Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 705 Ch 705: True Sea Of Samsara

People were shocked when they understood who the young man really is. They couldn't help but suck in a cold breath of air. To them, Sky Splitter Ancient God is a behemoth who can not be provoked.

Seeing that the young man entered the Sea of Samsara, all of them took a deep breath of relief. Then they also started entering the Sea of Samsara through the whirlpool.

There were also those people trying to enter the Sea of Samsara who doesn't have the Samsara Token, however, without a doubt, such people were stopped by mysterious energy even before they could go near a hundred-meter area of the whirlpool.

They also felt if they dared to take even a single step forward, they'll die without a doubt.

Ye Xiao also entered the whirlpool after a few hundred people.


The Land of Reincarnation was filled with baleful energy and it was incomparably dark.

With the presence of a divine sense, Ye Xiao was able to detect anything. However, after entering the Land of Reincarnation, he discovered that his divine sense was being suppressed, exactly how it was being suppressed when he tried to investigate the Land of Reincarnation from outside.

Ye Xiao saw a little further away from him was a group of people, about a hundred or so. He also joined these people and carefully went deeper. No one knows how far they went.

"Everyone, be careful. Don't let down your guard!"

Although there were no more attacks for the time being, none of them could afford to be careless.

After walking for a short while, numerous blood-red trees appeared in front of everyone's eyes. These trees were all blood-red in colour and they did not have any leaves on their branches. They only had tree trunks and a few branches without any leaves.

Everyone's expressions immediately became vigilant, as they were afraid that this strange blood-red tree would suddenly 'come alive' and attack them.

In the outside world, there were many strange trees that could attack people. So, it wouldn't be that much difficult for the trees here to attack people as well.

However, everyone was worried for nothing. Even when they passed through the area of the blood-red trees, they did not see the blood-red tree attack them.

Among this group, there was another young man walking in the middle at this time. He was Yang Lang. Yang Lang was frowning his brows. As far as he could think of, anything that could appear in the Land of Reincarnation shouldn't be an ordinary existence. Since these blood-red trees weren't attacking them, there must be another use for them. It was just that they didn't know about it for the time being.

He was thinking like this because Old Wu used to tell him a few stories of Gods whenever he went to drink wine. Among those stories, Old Wu sometimes mentioned a few things related to Life and Death, reincarnation, and other such things which are related to Samsara.

He sometimes even wondered how Old Wu knew so many things about life, death, and the cycle of Life and Death. He even felt sometimes that the Old Wu is not what he looks like on the surface, there is another side of him that is hidden from other people.

But there was no way to confirm this guess.

Passing through the blood-red tree, an obscure river blocked in front of everyone. It was impossible to tell what colour this river was. If one were to really say it, it would be pale yellow colour but was distinct enough to cause people not to be able to tell the colour.

This river was nearly a thousand meters wide. If it was any other time, this distance was nothing. Even if they didn't fly, they could just leap over it.

How could a dignified Divine Lord and above martial artists not even jump a thousand meters?

But now, a kilometer was a very long distance for them. At first, only their Divine Sense was suppressed, however, as they went deeper, even they start feeling pressure and had a feeling of being suppressed.

Ever since they got close to this river, the pressure on them increased by more than two times.

A few turned pale. They had been suppressed to the point where they couldn't even circulate their True Essence and use it for their safety.

"Now... How do we go deeper?" One of the people couldn't help but ask.

All the people fell silent. They didn't have much confidence so none of them dared to say anything.

On the other hand, Yang Lang seemed to remember a story Old Wu told him about a river and blood-red trees.

He thought for a while and finally decided to say something. Clenching his fist, he said slowly. "Umm, everyone, if I'm not wrong, this river should be the true Sea of Samsara, the river of reincarnation. We are from the real world. After we reincarnate through the reincarnation river, we will still have our memories. And upon our death after reincarnating and living into that world, we will be able to return to our original world."

"However, if we fall into the Sea of Samsara, then we will lose our current memories and truly be reincarnated, becoming a member of that new world of samsara. And after death, we will only continue to reincarnate into that world, it'll be impossible for us to return to our world!"


Everyone, including Ye Xiao, exclaimed in shock.

They initially thought that being reincarnated in a new world was a child's play, they could still come back after death. But now, they were told that if they were to fall into the River of Reincarnation which is also the true Sea of Samsara, they would be truly reincarnated into that new world of samsara, unable to return to their original world ever again. This made them feel hesitant and they began thinking to retreat.

Even Ye Xiao was not willing to take the risk.

"Let's go back." A hint of unwillingness flashed across a person's face as he said in low voice.

But soon, this unwillingness turned into relief. At least, they could keep their life safe and not has to be trapped in the world of samsara.

Everyone came over in high spirits, but in the end, they all started thinking of returning with their tails between their legs.

In next to no time, many people vanished from the Sea of Samsara, and they prepared to return according to the original path and leave the Land of Reincarnation.

Only a few people in this group of hundred people were left. Among these people, Ye Xiao and Yang Lang were also present.

"It's you!"

Yang Lang was surprised to see Ye Xiao, and the same goes for Ye Xiao. Previously, when Yang Lang talked about the River of Reincarnation, Ye Xiao didn't look at him. He was looking at the river at that time. So he didn't know that Yang Lang was also there.

Both of them didn't talk much. They simply nodded their heads at each other and started thinking about how to cross this River of Reincarnation.

There must be a solution since many people have crossed the river of reincarnation to reincarnate into the world of Samsara created by the Ancient God of Samsara.

That young man named Xi Songhan, the grandson of Sky Splitter Ancient God, was the first person to enter the Land of Reincarnation and now, he was nowhere to be seen. He must have crossed the river using some tricks told to him by his grandfather.

There has to be a way to cross the river.

Looking at the river, Yang Lang suddenly remembered something that Old Wu told him in a story about the river of reincarnation. Old Wu didn't mention the River of Reincarnation, instead, he mentioned the words 'Yellow River'. Looking at the pale-yellow colour of the river, Yang Lang thought of what Old Wu said at that time.

"When the Yellow River flows clear, it'll be a cold day in hell. Ferryman appears, takes the souls, and crosses the Yellow River!"


"Takes souls to cross the Yellow River?"

Yang Lang muttered these words in a low voice, but his voice was loud enough to let Ye Xiao, who was not far from him, hear.

Ye Xiao frowned upon hearing these words.

He had also heard many things about the Yellow River when he was taking the second test of the first trial in the Well of Hell.

In short, Yellow River has a close connection to Samsara and Hell.

"Eyes of Insight!"

Not being able to understand the meaning of Yang Lang's words, Ye Xiao tried to use the Eyes of Insight and see if he could see through the essence of this Yellow River.

After all, Eyes of Insight can even see through the essence of Heavens if one is powerful enough, so seeing through the essence of Yellow River shouldn't be a problem, right?


[Author's Note: Hey guys, I feel like something important is missing in this chapter. If you feel I need to add something, please do tell me.

Thanks for your support.]

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