"Is it that bad?"

"It's-- not good," Judith wanted to lie and say it was not bad. She wanted to say that Chelsea still looked beautiful.

But that would be the biggest lie she ever spouted.

Because Chelsea looked horrendous. The scar stretched from ear to ear. It was so gory that she looked more like a monster from a horror movie.

She could not continue teaching in elementary school with that kind of face. It'd only terrify her students!

The children started crying when they saw their Mommy's new appearance. Her mouth looked so scary, added with her eyes that always glared at them. They were now living with a nightmarish creature.

Chelsea wasn't all that affected by their reactions. She didn't care as long as Vincent wasn't the one who was disgusted by her.

Besides, she could always ask Vincent to pay for her plastic surgery, so she could get this fixed and maybe enhance some of her features while she was at it.

"Sorry I'm late, I need some time-" Vincent stood at the doorway. He was stupefied when he saw a monster with an ugly scar on her cheeks staring at him with a pair of sweet eyes. "Chelsea?"

"Vincent, this is what happened to me. Do I look ugly?" Chelsea asked. Her eyes were pleading, but it only added to the horror Vincent witnessed.

Vincent wanted to say that Chelsea looked so horrendous. He didn't even want to look at her for more than five seconds.

Heck, even five seconds were already generous enough for him.

But he still had to put an act, so he clenched his fist and walked towards Chelsea.

He tried to fake a smile but couldn't. The more he stared at this ugly bitch, the more grossed out he became.

"Chelsea..." Vincent called her name gently. "You... you're still beautiful."

"Really?!" Chelsea became hopeful. She quickly snatched Vincent's arm and buried her face in his arm.

Vincent shivered from head to toe when Chelsea's scar rubbed against his skin. It was so gross that he thought he could vomit right now.

"Y--Yes, you're still beautiful. You don't need to change a thing and I... will still send flowers to you," Vincent said.

Chelsea looked up and smiled at Vincent with her creepy ear-to-ear scar, "Pretty flowers for a pretty lady?"


Vincent's eyes started glazing with tears. He bit his lower lip and forcefully separated Chelsea's arms from him.

"Vincent?" Chelsea frowned when she saw tears welling in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

Vincent covered his mouth, "I'm sorry, I'm just--"

Vincent suddenly turned around and ran out of the room. Chelsea stared at the doorway for a while, waiting for her prince charming to return, but he didn't.

"What's wrong with him? Did I say something wrong?" Chelsea asked her mother.

"He-- he is probably shocked by your new appearance," Judith replied. It was obvious that Vincent was disgusted by Chelsea's scar.

"Huh, I guess so," Chelsea sighed. "I saw tears in his eyes. He must've been shocked and saddened seeing me like this. I bet he is trying to hold his anger towards the one who attacked me."

Judith was surprised by her daughter's delusion. How could she not see that Vincent was disgusted?

"Chelsea, maybe he is not--"

"What?" Chelsea interrupted, staring intently at her mother. She looked like a monster who would pounce at Judith for speaking the truth.

"No, nevermind."

"Good, I just don't want any of you to speak shit about me and Vincent. Just keep your mouth shut and see me marry him sooner or later."


Vincent rushed to the bathroom and vomited in the sink. He couldn't hold his disgust no matter how much he tried.

He was a lover of beauty. He loved how Chloe could be fat, thin, or suffer many of his beatings yet still look beautiful. It was fun to see a beauty enduring so much pain.

But Chelsea wasn't beautiful at all. She was average at best during her prime. Now that she got that hideous scar, it was difficult for him to act like everything was fine.

He rinsed his mouth a few times and rolled off his sleeve to wash his arm.

"Fuck, I should've wear a jacket or a suit at least. Feeling her scar rubbing on my skin is so gross!"

Vincent was contemplating whether he would give Chelsea the money to do some plastic surgery because there was no way he could be around her and act all nice to her with that kind of scar.

"Ugh, she better be worth it in the end. I've invested a lot of time and money for her. She better give me a good show," Vincent muttered. He washed his hand a few more times with soap before leaving the bathroom.

He couldn't return to Chelsea's hospital room. He was just too grossed out.

So he texted her instead;


Vincent: I have a meeting soon. Sorry, I can't accompany you any longer. Don't worry about the hospital bill. I got it all covered. I also sent you some more money in your account. Get well soon, Chelsea.



Chelsea read the text from her prince charming, and she squealed so hard it surprised Judith.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Chelsea replied while her fingers were typing an answer for Vincent's text.


Chelsea: Awww, it's alright. I know that you must be too shocked to see my condition. It's okay, and don't be too upset because of this, alright? You still need to work in your office.

Chelsea: Thank you for the money. I know that you won't leave me at my lowest. Hope you can visit me more often at my house, okay? Love you :kiss:

Chelsea: Wait, is that too fast? Hihi, sorry, I just got a little too excited here.


Chelsea giggled as she sent all her texts. She imagined Vincent blushing when reading her texts, "Ah, my perfect reward."

Meanwhile, Vincent read all her texts and rushed to the bathroom to puke his guts out for the second time.

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