Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 788 Ch 788: The Truth (2)

When the Ancient Gods heard Ye Xiao's questions, they first looked at each other, wanting to hear each other's opinions. After coming to a conclusion, they looked at Ye Xiao and nodded their heads.

The Ancient Earth God, who seemed to have comprehended 70% Profound Meaning of Earth and was also the leader of this group of Ancient Gods, took a deep breath and started telling Ye Xiao the whole story.

It was just as the old man of Golden Crow Ancient Race had told him, everything began with the greed of Ancient Samsara God. He wanted to comprehend the Profound Meaning of Life and Death completely but failed to exceed 20%. That's why he took the second road. He started slaughtering people, mainly gods, and Ancient Gods to understand the Profound Meaning of Death.

He destroyed many races and killed many Ancient Gods. However, when all the Ancient Gods came together and started besieging him, the Ancient Samsara God suffered a lot.

When Ye Xiao heard this, he frowned because the old man of the Ancient Crow Race didn't tell him something like this. Instead, he told Ye Xiao that even after all the Ancient Gods came together, they were unable to do anything against Ancient Samsara God.

But he understood everything clearly when he continued to listen to what the Ancient Earth God was saying.

"Suffering heavily in the battle against many Ancient Gods, Ancient Samsara God contracted with an Ancient Devil that he met by chance. After that, his strength soar to the sky and he somehow comprehended the Profound Meanings of Life and Death to 50%."

"From that point onward, it became almost impossible for Ancient Gods to kill the Ancient Samsara God. No matter how heavy injuries he received, or even if someone sliced his head off his body, he never died. No one could kill the Ancient Samsara God anymore."

"As for Ancient Samsara God, he continued his slaughter. However, it was at that time Su Mutong came out. Su Mutong was also a genius, he had comprehended 80% Profound Meaning of Light. With his accomplishment, he was able to stop Ancient Samsara God. this gave other Ancient Gods the opportunity to strengthen their strength and deepen their understanding of Profound Meanings. Other Ancient Gods started becoming stronger and stronger bit by bit which made Ancient Samsara God anxious."

"Although no one could kill him, if everyone's understanding of their Profound Meaning deepened, it would have been impossible for Ancient Samsara God to harm other Ancient Gods. Because of this, he could not continue comprehending the Profound Meaning of Life and Death."

"Because of this, he gave some benefits to Su Motang and promised him to make him the Patriarch of the Sky Ghost Race as long as Su Motang help Ancient Samsara God. Because of his greed, Su Motang betrayed his own brother and the entire Sky Ghost Race. When Su Mutong was fighting Ancient Samsara God once again, Su Motang betrayed and backstabbed his brother, heavily injuring him. It was also the time when Ancient Samsara God launched his most powerful attack, causing the Ancient Samsara God to fall into a deep slumber."

"Ancient Samsara God would have killed Su Mutong, however, he suddenly changed his mind. No one knows why, but he chose to seal Mutong and us inside his Inner World instead of killing everyone."

"Before he fought against Su Mutong, he had already created the World Of Reincarnation. We failed to understand what he was doing or how come his power didn't decrease even though he had already abandoned his Divine Domain. But later, when he abandoned his Inner World and sealed us inside, we found the reason."

"He had somehow gotten his hands on the Law Breaking Stone. Using the Law Breaking Stone, he defied the laws of the Heavens. Even though he had clearly abandoned his Inner World and his Divine Domain, he still somehow remained connected with these two sources of power. Thus, his strength didn't disappear and he was not crippled. This was all because of the Law Breaking Stone. Ancient Samsara God was so arrogant that he even threw a piece of Law Breaking Stone into his Divine Domain, showing us that he doesn't care about even a treasure like Law Breaking Stone anymore."

"Before he completely sealed us, we asked him why he was sealing us instead of killing us. The Ancient Samsara God was too arrogant, he was sure that we will stay sealed for our entire life, he told us why he chose to do so."

"According to him, he had brought every single being born in his Inner World to the World Of Reincarnation. As for his Inner World, he had thrown many people from the Lower Realm and Upper Realm inside his Inner World."

"As time will pass, because of the World Of Reincarnation, his understanding of Life and Death will continue becoming deeper and deeper. As for his Inner World, he sealed us inside using the Five Direction Lion Seal. He wants to accomplish something impossible, we just don't know what."

Saying till here, the Ancient Earth God stopped. He looked at Ye Xiao, wanting to see his reaction. However, all he saw on Ye Xiao's face was just a surprised expression. He didn't see any anxiety, hesitation, worry, or other emotion. Ye Xiao was just a little surprised.

And what surprised Ye Xiao was the matter related to Law Breaking Stone. He now understood why there was a Law Breaking Stone deep inside the lava pool. What he didn't expect was the arrogance of Ancient Samsara God. He actually threw a Law Breaking Stone inside his Divine Domain.

Was he not afraid that someone will get their hands on the Law Breaking Stone and break the rule of his world, creating his own!

Well, he was also curious about Ancient Samsara God's inner world. Ye Xiao didn't tell out loud, but he really wanted to know if it is possible for him to still refine the Inner World's core and Great Star Continent's core, and make them his even though the Ancient Samsara God is still connected with these two worlds because of the Law Breaking Stone.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Xiao calmed down his emotion and was ready to hear something that was a matter of utmost importance for now.

"What about the Evil-eyed Lions? What s wrong with them?" Ye Xiao asked.

All the Ancient Gods knew that they needed Ye Xiao's help right now. It is because he is the only outsider in this world that he can help them deal with the current predicament situation.

Ancient Earth God once again started answering Ye Xiao's questions. He said, "Ancient Samsara God created a Five Direction Lion Seal and sealed us here. The Five Direction Lion Seal was created using five corpses of God levelled Evil-eyed Lions. I've already told you that Ancient Samsara God had contracted with an Ancient Devil. Though he used the corpses of five God levelled Evil-eyed Lions, instead of sealing a portion of their souls inside their bodies, Ancient Samsara God sealed their entire souls inside their own dead bodies. He also tempered with their corpses using the power bestowed to him by Ancient Devil."

"Many eons have passed in this world and many eras must have passed in outside worlds. After so many eons, the souls inside the Evil-eyed Lions managed to break the seal, they once again possessed their bodies. However, they had already died once and can not come back to life. However, because of the tempering with their bodies using the power of the Ancient Devil, they really came back to life and even gain the ability to divide a small portion of their bodies to give birth to an entirely new Evil-eyed Lion. However, the new Evil-eyed Lion born from a portion of their bodies are just like Ancient Devils, they have no body and no soul. They have only one mission and that is to destroy this world."

"Now that the five God-levelled Evil-eyed Lions have come back to life, this world has fallen in great danger. If this world is to be destroyed, every single life except for an outsider will be obliterated. We were once also outsiders, however, because of the Law Breaking Stone, we are no longer outsiders to this world, however at the same time, we are also not natives to this world."

Ye Xiao nodded his head in understanding. But there were still a few doubts in his heart. He asked, "There are a total of seven Ancient Gods here. As for the God-levelled Evil-eyed Lions, they are only five. Why didn't you all kill those five Evil-eyed Lions as soon as they came back to life?"

Ancient Earth God smiled bitterly, replying in a gloomy voice: "If we could, of course, we would have killed them a long time ago. It is not like we don't want to, it is just that we couldn't. Those five Evil-eyed Lions are too terrifying. They also have some kind of strange power in their bodies. We felt like that power is the power of darkness, however, after a deeper look, we found out that it was something else, something much stronger, something evil and horrifying."

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