Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 819 Ch 819: Sudden Change Of The Situation

"Hehehe! So you've really guessed it? Tell me, what more did you guess?" Supreme Ancient Devil laughed and asked.

Ye Xiao remained silent for a while. In his heart, he was calculating how to escape. He couldn't enter the Second Universe in his mind otherwise he would have escaped long ago.

After a while, he said: "The story you told me just now, about you being the giant and how you were the Supreme Ancient Devil's only opponent. I guess this is true, it's just that you were not that giant. As you told me previously, after the two of you fought, you trapped him and dig out his heart. He must have destroyed the heart so that you couldn't become stronger after swallowing it. He must haven't died immediately after destroying the heart, he must have used some means to destroy your physical body as well. It is just that he failed to destroy your soul and you managed to escape."

"And after the giant died, you thought you could possess his body and return once again. Previously, I saw a small green ball of a fog-like object at the place of his heart. That thing must belong to you and it must be that thing that kept the giant's body alive and made the body function normally. What the body lacked was just a soul. But for some reason, you can't enter his body."

"I don't know the reason, but it might be why you need to absorb many sources of universes. That's why, using your powerful soul force, you created your countless incarnations and sent them to look for Universes out there to steal their Sources. But even till now, none of your incarnations succeeded. It was only when I brought the Source of Universe and that green ball of fog-like object absorbed it that you finally become able to possess the giant's body. But the problem must have not been solved completely. That's why you need more Sources of the Universe."

"Am I right?"

"As expected of that bastard's descendant, you've really guessed right." The young man nodded his head, smiled, and continue to say: "Initially, I planned to nurture this body using the sources of universes located in the vast chaos. It's only been about two eons, I didn't expect to obtain the Source of the Universe so soon. I was ready to wait for an entire era to pass. Even my incarnations who entered a Universe at that time failed to bring me the Source of that Universe. I guess that Universe is powerful enough to stop my incarnations."

"But... Why did I feel the essence of my own incarnations in the Source of Universe you brought me? And, as far as I know, with that bloodline of yours, you should be in your clan, being nurtured by your people. How did you appear here? Moreover, now that I have a body, I'm sensing an extremely abstract situation on your body. It's as if, although you are standing right in front of me, you are never here to begin with. What is going on? Answer me or I'll squeeze you into liquid."

Ye Xiao frowned when he heard this. He was here and at the same, he was not here. What is going on?

Moreover, 'that' clan the Supreme Ancient Devil is talking about, what is that clan? What is the origin of the bloodline that Domineering God Crystal gave him?

Ye Xiao couldn't think of an answer, so he didn't waste time thinking about that. Instead, he looked at the Supreme Ancient Devil and replied: "You can do whatever you want, you won't get an answer from me."

"You don't seem to be afraid of death?" The Supreme Ancient Devil was slightly startled when he heard Ye Xiao's reply.

"So what if I'm afraid of death? Will you let me go?" A mocking smile appeared on Ye Xiao's face.

"En, I really won't let you go. After devouring that bloodline of yours and cultivating for a few millions of years, I'll definitely be able to break the shackle of this damn titan's body and become a True Divine God. At that time, I can truly... Hehehe! You might not know that I'm going to rise in power now. You have to thank me, for I'm letting you become a part of this body. Come, fuse with me!"

The Supreme Ancient Devil in black laughed loudly. A faint green light instantly enveloped Ye Xiao and very soon, Ye Xiao turned into specks of starlight.

At the same time, the Supreme Ancient Devil also turned into starlight, as if he was going to merge with Ye Xiao.

Time passed day by day. In the blink of an eye, six months had passed.

At this moment, in a pitch-black void, Ye Xiao didn't have a physical body or soul. He only had one consciousness drifting around. Behind him, another consciousness was crazily chasing after him.

"Damned thing! Where the hell is this place?" That consciousness transmitted a monstrous rage.

"Idiot! I don't know where this place is either. Can you stop chasing me? You can't catch up to me!" Ye Xiao scolded without any politeness.

From the moment the Supreme Ancient Devil attacked, Ye Xiao's consciousness had been pulled by a mysterious force into this world.

At first, Ye Xiao thought that this was the means of the Supreme Ancient Devil, but he didn't expect that Supreme Ancient Devil would be in the same situation as him, unable to use any of his techniques and become just another consciousness.

"Tell me honestly, who are you exactly? How did you trap me in this damn place?" The furious consciousness roared. This consciousness was obviously the consciousness of the Supreme Ancient Devil.

"Someone must have discovered my setup and wanted to steal the fruit of my labour of two eons. It must be so! Damn it!"

The Supreme Ancient Devil's consciousness was incomparably furious, and he also had a trace of regret. If he didn't covet Ye Xiao's bloodline and find a place to hide and cultivate, he wouldn't have ended up like today!

Two consciousnesses chased after and fled. After an unknown period of time, a trace of impatience appeared in Ye Xiao's heart. His consciousness stopped and looked coldly at the other party.

"Kid, you're not running anymore? I'm going to devour you. No matter who is behind your back, I'm going to tear them into pieces and suppress their soul forever!" The Supreme Ancient Devil's consciousness let out a wild laugh and lunged at Ye Xiao.

"I'm going to fight you to the death!" Ye Xiao roared and pounced on him as well.

Three seconds later, Ye Xiao was shocked. The Supreme Ancient Devil's consciousness was also not much better.

Because he discovered that he couldn't devour Ye Xiao at all. Instead, he was at a slight disadvantage.

What exactly was going on?

"Hahaha! So that's how it is! So that's how it is! "

Ye Xiao suddenly laughed wildly. He had a feeling that this situation had something to do with the bloodline he has fused with. Moreover, his soul was different from others. Although the current him was just consciousness and not the soul itself, it was still different. Ye Xiao could now feel that things were not that scary anymore.

"You can't swallow me. But... I will swallow you. Don't run!" Ye Xiao laughed wildly and threw himself at the other party.

After a round of fighting, the Supreme Ancient Devil's consciousness fled in panic.

"What are you running for? Don't run!"


"Aren't you going to swallow me? Aren't you going to let me become a part of your body? Aren't you very awesome?"

"Come on, tell me about the Chaos. I won't devour you."

,m Ye Xiao's consciousness was crazily chasing after the consciousness of the Supreme Ancient Devil. As long as he caught up to him, he would definitely swallow him. The Supreme Ancient Devil was no match for Ye Xiao's consciousness for some reason. Whenever Ye Xiao caught up to him, he could only give up a little bit of his consciousness in order to escape.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

The Supreme Ancient Devil's consciousness was extremely furious and humiliated. However, in this void, he was unable to use any techniques, and his consciousness was weaker than his opponent's. Moreover, it was still becoming weaker and weaker as time was passing.

Apart from escaping, he had no other choice. He did not dare to imagine that if his consciousness was completely devoured by Ye Xiao, what'll happen to him!

After who knew how many days or months had passed, Ye Xiao's consciousness was gradually strengthened. The Supreme Ancient Devil's consciousness shrunk bit by bit. Finally, he stopped running.

"Let's make a deal. We will temporarily stop the battle. After we get out of here, I will use a secret technique to raise your cultivation base by one major realm. What do you think?" The Supreme Ancient Devil couldn't help but try to bargain.

However, how could Ye Xiao believe this devil so quickly?

"Do you think I will believe you?" Ye Xiao said with a faint smile.

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