'So, it was the remnant soul force of the Titan that was controlling everything from the dark!'

Ye Xiao immediately understood what is going on after hearing the voice of the original titan. That Titan was originally a False Divine God, so it is not that surprising for him to have left traces of his soul force inside his body that survived a few eons.

Talking about eons of Chaos, there is a vast difference between it and the eons of Heavens. The one year of Chaos might be equal to a hundred thousand or even a million or tens of millions of years. Thus, even though many eras have already passed in Heavens, only two eons have passed in Chaos.

When Supreme Ancient Devil wanted to swallow him, the remnant soul force of the Titan took action that not only trapped both of their consciousness in this strange space, it also weakened the consciousness of the Supreme Ancient Devil, giving Ye Xiao a huge advantage. Thus, he was able to chase after and torture the consciousness of Supreme Ancient Devil so much, to the point where he even swallowed a few smaller parts of Supreme Ancient Devil's consciousness.

But now, the remnant soul force has disappeared. It also meant the restriction over their consciousness also disappeared. The consciousness of the Supreme Ancient Devil once again becomes extremely powerful. Now, if Supreme Ancient Devil wants, he could swallow his consciousness.

"Hahahaha... It is my chance now. Brat, it's my turn. You tortured me too much, now it is my time to torture you."

Shaking his head, Supreme Ancient Devil again said: "No, I'll not torture you, I'll swallow you whole!"

Saying this, the Supreme Ancient Devil pounced on Ye Xiao, wanting to swallow his consciousness.

Ye Xiao seemed to have seen himself being swallowed, he wanted to curse out loud but failed. However, it was at this moment that he suddenly felt some sort of force pulling him, causing his consciousness immediately disappear.

Outside, the green light slowly disappeared, revealing the giant that was holding Ye Xiao. Both of their eyes were closed and they seemed to have no soul in their body.

Suddenly, Ye Xiao's body trembled as he slowly opened his eyes. He looked confused but before his mind could become clear, his figure slowly dissipated into thin air as he completely disappeared from this piece of land floating in the endless Chaos.

It was at this moment when the Supreme Ancient Devil opened his eyes. At first, he also looked confused, but when his eyes became clear, his face turned solemn before turning completely red due to anger.

"Where is he? Where did you go?" Supreme Ancient Devil continued shouting for a while. Then he looked for Ye Xiao on the entire small floating land but didn't find him. This made him confused: "Has he returned to where he came from?'

"No, this can't be. He can't leave so suddenly without leaving behind any trace. Moreover, it is even more impossible for him to return to the universe. Although that universe is the closest to this place, it'll still take him more than a thousand years to go there."

He once again looked for Ye Xiao in the entire Ancient City, only to fail. As time passed, instead of calming down, Supreme Ancient Devil became more and more infuriated. He couldn't believe that Ye Xiao has slipped somewhere so soon. It hasn't been long.

He first suddenly disappeared from that dark space for some reason. And now, he even disappeared from this Ancient City for some reason.

'What the fuck is going on?'

Supreme Ancient Devil took a deep breath and clenched his hand. Then he looked in the direction of Heavens and muttered: "No worry. Since you came from that universe, I'll go there and destroy it. Then I'll devour its source. My first target will be that universe. With your current strength, you'll not survive in the infinite Chaos. You have to return to that universe of yours if you want to become stronger. When I reach there, I'll let you have a test of fear, I'll let you experience what it is like to mess with me. I'll let you know how wrong your decision of provoking me really is."

After Supreme Ancient Devil was done muttering, a violent but very powerful aura burst out from his body, instantly obliterating the entire Ancient City, turning it into ashes.


_Great Star World, Ancient Ruin_

Inside the pocket dimension, Ye Xiao slowly opened his eyes, only to find a few watching him closely. These few people were Zhang Tao, the Red-haired lady who was also the owner of Red Heaven Sword, and Huang Wentian.

"Oh my god, brother Ye, you are finally awake. I thought you'll never wake up. I thought we lost you!"

Seeing Ye Xiao has opened his eyes, Fatty's eyes started tearing. He wanted to jump into Ye Xiao's embrace but was dodged by Ye Xiao.

"What the hell are you doing?" Ye Xiao was confused. He asked Zhang Tao and looked at the surroundings. After that, he looked at the Red-haired Lady and was surprised to see that she no longer looked like her previous self. Instead, she has now become a very beautiful young lady. She was wearing a green-coloured long robe that slightly drifted apart on her right thigh, revealing her snow-white skin that could easily make anyone's little brother stand up.

Her open long hair was swaying slowly even though the wind was not blowing. On her back, there was a sword. It was the Red Heaven Sword.

After that, Ye Xiao once again shifted his gaze to look at Hung Wentian, only to see him turning back and leaving the room.

The Red-haired Lady kept looking at Ye Xiao for a while. Then she thanked Ye Xiao for doing so much for her and her Sky Ghost Race. Then she also left the room, leaving Ye Xiao and Zhang Tao alone.

Ye Xiao and Zhang Tao kept staring at each other for a while. The entanglement between the two only broke when Ye Xiao asked: "Can you tell me what the f*ck is going on?"

"Brother Ye, don't you know?" Zhang Tao asked.

"Will I still ask if I knew?" Ye Xiao replied.

"Ah no!"  Zhang Tao nodded his head and then started explaining what was going on.

It turned out that Ye Xiao was unconscious for more than five years. Fortunately, this was a pocket dimension and not much time has passed in reality, otherwise, everything would have been f*cked up.

At least, this was what Zhang Tao thought in his heart. After all, in his eyes, just like him, the current Ye Xiao was also a reincarnator. What he didn't know was that Ye Xiao was no longer as simple as just a reincarnator. Now, he is the real him and at the same time, he was also a reincarnator.

"How did five years pass so quickly? I didn't even spend two days in the Chaos?"

When Ye Xiao muttered this, he took a deep breath. Only now did he realize how vast the difference between the time of Heavens and the time of Chaos actually is.

Talking about Chaos, now Ye Xiao wanted to transcendent Heavens and go to Chaos. Become a Chaotic Being and explore the entire Chaos.

Well, he also wanted to know the might of his newly obtained Calamity Bloodline, as well as the power of bloodline ability, "Casual Punishment!"

But right now was not the time. He was unconscious for more than five years. Although it was inside this pocket dimension, a few days must or a few weeks must have passed in the Great Star Continent. He wanted to now go out and leave the Ancient Ruin, look for the core of this ownerless Divine Domain (Great Star Continent), and refine it.

Only after obtaining this fake World of Reincarnation could he truly take a step closer to making his Universe a real universe.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao stood up and was about to ask Zhang Tao something when a few people entered the room. Ye Xiao was familiar with all these people. The one in the lead was none other than Su Mutong, the patriarch of the Sky Ghost Race.

After they entered, they first exchanged a few polite words. Sometime later, Su Mutong asked Ye Xiao how did he faint.

Ye Xiao just shrugged his shoulder, indicating that he is unaware.

Although Su Mutong looked suspicious, he didn't say anything. He first thanked Ye Xiao on behalf of the entire Sky Ghost Race and then asked Ye Xiao if he has any idea how to return to the Heavens. After all, all of them were currently inside the World of Reincarnation. They have to think of some way to leave this world.

On this topic, Ye Xiao assured them that he'll think of a way later. He suddenly remembered about the Golden Crow Race and told Su Mutong about them.

Only now did Su Mutong remember. He slapped his forehead for forgetting such an important matter.

After some time, he left with everyone, leaving Ye Xiao alone in the room. he went to bring the people of the Golden Crow Race out of that pocket dimension.

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