Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 805 Ch 805: Destroying The Life Clone

The Life Clone was shocked. He felt the shocking destructive power that burst out of that seemingly powerless white fist. He immediately knew Ye Xiao is not a soft permission who can be killed by a single attack, Ye Xiao is far more dangerous than he had ever imagined.

At the same time, he nodded his head with a relieved heart. It was good for him to face Ye Xiao with Life Clone first. If not, Ye Xiao would have at least heavily injured him with his Law of Destruction.

Law of Destruction, yes! It was this law that erupted out of the white fist, making the clone tremble.

Ye Xiao's fist suddenly became very powerful, enough to threaten the clone's life.

But at this moment, he didn't have the time to care about these things. The deadly threat was just in front of him. He knew that if he could not withstand Ye Xiao's attack, he would die on the spot.

As for dodging, it was already too late.

The white fist's speed was already extremely fast. Moreover, it was also impossible for him to dodge at such a short distance. He could only receive it head-on.

"Devil God's Hammer Push!"

The demon shouted out loudly and threw out a few more punches. All of them were his strongest attacks. He didn't care about saving trump cards anymore. He even ignored the fact that he is a clone of Ancient Samsara God's body, not the Ancient Devil's, and used the attack that could only be used by Ancient Devils, causing him to vomit out many mouthfuls of blood, and he immediately became weak.

A burst of devilish energy appeared and formed many fists in the air. And all these fists charged toward Ye Xiao's white fist imprint and smashed at it like hammers.

It sounds nothing impressive, however, every collision gave birth to massive shockwaves that directly affected the core of this world, causing the entire Inner World to constantly shook.

Although a large part of the devilish fists' was destroyed by the law of destruction, the residual power was still enough to bring a storm to the entire world.

The destruction caused by the world's shaking was shocking. Countless people immediately lost their lives. People started running for their lives. The ground was cracking, mountains crumbled, and forests started losing their liveliness as they quickly lost their lifeforce and continued to dry up. At the same time, fire also lit up a certain part of the forest, causing it to spread constantly.

The destruction didn't stop here, sleeping magma violently burst out from the mouth of some specific mountains, causing yet another series of destruction, killing many lives.

Ye Xiao saw this and knew if he didn't do anything immediately, this world will be destroyed. This was the result when powerhouses of his level fights in a weaker world, mainly in the space where the world's core is located.

Ye Xiao immediately used the Law of Devouring to form many small vortexes and fixed them in a line looking like a circle around the World's Core. These vortexes were created to devour any residual energy or shockwaves born from the collision of attacks. This way, the fight in this space will not affect the World's Core in the slightest.

Immediately after several deafening explosions, all the devilish fist imprints shattered like thin ice and scattered in all directions. And their effect only weakened the power of the white fist imprint by a little but didn't destroy it.

The difference between these two attacks was so great that it seemed like they were on two different levels. The speed of the white fist did not decrease as it continued to attack the demon.

"Not good!"

The clone's expression changed. He did not expect his resistance to be so weak. The deadly threat was still extremely strong as if it had not weakened at all. He was also now powerless, for he had overused his energy. If he had not used attacks that only real Ancient Devils could use, he would still have some power to resist Ye Xiao's White Fist Annihilation. But now...

In that instant, the white fist print formed from the convergence of countless steam and Destruction Law came crashing down, causing an explosion that could shake the void to be heard. The clone was sent flying like a cannonball. A miserable cry could be heard echoing in the space.

Immediately after, Ye Xiao saw the clone slowly disintegrating into black substances that looked exactly like the ashes of a burned paper. This was the effect of the Law of Destruction.

As the name itself says, the Law of Destruction can destroy anything. The only condition is for the user to be strong enough. Ye Xiao was strong but his comprehension of the Law of Destruction was not strong. He had only comprehended 10% of the Law of Destruction. But even so, this was the result. This Law of Destruction immediately started destroying the Life Clone of Ancient Samsara God after coming in contact with him.

The Life Clone disintegrated into countless black fragments of ashes in just a few seconds. He also suffered pain and continued to cry in agony for the entire time as he was being destroyed by the Law of Destruction.

This collision had also produced a heavy shockwave, but Ye Xiao's vortexes devoured every bit of them, saving the world's core from receiving any sort of damage.

"I've underestimated Ancient Samsara God too much. His Life Clone was not even an Ancient God but had such a powerful strength. No matter what, that damn Ancient Devil is controlling the body of Ancient Smasara God. An Ancient God like him must be at least ten times stronger than his Life Clone. I should prepare first before taking action against him!"

Ye Xiao muttered and with just a thought, he entered his universe, appearing above a giant golden crystal. This giant golden crystal was the Domineering God Crystal.

He had completely comprehended the Law of Devouring. He came here to start comprehending the Profound Meaning of Devouring Law. He wanted to face Ancient Samsara God only after comprehending the Profound Meaning of Devouring Law.

That way, he would have yet another card up his sleeve that could counter the Profound Meaning of Death of the Ancient Samsara God.

Ye Xiao was sure that after losing his Life Clone, the Ancient Samsara God must have suffered badly. He would not come immediately to fight and kill Ye Xiao. He'll take at least a month of time to recover before coming to face him.

After all, at the level of Ancient God, losing one-third of his power could weaken that Ancient God a lot. And that Ancient God needs a very long period of time to recover to his or her peak. This long time could be one year, a hundred years, even a thousand years, or more.

Ye Xiao was sure that Ancient Samsara God will take his time before coming to face him. He might not take a thousand or hundred or even one years, but he'll definitely take a few months of time before coming.

And in these few months, although he'll not recover his strength to peak, he can at least think of some countermeasures for his Law of Destruction.

Ye Xiao thought like this because he had shown the Ancient Samsara God that he had comprehended the Law of Destruction.

The Law of Destruction is one of the four Supreme Laws. Although it is just Law, not Profound Meaning, it is still enough to threaten the Ancient Samsara God to a major extent.

Knowing Ye Xiao has comprehended the Law of Destruction, Ancient Samsara God will definitely try to think of ways to stop Ye Xiao. And in the meantime, Ye Xiao will try to comprehend the Profound Meaning of Devouring Law.

After appearing inside his Universe, Ye Xiao told the Domineering God Crystal to help him comprehend the Profound Meaning.

The Domineering God Crystal trembled a little, causing golden shine to illuminate the entire space. The light was so brilliant that it forced Ye Xiao to close his eyes.

When Ye Xiao opened his eyes, instead of golden light, a net of countless multicoloured threads could be seen. Every single thread represented one law. In this net of laws, there was only one golden coloured thread that was shining brilliantly. Its shine was at least ten times stronger than other thread of laws.

It is because this thread represented the Profound Meaning of Devouring Law instead of just the Law of Devouring!

Domineering God Crystal had absorbed the drop of golden blood fallen from the Eye of Heavenly Dao after its destruction when Ye Xiao was walking on the Supreme Platform. After absorbing the drop of golden blood, it gained the ability to demonstrate the threads of every single Law and their Profound Meanings, making it easier for Ye Xiao to comprehend.

It was with the help of this Net of Laws that Ye Xiao was able to comprehend the Law of Destruction!

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