Divine Throne of Primordial Blood

Book 4: Near Blood - 197: A Natural Favorite 1

Chapter 197: A Natural Favorite (1)

The gladiator match began the next afternoon.

The arena was filled to the brim with Ravager nobility keen on spectating the match.

Anubi stood in the best spectator box, flanked by a host of nobility, officials, and beautiful women.

It was only here that Su Chen realized that there were in fact beauties amongst the Ravagers.

Anubi had almost a platoon of beauties to himself, and most of them were very attractive. In addition, because the Ravagers lacked social customs, they were clothed in anything they liked. As such, many of them wore quite revealing clothing.

They sat there demurely, observing the people below them fighting for their lives.

The match below had already begun.

The first to stand forth was a tall, brawny Ravager. All he wore was a pair of short pants. He wielded a steel pitchfork. His body was covered with Totemic Inscriptions, and a symbol of a stone axe had been imprinted on the back of his hand, indicating that he was a descendant of the almost extinct Stoneaxe Tribe.

The Ravager’s opponent was a high-tier Vicious Beast, a Knotted-Tail White Lion.

Its long, white tail, which had bulges on it like that of a bamboo section was its most standout attribute. Its massive body exuded an incredible pressure as it began to run towards the Ravager warrior.

The Ravager warrior nimbly leapt aside, then stabbed at the giant lion with his steel pitchfork.

This Ravager was obviously nimble and had quick reactions.

However, he was facing a high-tier Vicious Beast, and his strength was somewhat lacking.

The Knotted-Tail Lion unleashed a savage flurry of attacks against the Ravager warrior. The Ravager warrior did his best to use his speed to dodge the attacks and didn’t try to take it head on, but the pitchfork in his hand was knocked aside in a moment of negligence.

An instant later, the Knotted-Tail Lion pounced, sinking its incisors deep into the Ravager’s shoulder.

The Ravager activated his Totemic power to its greatest extent, resulting in him deadlocking with the Knotted-Tail Lion.

However, blood continued to flow from his wound, making it impossible for him to hold on forever. Even though his iron-like fists managed to wound the Knotted-Tail Lion quite heavily, it was of no use.

He felt his gaze growing dim as his strength began to fade. The Knotted-Tail Lion, however, was still howling madly.

He knew that the end was nigh.

As his gaze swept across the cheering Ravager nobility, he pushed the energy to the greatest extent as he howled, “Curse you, Inferno Tribe!”

This howl was cut short as the lion devoured him.

After this Ravager warrior died, the next match would pit two Demonic Beasts against each other.

The two Demonic Beasts had been captured from battle. They were spoils of war that the Ravagers had paid blood, sweat, tears, and even lives for, but they were going to be expended in a pointless gladiator match.

The two Demonic Beasts howled and paced in their cages. Their intelligence made it so that they knew what their fate was, and they weren’t willing to fight one another for the sake of the “lowly” Ravagers.

However, the Ravagers were very prepared for this situation.

They injected medicine into the bodies of these Demonic Beasts, who very quickly were engulfed by madness.

Their eyes turned red as the last shred of intelligence they had remaining disappeared.

The person in charge of the gladiator arena opened the cages at this moment. The two Demonic Beasts charged out of their cages and began to viciously attack each other once they couldn’t find any other targets nearby.

Because they were Demonic Beasts, their battle was incredibly intense, and the arena was covered in blood.

Guttural howls rang throughout the arena, and chunks of flesh littered the ground. The powerful recovery abilities of these Demonic Beasts made it impossible for them to die quickly, so their battle was exceptionally brutal and ruthless.

Even though their bodies were torn open and they were covered in wounds, they would gather all of their strength and continue to fight with each other until one of them fell and couldn’t get back up anymore.

The crowd watching cheered and called out, constantly making bets on who would win. Once the result came out, some cried out with joy, some cursed bitterly, some were enraged, and some celebrated excitedly. All kinds of reactions to the outcome of the battle could be seen.

The only person who wasn’t interested was probably His Majesty Anubi himself.

“What a pointless battle,” Anubi yawned loudly, then howled, “Get this trash out of here! Let me see something really exciting!”

“I will arrange it for you now, Your Majesty,” an official by his side hurriedly said as he began to wave a banner.

Very quickly, the Knotted-Tail Lion was taken away, and two teams of twenty Ravagers each took center stage.

For most people, there was not too much interest in watching a beast versus beast battle. An all-out fight between members of the same race, on the other hand, was worth seeing.

As the drums were beaten loudly, the two Ravager teams leapt at each others’ throats.

Anubi’s interest was finally aroused a bit.

He opened his eyes wide, enjoying the carnage unfolding below him. It satisfied his unique craving for what he uniquely considered to be beautiful.

Finally, the drums stopped, as did the slaughter occurring in the arena.

The red-clothed Ravager team had won, but only three of them were able to remain standing.

Broken limbs and corpses were strewn everywhere, and blood stained the ground of the arena a deep red.

The spectators cheered wildly for the victors, but the victors stared at their fallen comrades in sorrow.

“A bunch of idiots with no experience,” Anubi muttered disdainfully as he gazed at the nobility making such a clamor.

In his eyes, this battle was only decent.

After the large battle was another one-on-one duel. This time, two Ravager females with a decent appearance were being pitted against each other, essentially equivalent to a dessert course.

Even though the Ravager females’ fight was not as powerful in terms of physicality, there was still a unique kind of beauty to it. Even Anubi, who had been constantly complaining up until this point, didn’t have any criticism to offer. He just quietly observed the gladiator match all the way until the end.

What Hanbull said was completely true. The Ravagers had already arranged all kinds of gladiator fights, so it was very hard to come up with anything fresh and new that could amuse Anubi.

After the winner had been decided, Anubi stood and said, “Send the woman who is still alive to my bed. That is the glory assigned to the victor.”

He chuckled madly as he left.

Licentious, lascivious, ruthless, and bloodthirsty.

Su Chen silently formed an evaluation of this Crazed Monarch.

Hanbull walked over and asked, “What do you think?”

“Those were quite marvelous battles,” Su Chen replied.

“But to His Majesty, they are at most enough to make sure that he doesn’t get angry.”

“It’s hard to satisfy His Majesty’s appetite.”

“But you must satisfy it.”

Su Chen chuckled. “That’s absolutely true.”

Hanbull stared at him deeply before offering Su Chen a “best of luck” and leaving.

Su Chen was just about to leave when he suddenly heard a voice behind him. “It seems like you have yet to obtain His Majesty’s favor.”

He knew who it was without even turning his head around.

Su Chen chuckled. “I didn’t know you came as well.”

He turned around and found Danba behind him, as expected.

Danba shrugged. “When I considered the request of His Majesty, I guessed that you might be in attendance here today, so I just came along to join in on the fun.”

“Just to join in on the fun?” Su Chen asked.

“And to tell you something.”

“Which is?”

“I’m heading back.”

Su Chen remained silent.

Danba continued, “Thanks for what you did for me. Right now, I can already sense Origin Energy and absorb it and use it on my own. Perhaps not long from now, I’ll be able to reach a new breakthrough on the back of my own strength. But unfortunately I cannot remain here; the Gravel Lizard Tribe needs me, and I cannot be gone for too long.”

“So you just came to see me to say goodbye?”

“There’s a few loose ends that need to be tied up,” Danba replied.

Su Chen asked, “Concerning my identity, right?”

Danba nodded.

Before he had entered the imperial palace, Su Chen had entered the temple as a member of the Gravel Lizard Tribe.

If the issue of his identity was not resolved, then Danba would be in trouble as soon as Su Chen made trouble in the imperial palace.

Even though Danba was going to face off against the Inferno Tribe sooner or later, he preferred to have control over the timing over Su Chen.

“So what are we going to do?” Su Chen asked.

Danba smiled slightly. “That’s easy. I’ll just beat you up a bit.”


Danba punched out, his fist landing squarely on Su Chen’s face and sending him flying.

“So Head Chieftain Danba believed that you betrayed the Gravel Lizard Tribe and beat you up out of unhappiness? And he proclaimed that he was driving you out of the Gravel Lizard Tribe?” Hanbull asked as he applied medicine to Su Chen.

“I don’t really get it, Sir Hanbull. Everyone is a subject of the Iron and Blood Country, and our loyalties should lie with His Majesty. Serving His Majesty should be a matter of glory for our Gravel Lizard Tribe. Why would he do this to me?” Su Chen asked as he sucked in a mouthful of cold air.”

“I very much admire your intelligence and courage, Lontu. The fact that you were able to attract His Majesty’s attention under these kinds of circumstances fully demonstrates your quick wits. But I don’t like it when you pretend to be stupid with me. That’s a humiliation to me.”

Su Chen chuckled. “You are indeed a senior worth honoring.”

“You’re better off figuring out how to satisfy His Majesty first. If you can’t do it, I can only take care of your corpse no matter how much respect you give me.”

“Don’t I still have two days?”

“What plan do you think you can execute in two days?”

“Sir Hanbull, you should know that the value of a plan is not necessarily determined by the plan itself but the target of the plan. A blooming flower can cause a beautiful woman to stop and smell it, a delicious banquet can cause a noble to drool with delight, a beautiful ballad can intoxicate a lover of music, an intricate charcoal drawing can draw the gaze of an art collector...... No matter how good or how bad a plan is, it needs to have an appropriate target to attract his or her interest. Only once you have control over this aspect can you truly begin to develop a plan that would astound people with its brilliance.”

Hanbull was momentarily startled. “That’s quite interesting. But you should know that the person you are trying to satisfy is the hardest person to satisfy in the whole kingdom.”

Su Chen shook his head. “That’s where you’re wrong, Sir Hanbull. Even the pickiest individual is not as hard to satisfy as the masses. A group target is extremely variable and fickle. Each has their own interests and pursuits, and something you consider to be good might be considered bad by him and neither good nor bad by someone else. No matter how picky an individual is and how hard it is to satisfy them, as long as they have needs, you can create a plan around meeting their needs, and it becomes very easy to satisfy them...... at the very least, it’s much easier than trying to satisfy a large group.”

Hanbull was stunned.

He stared at Su Chen, slightly in a daze.

After a long time, he said, “You make a very good point. Seems like you have already developed a plan.”

Su Chen cracked a smile, revealing two rows of neat teeth. “I still need your help, Sir Hanbull. But I also need you to keep it a secret.”

“Say it. His Majesty sent me here to help you, and I am only loyal to His Majesty.”

Su Chen nodded. Of course he was aware of this. As such, he explained his plan in detail to Hanbull.

Once he heard Su Chen’s plan, Hanbull shook his head and sighed, “That is so absurd, ridiculous, and illogical, but there is indeed a very good chance that it will obtain His Majesty’s favor.”

“So I have your approval?”

Hanbull didn’t reply directly.

He stared at Su Chen for a long time, then said, “You make a natural favorite subject of his, Lontu.”

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