Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 801 Ch 801: Devouring Ancient Devils

The Gods and Ancient Gods were soon too tired to attack and it was at this time that the man finally started laughing and was ready to eat the Dao Heart of all the Ancient Gods. As for Gods, since they are fake gods who didn't have even a speck of True Essence inside their bodies, how could they form Dao Fruit and give birth to Nascent Soul. And with the absence of Dao Fruit, it is impossible for anyone to form Dao Heart!

The man with a Crystal Of Darkness was about to attack the Ancient Gods when he suddenly stopped in his track. It is not because he thought of sparing the Ancient Gods and other people living in this world, he stopped because couldn't move at all. Soon, he fell to the ground, for there was no leg to support his body.


The man was still confused when he saw a hint of surprise in everyone's eyes. He saw them looking behind him with strange gazes on their faces. The man turned with difficulty and saw a young man standing with a smile on his face.

The man didn't expect his enemy to be a young man whom he didn't see previously.

Previously, no matter how many injuries his body suffered under the attack of all the Gods and Ancient Gods, it'll always heal on its own. But this time, there seemed to be some kind of mysterious but terrifying power stopping his body from recovering.

"What did you do?" The man looked at Ye Xiao with hatred and fear in his eyes as he asked. He hated Ye Xiao for causing him to lose his legs and he was scared because the method Ye Xiao used was simply too terrifying. He wasn't able to feel anything and his legs disappeared.

Ye Xiao smiled. As he was looking at the man, his eyes had turned green. It's been too many years since he last used the Eyes of Insight. He used the Eyes of Insight to see through the man in front of him, for the man has transformed from five Evil-eyed Lions that were just a very small part of the bodies of the real Ancient God Levelled Evil-eyed Lion.

Everything is ok, what confused not only other people but also Ye Xiao is that the man was intelligent. Not only could he talk, but he was also capable of making decisions and taking action for some reason. This is something that should have been impossible for any Evil-eyed Lion other than the real one to do.

Ye Xiao's eyes soon returned to their original state. Ye Xiao understood the reason and muttered: 'So that's how it is!'

Looking at the man, Ye Xiao said: "You want to know how I did it, right?"

Seeing the man nodding his head, Ye Xiao pointed at him and said: "You should have heard of Supreme Laws of Heavens, right?"

Without waiting for the man to say anything, Ye Xiao continued: "There are four Supreme Laws, I just used one of them. The Law of Destruction. This is also the reason why you are unable to regenerate your legs!"

"Law of Destruction? Impossible!" The man shook his head intensely, saying: "No Law of Heavenly Dao will work in this world, for this world doesn't have any connection with Heavens at all, unlike other People's Inner Worlds. You are lying to me!"

"Why would I lie to you? Do you think you are qualified for me to lie?" Ye Xiao still had the same smile on his face, but this time, this smile gave goosebumps to the man. Ye Xiao again said: "I think it is enough, I should first destroy the trace of consciousness through which you are controlling this body transformed from five fake God Levelled Evil-eyed Lions. I'll visit you soon, so be ready to welcome me!"

As Ye Xiao finished, he immediately used the 'Soul Destruction' and destroyed the trace of consciousness controlling the man's body. This consciousness belongs to the Ancient God Levelled Evil-eyed Lion hiding deep inside the Dead Sea.

After the consciousness was destroyed, the man's body soon disintegrated into the black fog before disappearing in thin air, only leaving behind a Crystal Of Darkness.

As for Gods and Ancient Gods, they were confused. Because Ye Xiao's current body and the previous body look exactly the same, none of the Gods or Ancient Gods were confused. One of the Ancient Gods asked the question that was puzzling everyone.

"Ye Xiao, whose consciousness was controlling this man?"

Ye Xiao answered them honestly, for there was no reason for him to hide this from them. But his answer made them even more confused. The same Ancient God again said: "How is this possible? Now that we know it is not the soul of Evil-eyed Lion that was sealed inside their dead bodies but Ancient Devils, you should know they don't have a soul or body. Since they don't have souls, it is impossible for them to have consciousness. How could you say that the consciousness belonged to those Ancient Devils possessing the body of Ancient God Levelled Evil-eyed Lion?"

Ye Xiao smiled and touched his eyes before saying: "These eyes... They are special. Nothing could be hidden from these eyes!"

Saying this, Ye Xiao didn't explain much. He has some guesses in his heart though. After staying inside the dead bodies of five Evil-eyed Lions for many eons, they must have thoroughly integrated with those bodies. In these many eons, the body must have changed them, causing them to have some features of a Soul.

Ignoring everyone while they were confused because of Ye Xiao's words about his eyes, Ye Xiao directly jumped into the Dead Sea, making all those eyes watching him stunned for a moment as they subconsciously pointed at him and cried out in surprise. They didn't expect Ye Xiao to directly jump into the Dead Sea.

It has to be known that no one was able to make out of the Dead Sea after coming in contact with its water. They all died without any exception. From the moment they were thrown into this world, only Ancient God Levelled Evil-eyed Lion was able to achieve the impossible, maybe it has to do something with Ancient Devils who doesn't have any soul. But Ye Xiao was a human, he was completely different from Ancient Devil or the Evil-eyed Lions.

What they didn't know was that the Dead Sea will not be able to affect Ye Xiao in the slightest, for Ye Xiao was someone chosen by the World's Will to refine its core. The World itself will not want Ye Xiao to happen something.

As expected, to Ye Xiao, the water of the Dead Sea become just like normal water. It didn't affect. Ye Xiao dived at an extremely fast speed and soon arrived at the depth of the Dead Sea where he saw a huge Evil-eyed Lion staring at him with its pair of big red eyes.

Ye Xiao could see how furious this thing was right now. Ye Xiao has destroyed a part of its consciousness, causing it to suffer a heavy loss and endure pain like never before. It was the first time it had experienced pain and the feeling was not good at all.

When Ye Xiao told it to wait for him at the depth of the Dead Sea, it didn't believe Ye Xiao. However, as the saying goes; seeing is believing. When it saw Ye Xiao coming, although it was shocked, soon its surprise turned into anger and hatred.

Seeing Ye Xiao nearing, it wanted to attack Ye Xiao. However, at this moment, many black whirlpools soon appeared as a very powerful suction force appeared which caused a big turmoil inside the Dead Sea.

The water of the Dead Sea would have been sucked inside the whirlpools if Ye Xiao had not chosen to not devour them and only target the Evil-eyed Lion.

Black fog-like substance soon started being forcefully sucked out of the Evil-eyed Lion's body as they flowed inside every whirlpool.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!"

The Evil-eyed Lion roared in pain. It felt like its soul, that it doesn't have to begin with, being forcefully torn apart and devoured by a mysterious but powerful force. It continued to roar in pain but Ye Xiao didn't show it mercy.

Very soon, this Ancient God Realm Ancient Devil was completely devoured, only leaving behind its shell; the corpse of an Ancient God Levelled Evil-eyed Lion.

Ye Xiao was able to kill the Ancient Devils because Ancient God Levelled strength was never his to begin with. It was possessing the body of Evil-eyed Lion that made it possible for the Ancient Devils to be able to control this kind of power and make use of it.

And Ye Xiao was like a nemesis to these Ancient Devils no matter how powerful they are, causing him to be able to deal with them so easily.

Of course, if he is to face a true Ancient God of Divine Realm, not these Ancient Devils, with his current strength, he wouldn't be able to harm them in the slightest.

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