize, even if he couldn't understand her struggle, which she appreciated greatly. Nobody ever sympathized with her since she was the wife of a billionaire, so her life would always be great by default.

'It's nice that he's trying to sympathize, but this is supposed to be a good time for us,' Chloe thought. So she smiled and said, "Sorry that I can't give you a clear answer to your question. But rest assured, I will never return to him, and I won't give him a second chance."

"Whether I will fall in love with anyone after him—" Chloe paused for a moment, letting the fact that Vernon might be the next man she'd fall in love with if this relationship between them continued to develop. It was quite weird, yet fascinating at the same time. Because she didn't expect herself to think about falling in love again, and now here she was, opening her heart to her ex-husband's little brother. "—You will be the first one to know."

Vernon saw that as an opening for him. She might've been too traumatized to fall in love again. But Vernon would not give up, not when he was so sure about her, "Sounds like I have work to do," Vernon grinned. "Not that I complain, I don't mind chasing you for the rest of my life."

Chloe gasped. They had been hinting at each other for so long, but never once did they make it obvious that something more than a 'familial bond' was growing between them.

"Vernon, you—"


Vernon didn't give her a chance to speak. He gave her lips a little peck and left her stunned as he shifted the gear and drove through the city again.

Vernon had a permanent grin on his lips. He was satisfied with the result of the night.

True, they had an argument, and Vernon panicked when he imagined Chloe would leave him stranded.

'But at least I get to say what I've been trying to say this whole time—' Vernon glanced at Chloe, who was still staring at him with gaping mouth and wide eyes, still trying to process what just happened. '—That I will do everything to make her fall in love again, and she will love none other than me.'

Vernon decided to return home after a long trip with Chloe around New York. It was already past midnight once they arrived at the penthouse door.

Vernon was carrying Mackie on his back while unlocking the door with his fingerprint. He tried not to make too much noise or movement because Mackie woke up briefly when Vernon lifted her up.

Chloe was a little guilty because she couldn't carry Mackie due to her injuries, "Vernon, you can just put Mackie on the sofa. I will sleep there with her, then u should probably take a warm bath and go to sleep."

"No, she needs to sleep in her bed," Vernon insisted. He walked downstairs to the kitchen, with Chloe following from behind.

"Where's her room?" Vernon asked.

Chloe pointed at one door and led them to the little girl's room. The room was dark, so they had to tiptoe to ensure they didn't accidentally step on one of Mackie's toys scattered on the floor.

Vernon gently put Mackie on the bed.

"Good night, little wolf," Vernon murmured before tucking her into the warm blanket.

He was about to leave with Chloe when they heard Mackie's grumbling before waking up.

"Mmm…" Mackie rubbed her eyes a few times. She was half asleep. The food she ate tonight really made her sluggish. She didn't know where she was, but it seemed to be her bed, and two people were staring at her. Her instinct helped her recognize her Mommy instantly, but she couldn't recognize the man beside her.

So she just mumbled…

"Mm… night, Mommy… Daddy…" Mackie closed her eyes and fell asleep once more.

Chloe and Vernon stared at Mackie for a good minute before they looked at each other. It was dark, but Chloe noticed that Vernon was still holding his tears.

Vernon was feeling all sorts of emotions right now, mostly the feeling of warmth inside his heart.

He never wanted to be a father. He was afraid he'd turn just like his late father, who was a total asshole.

But his heart quivered when Mackie called him Daddy, whether she meant it or not. It was a wonderful feeling that he never knew existed deep inside him.

'Shit, I might actually cry,' Vernon quickly turned away before Chloe noticed his tears, "You should go to sleep too, Chloe. You must've been tired."

Vernon left Chloe and returned upstairs. He didn't let Chloe say a thing, nor brush the topic about what he said back in the car.

Chloe stared at the door where Vernon exited just now, then at her daughter, who was sleeping peacefully.

She shook her head, unable to understand her feelings, "He is too good. I'm afraid I might fall in love way too soon, and it won't be love. It's just desperation to satiate my craving for love."

Vernon closed his bedroom door and went to the bathroom for a quick warm shower. He closed his eyes as he let the water stream from the top of his head, trickling down to around his muscular body before going down to the drain.

He recalled all the good things that happened today, from taking Chloe and Mackie to a restaurant and then taking them to watch a movie.

He told Chloe it was just him trying to celebrate Mackie's successful play— which wasn't wrong. He was pleased about Mackie's achievement.

But it wasn't the only reason why he took them out.

He knew that Chloe would refuse if he wanted to take her on a date like a normal soon-to-be couple, whether a restaurant or a movie date.

So Mackie's celebration was a perfect reason for him to take Chloe on a 'date.'

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