Vincent stood still in silence, staring at the wide open door before his eyes scanned around the Principal's office.

"Hm, more mess than usual," Vincent muttered. He had to admit that he had forgotten to control himself and chased Chloe around the office like a madman.

But that was because Chloe refused to obey.

Things wouldn't have gone this bad if she could just... give up her useless struggle and lower her head meekly like the obedient wife she should be.

Vincent was much calmer now after they were confronted by Mackie, who suddenly slammed the door open. It was a surprise indeed, and not a good one.

pAn,Da n<0,>v,e1 He wanted to maintain a good persona in front of his daughter until Mackenzie was old enough to understand the value of a Gray family member.

"Well, it doesn't really matter. Chloe has helped me tremendously by being the stand-in when I'm not around Mackie. So my daughter still has her innocent view on me."

"I guess I should give Chloe an appreciation for covering up for me many times," Vincent murmured. He contradicted himself as he found it ridiculous. "Hah, probably not, it's her job as a mother to maintain a good family image."

He darted his cold eyes at the door and saw that wretched old Secretary standing at the doorway.

"My apology, Sir. I failed to stop the Little Lady from interrupting your good time with Mrs. Gray," Secretary Maria said.

"It's fine," Vincent shrugged. "It'd be worse if you dare to land your hand on my daughter."

Secretary Maria observed the damage around the Principal's office before she spotted the destroyed phone on the floor, "Is that Mrs. Gray's phone?"

"Yeah, she smashed it to the ground once, and threw it twice at me before I smashed it in half," Vincent looked down at Chloe's destroyed phone that was beyond recognition and muttered, "It's unfortunate. I thought I could use it as a way to blackmail her more. It'd be fun."

"Now-" Vincent glanced at every corner of the Principal's office and asked, "Did you tape the whole thing?"

"Yes, Sir," Maria nodded solemnly. "Every corner of this office has been embedded with a hidden camera, so we got everything on tape," Maria thought that her boss would finally take things to court, "Will you use some edited evidence in the court, Sir?"

"No, I just need it to relieve myself every night. Looking at her fighting back gives me a new kind of itch."


Chloe parked her car in front of Vernon's office building. She entered the lobby with her face still bruised badly, her hands shaking, and swollen blue. She endured all the pain and grabbed Mackie's hand.

She could hear the gasp from the receptionist and a few staff around. But none dared to speak because it wasn't their right to say anything.

All they knew was the identity of this woman;

Mr. Phoenix Gray's second secretary and also his new secret girlfriend.

Chloe used the VIP elevator to go straight to the top floor. Mackie looked around in awe because it was her first time ever entering Uncle Vernon's office.

She wanted to comment on many things but decided to stay silent because her mother still endured so much pain.


As the elevator door slid open, Chloe saw a glimpse of Diamond standing anxiously in front of the elevator.

But that anxiety turned into total shock when Diamond saw the appearance of her best friend.

She gasped and hurriedly pulled Chloe and Mackie out of the elevator, "Oh my god! Chloe, what happened?! Who did this?!"

Diamond's heart hurt when she started checking Chloe's body and realized that every time her eyes swept to a different spot in Chloe's body, she would always find a new injury.

She hurriedly lowered her head and checked on Mackenzie. She was relieved because Mackie didn't seem to be hurting anywhere.

However, while she was checking on Mackie, Diamond spotted Chloe's hands that were swollen blue.

It was still trembling and must be in so much pain she didn't even want to imagine what caused that injury in her whole hands.

"Chloe, tell me what happened!" Diamond yelled as she couldn't hide her anxiety.

Chloe shook her head, "It's a long story. Where is Vernon now? Is he inside?"

"He-" Diamond glanced at the CEO's office door and chewed her lower lip. "He blasted his phone trying to call the bodyguards. But they're suddenly uncontactable, and then he tries to call you. The call went through, but you didn't pick it up."

"I told him to wait, but he's getting too anxious. So he grabbed his car key and said he'll come to check on you in the school."

Chloe's eyes widened instantly. She shook her head vehemently and panicked, "Y--You need to call him now! Vi--" Chloe halted her speech when she realized that Mackie was with her, so she crouched before pointing at the sofa, "Dear, can you sit there for a moment? Mommy and Diamond have something important to talk about."

"Will Mommy be alright?" Mackie asked. She glanced up at Diamond, afraid that Mommy would get hurt again. Mommy was already in a very bad condition right now.

"Yes, Mommy will be alright with Diamond," Chloe said. "Sit there, it won't be long.."


After ensuring that Mackie was on the sofa, Chloe dragged Diamond inside Vincent's office. She quickly summarized her fight with Vincent before telling Diamond to call Vernon because her phone was busted.

"Vincent is still in school, and if they meet... then everything will be in vain...." Chloe muttered with her coarse-as-sandpaper voice.

"Understood," Diamond fished her phone out and called her boss.

The phone beeped twice before Vernon picked up the call;


"DON'T CALL ME NOW, DAMN IT! I'M DRIVING TO FIND HER!" Vernon's voice blasted through the speaker. The phone wasn't even on loudspeaker, but it was still loud enough to make both women wince.

"Sir, Chloe-"

"I KNOW! SHE IS UNCONTACTABLE! STOP BUGGING ME, YOU FUCKING BIT-- UGH!" Vernon stopped right before he cursed his own secretary.

Chloe snatched the phone from Diamond's hand, knowing that Vernon would not stop panicking until he heard her voice.

"Vernon, it's me, Chloe...."

Chloe heard the car tire screeching in the phone the moment Vernon heard her voice.

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