Divine God Against The Heavens

Chapter 611 Ch 611: Dark Thread Of Light

For more than a hundred years, not a single demon entered the Pet Prison, but a few days ago, suddenly, the entire Pet Prison was covered in darkness and countless demonic souls started wandering around.

Today, a faceless face suddenly appeared in the sky of the Per Prison and started devouring the demonic souls, exuding off an extremely sinister and devilish aura.

The villagers had already lost their hopes and were prepared to die.

As for Ye Xiao's promise, they did hope for Ye Xiao to keep his promise and take away them from the Pet Prison, but after a hundred years had passed and he has yet to return, they thought either Ye Xiao had given up on them, not wanting to fulfill his promise, or he had already died.

Whatever the reason was, they had given up on Ye Xiao's return. Now, they were just waiting for their deaths.

But suddenly, the darkness at the entrance of the Pet Prison shone with silver light before it shattered like the shattering of glasses. At the same time, a ray of light flew inside at an extremely high speed and landed in front of the villagers.

When the light disappeared, a figure appeared in front of the villagers.

"Ye Xiao!"

All of them instantly recognized Ye Xiao. They were shocked at first before sniffing with nostalgia. Then their expression once again changed into that of a happy expression before fear appeared on their faces.

The expression on their faces kept changing many times. This also surprised Ye Xiao.

But he ignored them for now and looked at the big demonic face in the sky.

"Ancient Demon!"

Ye Xiao did not need to guess, he immediately recognized that this was the work of an Ancient Demon. And this Ancient Demon must be at least a Dao Soul Realm Ancient Demon.

"Did something happen here that caused this situation?"

Ye Xiao looked at the people of villagers who were also looking at him and asked.

According to his guess, there must be a reason behind the appearance of this Ancient Demon inside the Pet Prison.

The villagers frowned, thinking hard for a long time. Then they shook their heads. One of them said, "No, nothing major happened. A few days ago, the dark fog suddenly appeared in the sky before spreading throughout the entire Pet Prison. And it did not take long for the air of the Pet Prison to transform into that of demonic air."

"Then many demonic souls started wandering. Today, this faceless face appeared in the sky and started swallowing the wandering demonic souls."

"We have also noticed, the more demonic souls this faceless face is swallowing, the more powerful it is becoming."

Ye Xiao frowned and thinking of something, he said once again, "Think hard. Think hard and tell me if something really has not happened?"

All the villagers shook their heads, but suddenly, a child come forward. This child was from the Han Village and looked to be at most 15 years old. He hesitated for a moment and then said, "A few days ago, something did happen!"


All the villagers were shocked and looked at the child in astonishment.

Being stared at by so many people at once, the child was scared. He took a few steps back fearfully.

Ye Xiao took a few steps forward, patted the child's head, and said, "Don't worry. Just tell me what actually happened!"

The child mustered up his courage, nodded his head, and said, "Actually, a few days ago, when I was playing with Han Niu and Han Feng at that floating mountain..."

The child pointed at a floating mountain. Ye Xiao was surprised to see that the floating mountain pointed by the child was actually the snow mountain where Ye Xiao landed after passing through the spatial gate opened by the people of Sacred Lands for the First Round of the Competition of Myriad Worlds.

The child continued to say, "While we were playing, we discovered a hidden cave by mistake and entered the cave. There, we saw a coffin wrapped in a thick black chain. Only the coffin's top and bottom could be seen. Its entire body was wrapped in the black chain."

"We thought there might be some sort of opportunity inside the coffin, so we... we..."

Ye Xiao immediately understood what happened next. He no longer needed the child to say anything more.

This Ancient Demon must have been sealed here in ancient times by a powerful cultivator. After all, killing Ancient Demons was almost impossible since they don't have a soul or physical body. The Ancient Demons are just like a gathering of black fog taking a demon's shape.

Even in the primordial times, Nine Hell Serenity Dragon and the Celestial Sword Emperor were the only ones who could kill these Ancient Demons effortlessly.

Of course, the Heaven Devouring Divine Dragon was also the one. It could effortlessly devour the Ancient Demons. But for some reason, it was not counted among the beings who could kill the Ancient Demons easily.

After the end of the Primordial Era, the Ancient Era began and in the ancient era, it must have become impossible to kill the remaining ancient demons.

​ But there was no shortage of experts in the ancient era, they must have developed a secret technique to seal away the Ancient Demons.

And the cave was one of the places where the Ancient Demon was sealed. This child and his two other companions accidentally discovered the cave and freed the Ancient Demon.

Looking at the stern expressions on the faces of the villagers, the child was once again scared. He could not help but tremble and look at Ye Xiao fearfully.


Ye Xiao took a deep breath and waved his hand at the villagers, saying, "Don't look at him like this. Even if you were at his place, you might have done the same as what he did. After all, at that time, he only thought there might be an opportunity. He did not think about the dangers. And in that kind of situation, the majority of people will think the same."

The villagers also realized what Ye Xiao was saying was really the truth. For a moment, they even felt embarrassed for their previous reaction.

Ye Xiao did not think much. He knew how to kill the Ancient Demon. He had already become one with the Nine Hell Serenity Dragons and had obtained all of the dragon's abilities.

Just as he wanted to use the ability of the Nine Hell Serenity Dragon, the embryonic form of the Dao Fruit in the hands of his Divine Nascent Soul shook and a black thread appeared before shining.

Ye Xiao knew that this black thread was actually the Law of Darkness that he had comprehended after the Domineering God Crystal absorbed the drop of Golden Blood of the Eye of Heavenly Dao.

He did not know what actually is happening. But, in the next moment, the Divine Nascent Soul opened its golden pair of eyes, and another thread of golden line lit up on the embryonic form of the Dao Fruit.

This golden thread belonged to the Law of Devouring.

In the next moment, Ye Xiao saw many small whirlpools appearing in the sky and all the darkness were sucked inside instantly. This includes the huge face that was swallowing the wandering souls and all the wandering souls in the Pet Prison.

And then, everything returned to its previous state.

It was as if nothing happened just now, silence descended and the next moment, every villager came back to their senses.

Everything actually happened in a split second. The speed of this event was so fast that only Ye Xiao was able to see it clearly.

To other people, Ye Xiao has only extended his hand and in the next moment, everything disappeared.

The villagers started cheering in excitement, thanking Ye Xiao and bowing to him again and again. Their enthusiasm was something Ye Xiao could understand.

But what exactly happened just now was out of his understanding.

Ye Xiao was stunned for a moment before he looked at his Divine Nascent Soul. It has once again closed its eyes and even the embryonic form of the Dao Fruit had returned to its original state, no longer showing any thread of black or golden light.

"What exactly happened?" Ye Xiao murmured in his heart in shock and tried to sense if something has changed or not.

As if feeling Ye Xiao's intension, the next moment, the embryonic form of the Dao Fruit once again glowed with another thread of light. But this time, this thread of light was pure dark, exuding demonic aura.

"What exactly is this?"

Ye Xiao could feel that this thread of light was exuding the same aura as the Ancient Demon.

He could also tell that this was not a Law, neither was it any of his abilities.

Then what exactly was this evil thread of light on the embryonic form of the Dao Fruit?

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