"Took you two long enough to show up," Vernon said coldly. "Thought you'd chicken out after you failed to protect her."

The two bodyguards winced, they had plenty of physical wounds after getting beaten by Vincent Gray's people, but the shame of failing to carry out their boss' task affected them much more than just a few bruises.

"We're sorry, Sir. It seemed that Vincent Gray's people quickly identified us when we're patrolling around. They came in earlier than us, so we can't identify them first," the male bodyguard reported.

"Yes, Sir. We also got caught off guard since he brought at least ten people with him. We stood no chance as two," the female bodyguard added.

Vernon wanted to scold them more but knew it was partly his fault for not predicting Vincent's presence. He'd be a hypocrite if he put all the blame on these two people.

"What did he do to you? Did he inquire about my identity?"

"They did for a moment, Sir," the bodyguards replied. "They beat us, trying to get your identity. But somehow, Vincent Gray suddenly let us leave, and said that torturing us to get your information will hurt his pride."

Vernon frowned, "He said that?"

"Yes, Sir. He said that while his face was bruised and bloodied. He looked... off..." the bodyguard reported. "He has this expression of bliss, as if he has just experienced something exhilarating."

Vernon clenched the steering wheel. He knew exactly what caused his Big brother to have that blissful expression because their late father also made the same face often and had the same preference.

When he was about seven, his Big brother often brought him to see what their late father was doing to de-stress, which would always include many women.

He would fuck those women in various positions, and one of the most extreme was BDSM.

He would whip them, hit them in various spots, and sometimes spank them until they cried. Some women were crying and begging, but their late father always told them it was a natural reaction from a woman.

Thus, both Vernon and Vincent developed the same fetish for a bit of rough love.

However, Vernon would only do it during sex, and it was if the woman he had sex with consented. Knowing Chloe's long-time abuse, he would never play nor ask Chloe to play with him like that, not when he knew it would trigger her trauma anytime.

But Vincent...

'So fucked up,' Vernon thought. 'He used Chloe like a ragdoll for his twisted fetish.'

"You sure he doesn't know a thing about me?" Vernon inquired, and both bodyguards replied with a sure 'NO.'

"Fine, I will pardon you two. I've sent some money to treat your wounds. But this will be the last time you two fail my task."

"Yes, Sir, thank you."

"Hm, I'll leave now."

Vernon started his car and left his office. He was driving through the busy street, his eyes staring straight, focusing on the road.

But his mind was occupied with Vincent's twisted fetish.

The more Vernon recognized the fetish his Big brother's developed, the more he realized that he was an idiot.

"What was I thinking back then? Why did I leave Chloe when I know Vincent will become like my dad? Everything about him-- including his sexual preference, are all inherited by dad!"

Vernon gritted his teeth, and the guilt in his heart started eating him from the inside.

He continuously blamed himself for leaving Chloe alone with Vincent for ten years.

"I should've returned sooner-- No, I shouldn't leave in the first place," Vernon tried to remember any logic behind his departure, but he couldn't find any.

Because what caused him to leave was a broken heart.

He was already insecure about himself after that incident of Chloe saying he was a good-for-nothing kid and inferior to Vincent.

But what took the cake was how easy it was for Chloe to accept his Big brother's wedding proposal, giving him no chance to grow and compete since he was only fifteen.

Chloe had also grown increasingly busy, spending more time with Vincent and preparing for the wedding. Vernon felt like Chloe shoved him to the side, letting him watch how the love of his life married his own Big brother.

So he left with his heart shattered in pieces, vowing revenge against that pair of lovebirds because they became the sole existence of Vernon's misery.

"Idiot..." Vernon cursed at himself as he drove faster through New York City. "I could've protected her. I could've been there to fight back. At least, I could have-"

There were so many 'could have' scenarios in Vernon's head. But there was nothing he could do because it was all too late, Vincent abused her for ten years, and she had nowhere to go. She also had no support system, knowing how shitty her family was.

Vernon drove faster as he wanted to check on Chloe.

He knew Chloe was in his penthouse, probably watching TV with Mackie. But he just couldn't wait to check on her, to see if she was well cared for. The urge got stronger when he parked his car in the apartment basement.

He practically ran to the elevator and smashed that button to go up.

"Come on!" Vernon tapped his shoes impatiently until he heard a ding, and the elevator door opened.

He dashed to the penthouse door and unlocked it with his fingerprint.

He slammed the door open, and his eyes frantically looked all around the foyer to find Chloe, but when he couldn't find her, he got even more frantic.

He threw his briefcase into a random spot and called her name, "Chloe? Chloe, where are you?!"


No answer.

Vernon was about to get crazy, and his mind entertained the idea that Vincent might've discovered his identity and kidnapped Chloe while he was still working.

"FUCK!" Vernon clenched his fists. "CHLOE!"

"Yes!" Chloe rushed out of the laundry room. She ran towards Vernon, who shot a hungry gaze at her.

Chloe halted and subconsciously took a step back. Her face paled instantly.

"S--Sorry, I-- I didn't hear you--" Chloe stammered, afraid that Vernon was angry at him for no reason. "I--I was busy folding your suit. I didn't hear you. Sorry...."

Chloe started to fear Vernon a little since he glared at her as if she had done something wrong. She took another step back.

She believed that Vernon wouldn't hit her as Vincent did to her. But the remnants of the abuse were engraved deep inside her heart, making her do subconscious stuff just to protect herself from getting hurt.

Vernon said nothing but took big steps toward Chloe and opened his arms.

Chloe shrieked and closed her eyes, thinking Vernon would hit her, but her worry turned out to be untrue.

Vernon hugged her tight, so tight that she could feel the warmth from his body engulfing her thin body.

"Chloe..." Vernon muttered her name, and his voice carried a lot of pain. He was like a thirsty man who had just found an oasis. He hugged her as if they hadn't meet for so long.

Chloe sensed something was wrong and asked, "Vernon, is everything alright?"

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