Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 776 Ch 776: Red Heaven Sword (2)

The sword of the Red-haired Lady was called Red Heaven Sword. This was the first time Ye Xiao heard the sword's name, however, it was not the time to think about the sword's name.

What he wanted to know was, why does the sword leave him and started floating in the air the moment he stepped into this city?

The Red Heaven Sword started shining brightly. Then, its blade immediately turned red and the bright light also turned deep red. Looking at the current appearance of the sword, Ye Xiao felt that this was the true Red Heaven Sword.

The Red Heaven Sword turned red and the next instant, a red beam of light was shot out from the sword towards the sky. The red beam of light pierced through the layer of clouds in the sky, revealing a big red hole. Yes, the hole was not black but red.

The sky changed colour instantly, turning red. It was as if the world itself has turned red, causing every single person inside the city to reveal a surprised expression.

All the people started leaving their houses and stepping on the road outside. The powerful Sky Ghosts sensed the direction of the source of this strange phenomenon and started going in that direction.

In the middle of the city, there was a tower. This tower looked exactly the same as the Dragon Tower outside. The only difference in their appearance was the absence of the Golden Coiling Dragon.

On the seventh floor of the tower which was also the said highest floor, a middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged and was cultivating. A faint grey energy was surrounding his body, making it hard for others to see his appearance. The faint grey energy was different from the Spirit Energy and True Energy.

Looking closely, one can see the middle-aged man holding a grey stone in his hand. This stone was the source of the grey energy.

Suddenly, as if the old man sensed something, he opened his eyes. the grey energy also disappeared instantly. The old man kept the stone in his spatial ring and immediately came out of the tower.

"Leader, you are here!"



People who saw the middle-aged man started greeting him. The middle-aged man nodded his head at them with a smile on his face. This middle-aged man's height was about 3 meters. No human could grow to this height, only Sky Ghosts can.

The middle-aged man raised his head and looked at the sky after coming out of the tower. Then he revealed a shocked expression. He closed his eyes before opening them again. Shifting his gazes, he looked in the direction of the City Gate and muttered: "Red Heaven Sword has returned!"

"What? Red Heaven Sword has returned!"

"Red Heaven Sword? Isn't it the Guardian Weapon of our Sky Ghost Race?"

"As far as I know, the Red Heaven Sword recognized Lady Su Ming as its master in the past. However, after the attack of the Ancient Samsara God, Lady Su Ming and the Red Heaven Sword, both disappeared. Since the Red Heaven Sword has returned, does it mean that Lady Su Ming has also returned?"

"How is this possible? It is clearly stated in the records that Lady Su Ming died under the hands of the Ancient Samsara God. It is impossible for a dead person to return, right?"

"Then what is happening? After disappearing for many eras, how could Red Heaven Sword return on its own?"

"This... Only our Leader can answer this question!"

Everyone turned their gazed and looked at their Leader, wanting to get an answer from him. The middle-aged man didn't say anything for some time. He kept looking in the direction of the City Gate.

This city was huge and the City Gate was at least two miles away from the Tower. However, the middle-aged man seemed to be able to look at the City Gate without the disturbance of anything in the way.

After a while, he took a deep breath and his surprised expression turned into ecstasy. He became extremely excited. Looking at the people around him, he said, "The Red Heaven Sword doesn't return on its own, it was brought here by the person whom I talked about with you guys before."

One of the people suddenly realized what the Leader was talking about. He immediately said, "Leader, are you referring to the person you sent Huang Wentian to fetch?"

The Leader nodded his head, saying: "Yes! I'm referring to exactly that person!"

"How is this possible?" Another old man shook his head, not believing what the Leader said. He said, "Didn't you tell that that person has reincarnated into this world created by the Ancient Samsara God. He entered the ruin of our Sky Ghost Race just a few days ago. How is it possible for that person to obtain the Red Heaven Sword? You have to know that the Red Heaven Sword is a God Levelled Weapon and it has its own spirit. It is also the Guardian Weapon of our Sky Ghost Race and it is impossible for any outsider to even get close to the sword, let alone hold it. I don't believe that an outsider has brought the Red Heaven Sword back to our Sky Ghost Race!"

This time, the Leader didn't refute. He also revealed a puzzled expression, for he could also not understand what was going on. What the old man said was not wrong. No outsider, who is not from the Sky Ghost Race, could hold the Red Heaven Sword. Even the people of Sky Ghost Race can not touch the Red Heaven Sword. Only the master of the entire Sky Ghost Race and the master of the Red Heaven Sword could touch and hold it.

But then again, if Ye Xiao has really not brought the sword here, then how did it appear?

It has to be known that the Red Heaven Sword has been lost for many eras. The remaining people of the Sky Ghost Race, who were able to escape the death in the Ancient Era, tried very hard to look for the Red Heaven Sword for eons but they failed to discover it.

It was not like they didn't discover the Sky Ghost Palace. They had long discovered the Sky Ghost Palace and even explored the entire Palace, however, other than the corpses of the members of the Sky Ghost Race, they didn't find anything.

They had also discovered the sealed Gate which was hiding the Pocket Dimension inside, however, they were unable to open the gate, for they didn't know how to enter.

They had searched the entire space inside the Dragon Tower for eons without finding the Red Heaven Sword.

When Ye Xiao entered the space inside the Dragon Tower along with many other people, the Leader sensed everyone. But only Ye Xiao caught his eyes. It is because of the Grey Stone. The Grey Stone was called the Fate Stone and it showed the Leader's fate with Ye Xiao. It showed the fate of the Sky Ghost Race closely related to Ye Xiao.

That's why the Leader sent Huang Wentian to bring Ye Xiao here.

But when the Leader sensed Ye Xiao previously, he didn't find any trace of the Red Heaven Sword on him. However, now, when Ye Xiao appeared here, the Red Heaven Sword appeared along with him.

It couldn't be a coincidence. The Leader believed that the Red Heaven Sword was brought here by Ye Xiao.

So, the Leader said, "We will know when Huang Wentian and that little fellow will come here. They are already at the City Gate. Go and welcome them..."

Before the Leader could complete his sentence, he stopped. It is because he saw something surprising.


A few minutes ago...

Ye Xiao was looking at the Red Heaven Sword floating in the air. He didn't know what was going on. Because of the Red Heaven Sword, the entire sky of this Pocket Dimension changed completely. Not only this, it looked as if the entire Pocket Dimension was affected by the Red Heaven Sword.

The Red Heaven Sword suddenly hummed once again before shooting in a certain direction at a very fast speed.

Ye Xiao was startled but hurriedly followed the sword. he couldn't let go of the sword at any cost. With his current strength, he was not a match for the Red-haired Lady. If he lost the sword, he'll definitely die. After all, the Red-haired Lady had clearly threatened him that if he couldn't bring the sword back, she'll kill him.

Ye Xiao chased after the Red Heaven Sword and seeing this, Huang Wentian chased after Ye Xiao. He also knew that the Red Heaven Sword was very important for the entire Sky Ghost Race. he couldn't let an outsider take away the Red Heaven Sword.

Thus, he chased after Ye Xiao. He had already thought it through. He'll not let Ye Xiao take the Red Heaven Sword, instead, he'll take it and bring the glory of Sky Ghost Race back.

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