Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 728 Ch 728: Ye Xiao's Feelings

"Don't be afraid, come here. I won't do anything!"

The middle-aged man saw that the two children are trembling and were coming to him at the speed of a snail, he thought they might have been frightened by the explosion that even destroyed the entire mountain. It must be the reason why they are thinking of him as an enemy and are fearing to come near him.

This is why he tried to ease up the two children and asked them to come to him with a wide smile on his face.

If it was any other children instead of Ye Xiao and Queen, they would have been frightened by the wide smile on the middle-aged man's face. Fortunately, it was Ye Xiao and Queen. They controlled themselves and continued to act.

Although they sped up a little, their speed was still slow. It took them more than one minute to go near the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man smiled, patted Ye Xiao's head, and said, "Don't be scared, child. Tell me, have you seen what happened here?"

Ye Xiao looked at the middle-aged man and then looked at Queen with the face 'I don't know what to say, I'm so scared!'

The middle-aged man shook his head with a bitter smile, then shifted his gaze to the Queen and asked her the same question.

Queen didn't know how to act, even so, her acting skill was enough to confuse the middle-aged man. After the middle-aged man asked a few times, he started becoming impatient.

Seeing the impatient face of the middle-aged man, Ye Xiao finally decided to open his mouth. He said, "Umm, senior!"

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up when he saw that one of these two children finally opened his mouth to talk. He hurriedly said, "Yes, yes! Say it!"

Ye Xiao sobbed a little with a scared expression on his face as if remembering what happened a while ago frightened him. Then he said with tears on his face, "That... A horrible-looking man with two horns on his head captured all of us. Sob... Sob... He tried to kill everyone. At that time, an angel brother come down from the sky and saved us. He also killed that horrible man. This mountain was also destroyed because of the fight between that Angel Brother and Horrible Man."

Queen's mouth twitched when she heard what Ye Xiao was saying. She cursed him for being shameless. Ye Xiao actually described himself as an Angel Brother. How shameless of him?

'A Demon?'

The middle-aged man, on the other hand, frowned. He could guess the horrible man with horns on his head must be a demon. As for who this so-called Angel Brother is, he has no idea. It might be a passer-by.

He looked around but saw no traces of a fight here.

At this time, an idea appeared in Ye Xiao's mind. He wanted to enter the depth of the basin and see what is the treasure inside that was the source of the mysterious force which created the barrier around the basin, protecting it from every danger.

He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him and said in a trembling voice, "That... Senior, there is a huge basin of magma inside the mountain. That angel brother and horrible man were fighting inside. Angel Brother saved us and sent us here, and went inside to fight again. At that time, the mountain crumbled down and was destroyed completely. I don't know how that Angel Brother is, could you help him come out?"

What Ye Xiao wanted to do was clear. He wanted to use the hands of the middle-aged man and clean up the rubbles above the basin. He didn't know if he took away the treasure inside, whether the barrier will disappear and the remains of the collapsed mountain will crumble down inside the basin.

If that really happened, he'll once again get badly injured. So, removing the remains of the mountain is the best choice.

And the middle-aged man in front of him is the best choice to do some handy work for him.

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the remains of the mountain that once stood tall in the Demon Mountain. Then he shifted his gazes between Ye Xiao, Queen, and the collapsed mountain.

It was not that he didn't believe what Ye Xiao said. After all, in his eyes, Ye Xiao was just an Eight Years Old child. He couldn't scheme at all and would not lie.

Moreover, Ye Xiao was constantly referring to the person who saved him as the Angel Brother, and the demon as the Horrible Man. This made him didn't doubt Ye Xiao word's at all. He thought Ye Xiao was just an innocent child caught in the storm of a demon's plot.

On top of all, he couldn't sense any cultivation base on Ye Xiao's body. Ye Xiao was already an Eight Years Old child, if he was from any influential family that has even the smallest of territory and power in their hands, Ye Xiao should have at least the cultivation base of the First Stage of Martial Disciple Realm.

Since he couldn't detect any cultivation base on Ye Xiao's body, it means Ye Xiao must have come from a poor family.

He completely ignored the luxurious clothes on Ye Xiao's body.

"Ok, kid, don't worry. Everything is fine now. Why don't you wait for these big brothers and big sisters to wait up here? I'll go and bring some people here, who'll help us find your Angel Brother?" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

Ye Xiao's eyes lit up. He showed an excited expression on his face. This old man was finally going to take action.

Seeing the excited expression on Ye Xiao's face, the middle-aged misunderstood that Ye Xiao was happy because he was going to save Ye Xiao's Angel Brother.

Ye Xiao and Queen went to the group of unconscious youngsters and sat down on the piles of dry leaves below. Queen had a strange expression on her face. She looked at Ye Xiao and asked, "What scheme is playing inside your head now? What are you thinking?"

Ye Xiao had a smile on his face. He looked at the middle-aged man who flew away at an extremely fast speed and said, "When you were in the basin, didn't you sense something strange in the depth of the basin?"

Queen frowned and nodded her head, "I did sense something, however, it is not that important at all. The treasures in this world are very low level. They are nothing but a bunch of trashes."

"Maybe... In your eyes... I think!" Ye Xiao said while looking at the distant sky. Then he took a deep breath and continued, "I don't have any treasure of previous weapons from the Original World. I only have the Black Star Blade, however, it is clearly not enough if I want to conquer this world. So, any treasure that could help me secure even a small territory is very important."

Queen didn't object to him this time. She knew what Ye Xiao was saying is the truth. Taking a deep breath, she nodded and said, "Should I tell you the truth about the Heavens and Second Universe or should we wait for the current business to end?"

"Let's wait for this matter to end!" Ye Xiao said and shifted his gaze to the unconscious Ye Fu.

"You know, I never experienced what it feels like to have a family. I never enjoyed the parental love, the warmth from a mother, the affection, care, comfort, and concern a parent gives to their children. I never knew what it is like to be nurtured and supported by a family. As far as I could remember, I was just a little beggar begging on the streets to survive. I didn't even have a name. At that time, a father-like figure appeared in my life. He gave me his surname and named me Ye Xiao."

"It was him who taught me how to read and write. It was he who taught me how to cultivate and what it means to become stronger. I always thought of him as my father, however, before I could call him father even once, he was killed. He left me all alone. I was schemed against, crippled, abandoned, and kicked out from my very first 'home' where I had the sense of belonging."

"I never knew what it is like to have a parent. I always get jealous seeing other boys and girls by age and below laughing and chatting with their parents. However, after being reincarnated in this world, I now have everything I once wished for."

"Although I'm much more experienced than anyone else in this entire world other than the reincarnators, I somehow feel the sense of belonging here once again. In this world, I have loving parents, a father-like elder brother, and sometimes a little stupid but good-hearted second brother. I like being here."

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