"A gift?!" Mackie's eyes glimmered with both hope and excitement. She never had a gift prepared for her before.

Of course, she always got an occasional gift from Mommy and sometimes, Daddy. However, Daddy never put it as a surprise.

Daddy would usually bring her to a toy store and then allow her to pick one thing before they returned home. That only happened a handful of times in Mackie's seven years of age.

Daddy was always busy, and Mommy always told her not to disturb Daddy because he was working.

"What gift, Uncle? Tell me!" Mackie demanded.

"That won't be a surprise if I tell you now," Vernon smiled. He got from the chair and helped Chloe to get up before looking at Mackie, "Let's go, we're going to get your gift."


Mackie jumped from the chair and followed Uncle and Mommy to leave the restaurant. They were stopped by Carlos on their way out, and Carlos bowed his head respectfully at Chloe, "Enjoying your meal, Miss?"

"Ah— Uhm… yes, they are all tasty…" Chloe replied bashfully. She wasn't used to being flirted with by a man like this, especially when that man was obviously younger than her.

Vernon got territorial in an instant. He stood right between Carlos and Chloe, then looked down at his friend, who was bowing respectfully at his woman.

Vernon crossed his arms, "This is the last warning, Carlos," his voice was magnanimous but contained a threat in it, "I will not honor our friendship if you dare to covet my woman once more."

'His woman?' Carlos and Chloe had the same question popped into their minds. Carlos never saw his friend be this territorial over a woman. They shared plenty of women when they were in Uni, and Vernon usually didn't mind if Carlos flirted with his date.

After all, he would only date that woman for one week at most, then Carlos could have her next.

But this one was different, Vernon was serious with his threat, and he was serious about breaking their friendship over this woman.

'If he is serious about a woman, that means this woman is…' Carlos remembered when they were drinking back in Uni. Vernon muttered a name of a woman over and over, and they had a conversation before;


'I can only love one woman in my life, and she is my sister-in-law. She even had a daughter the last time I heard about her,' Vernon said. His face was red, and he hiccuped a few times, yet still chugging the alcohol like there was no tomorrow.

'Well, you should forget about her, Man. She's taken, ain't no way you can stoop that low, right?' Carlos responded. He didn't drink as much as Vernon, so he could still recall their conversation in detail.

Vernon shook his head, 'And yet, I still love her, Carlos.'

'… You're so fucked up, man.'

'I know, I'm so fucked…' Vernon threw his bottle on the carpet and started his drunken wail. 'Chloe, why can't you give me a chance? Why can't you wait?!'


Carlos thought it was just Vernon's drunken ramble. But seeing him bringing an older lady with a daughter and how protective he was with them…

'Did he— goddamn, what a bastard,' Carlos thought. He gripped Vernon's shoulder and leaned until he could whisper in Vernon's ear, "Is she… that woman?"

Vernon replied with a nod.

"Goddamn, you son of a bitch," Carlos muttered. "Fine, I'll support you nonetheless. But don't come at me if you're screwed."

"Don't worry, I will never allow myself to screw up," Vernon assured Carlos.

"Goodluck, buddy," Carlos patted Vernon's shoulder and gave them a way to leave his restaurant.

Carlos and Chloe's gazes met for the last time, and Carlos bowed respectfully.

They returned to the car, and Chloe couldn't help but get curious about the conversation between Carlos and Vernon on their way out.

Those men whispered to each other, as if they were protecting a secret, so she asked, "What did you guys talk about?"


"You know, when you and Carlos whispered about something just now…."

"Oh," Vernon shrugged it off, thinking it was no big deal. "I told him not to try to do something stupid, like trying to flirt with you, or I will make him pay."

Chloe was surprised at how Vernon could say that so lightly. It also reminded her how easily Vernon could claim her as 'his woman.'

-n0ve1、com Chloe had never been claimed by a man before, and she thought it was just nonsensical sweet words told by two teenagers in love to profess their love.

It was just a word that usually came straight out of a dime novel to give you the thrill of love.

Now that she was being claimed by Vernon, she realized that even nonsensical sweet words could feel impactful when professed by the right person at the right time.

Chloe lowered her head, trying to hide her reddish cheeks. Her heartbeat accelerated, but she tried to maintain her cool, acting as if Vernon's words didn't impact her as much. She didn't want Vernon to know how easy it was to make her happy.

Just a few sweet words and she felt she could explode with joy right now.

Vernon didn't seem to notice anything wrong because he was busy driving and entertaining Mackie, who was chirping happily in the back seat, continuously asking her Uncle where they would go and what kind of gift she would receive.

She was just too excited, and her excitement was contagious.

"Uncle, do you have cake for me to eat? You said you will give me cake after I play after Big bad wolf! Uncle, my drama teacher said that I'm the best wolf they ever have!"

"Hahah, yeah, I watched it from your Mom's phone. You are pretty awesome on the stage," Vernon praised. "I see that you terrify the three pigs, I bet you can make them cry if you howl even harder!"

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