Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 738 Ch 738: Disheartened Ye Xiao

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and looked at Queen. The scene that he was witnessing like a movie had already ended and disappeared. Ye Xiao could not calm down his emotions for a while.

He didn't know what to say, so he simply stood up, left the inn, and started walking down the street in deep thought.

Queen followed behind him. She knew how overwhelming everything was that Ye Xiao has just witnessed. The complete truth was something that was bound to hurt Ye Xiao deeply. After all, Ye Xiao had believed the Heavenly Pearl, the Nine Ancestral Dragons, and even her. How could have he thought that he'll be betrayed by the very benefactor?

Isn't what the Heavenly Pearl, Nine Ancestral Dragons, and she did to Ye Xiao was the same as what Heavens did to them. The Heavens betrayed them and they betrayed Ye Xiao, his trust, and his belief.

Ye Xiao didn't say a single word. He didn't even know where he was walking to. About half an hour later, he arrived in front of a small lake in the city. This lake had a wooden border around it. And a small sculpture of a burning phoenix that looked lifelike could be seen in the middle of the lake. It was also this sculpture that made this lake look slightly special.

Arriving in front of the lake, Ye Xiao's figure flashed and the next moment, he was standing in front of the sculpture, his foot was touching the water, however, they were not sinking in the slightest.

Queen's figure also flashed and she appeared beside Ye Xiao.

​ It was at this time that Ye Xiao finally opened his mouth and said, "Do you know, I've doubt that you all were hiding something very important from me. But I didn't know it was this important thing that you all were hiding. You know what, I thought before that you all might be betraying my trust, however, I never thought of complaining a single time. I thought that even if you guys are hiding something very important from me, or using me for your own gain, at the very least, you guys have helped me to get where I'm standing today. Everything I have today is thanks to the Universe of Heavenly Pearl, the Ancestral Dragons, and you. So, even if you all are using me, I had nothing to complain about."

"But..." Saying this, he turned his head and looked at Queen, again saying, "... I never thought you guys are so cruel. Although I'm standing where I'm today all because of the help I received from you guys, it doesn't mean you have the right to do just whatever you want."

"When Heavenly Pearl entered my heart, it helped me repair my damaged meridians and broken dantian. I rise to power from the moment I received the so-called inheritance of the Heavenly Pearl, the Nine Dragon Universal Circulation Technique. I become stronger and stronger as I continued to cultivate this technique. On my way here, I inherited many abilities from the Ancestral Dragons. You helped me many times. There is no doubt without you guys, I would have already been dead by now. Without any help from all of you, let alone becoming a Divine Lord, I wouldn't have been able to complete the cultivation of Body Refinement Realm once again."

"However, I also put up too much of an effort to stand where I'm standing. I fought against death many times. There was that time when I fell into the black hole after the destruction of the Secret Realm. At that time, there was not a single place on my body that was not injured or that had no cut. Tell me, why did I enter the black hole? Isn't it because I went against the Heavens by cultivating the Nine Dragon Universal Circulation Technique. It angered the Heavens, causing the Eye of the Heavenly Dao to attack me. And that was not the only time when I was attacked by the Eye of Heavenly Dao and that was not the only time when I faced a life-threatening situation."

"I fought against my fate to get to where I am. I put up a lot of effort to cultivate. Although my cultivation increased rapidly because of the dragons' abilities and the Nine Story Pagoda, I also worked very hard. I never back off from working hard or walking right into a dangerous situation just to get my hands on some treasure that could help me increase my cultivation base. You could have asked me anything, but you guys have no right over my cultivation base."

"Why? Why do you guys have to take away my cultivation base just to recover yours? You guys knew after I'm done cultivating the Nine Dragon Universal Circulation Technique, the incarnations of the Ancestral Dragons will return to their bodies and my cultivation base will disperse. I'll once again become a cripple who couldn't cultivate. Yet you never told me. At least, I never expected this from you!"

"I'm really disappointed. I'm really disappointed in you!"

Saying this, Ye Xiao once again became silent. His body flashed and he appeared out of the lake's boundary and started walking toward the Ye Family.

Queen had her head lowered. She didn't dare to look into Ye Xiao's eyes when he was talking, but she could hear the depth of his words, she could feel his emotions, she knew Ye Xiao was deeply hurt, and it was all because of her and the Nine Ancestral Dragons who never had good intentions. They helped Ye Xiao, and gave Ye Xiao their abilities, to the point where they let Ye Xiao transform into them and use their abilities to a great extent.

But what for?

Isn't it because they never wanted Ye Xiao to die midway?

Isn't it because they wanted Ye Xiao to become strong enough to deal with any problem easily and continue cultivating until he become an Ancient God? At that time, they would return once again with the strength that they had when they still stood at their peak.

As for the price, they wouldn't have to pay the price. The one paying the price for their return in glory would be Ye Xiao.

At that time, they would just kick Ye Xiao out, or at most give him some compensation and let him live his life comfortably like an ordinary man without any problem!

But how could Ye Xiao not have a problem?

He, who has cultivated to the point where he even ascended to the Divine Realm by solely relying on himself, how could he endure the pain of being betrayed by the most trusted ones? How could he live his life like ordinary people when he once stood at a stage where he could simply crush down ordinary people like ants?

They had previously thought things too simply. In reality, things were a lot more complex than they could ever imagine.

Queen chased after Ye Xiao and tried to calm Ye Xiao down, saying, "Ye Xiao, listen to me. I..."

"Shut up!"

Before she could even complete what she was about to say, she was silenced by Ye Xiao's cold voice. She had never seen Ye Xiao like this. Ye Xiao had never talked to her in such a cold tone. She felt a chill and seemed to have been wronged. But she knew, she was not wronged and it was very normal for Ye Xiao to behave this coldly to her after knowing everything.

Ye Xiao turned his head, pointed his index finger at her, took a deep breath while nodding his head lightly, and said word by word in a cold voice, "GO! LEAVE ME ALONE AND NEVER SHOW UP IN FRONT OF ME."

He was really disappointed and greatly hurt. He was ready for being used by Queen, Nine Ancestral Dragons, and the Heavenly Pearl, for they were the ones who helped him get to where he was today. However, it doesn't mean they'll toy with him, play with his life, and use him however they want.

He started cultivating in the Lower Realm and cultivated to this stage today where he has already ascended to the Divine Realm. He had worked very hard. How could he not be angry, hurt, disappointed, and disheartened when he came to know that his hard work worth his life will be taken away from him after he'll cultivate the Nine Dragon Universal Circulation Technique to the peak?

He could have endured anything but losing his cultivation base for which he worked so hard and put his entire life struggling, he could never endure something like this. He'll never let his cultivation base go just like this.

If he lost his cultivation base, what'll happen to his women?

He believed in them and knew they'll definitely look after him but... wouldn't the world will mock them for having a useless man who only knows how to rely on women to live his life comfortably?

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