Divine Brilliance

Chapter 857 - Beginning Of The Universe

Chapter 857: Beginning Of The Universe

Zong Shou spent roughly 5 days outside this Black Hole until the Soul Power in his body couldn’t take it anymore and he woke up from his meditative state.

The attractive power of that black hole was increasing pretty much each moment. Even when he was a hundred million miles away, Zong Shou had a risk of dying at any moment.

If he was not careful and lost control of his body, he would be wrapped up into the absorption whirlpool and there would be no chance for him to struggle out of it.

Even during these 5 days, he could only fully focus on cultivation for half a day before retreating into the distance. As for the rest of the time, he was recovering the energy within his body.

In this type of environment, all sorts of laws, power of space, all of it was changing at every moment.

While he was comprehending the Heaven and Earth Daos here, he also needed to focus on forcefully suppressing and balancing the powers all around.

Zong Shou still didn’t bother with anything and only hoped to be able to get as close as he could to that giant hole.

At this place, Spiritual Sense couldn’t be spread out. Just a small bit that was spread out would be sucked away by the absorption force and lost forever.

The only way would be to get extremely close and look out directly, using his heart to comprehend it.

Within these 5 days, he personally looked on. A few billion stars that were no different from the sun of the Cloud World were being swallowed by the Black Hole, nowhere to be seen at all.

This is the strength of the Black Hole? It isn’t destroying, but the end, the end of everything...

Zong Shou’s eyes shone as he looked a billion miles away.

Who knows whether it was a coincidence but not long ago he personally witnessed a brand new Black Hole which was being born not far away.

3-5 humongous galaxy systems, a dark and dim star started to collapse and shrink inward. It then formed into a small black dot and followed by starting to swallow everything else.

Actually, Zong Shou originally couldn’t see this process. However, due to there being a tiny bit of energy change when it formed, he was able to notice it.

Zong Shou knew that what he sensed now were actually scenes which occurred hundreds of millions of years ago.

This whole new black hole was too far away. Even light needed months and years to be able to reach this place.

All things will weaken, when it weakens to the final stage, then it will be like this. If this was any other world, this would be the destruction of the entire world. Only here, because this galaxy is too huge and wide and is still expanding...

Just as he thought about this, Zong Shou frowned.

Actually, this couldn’t be considered the true end of a world. The various special environments of this place gave rise to such scenes which showed the end of the world laws.

It could actually be considered an independent Dao law.

However, Zong Shou’s situation was slightly different.

In his last life, he had only seen some data regarding Black and White Holes in surface-level videos.

Most of the things relied on his own imagination. When he viewed the Black and White Dharma, he relied fully on himself to patch things up from left to right to complete it.

Then, he was fortunate to witness the scenes of the Absolute Beginning. He relied on the various Daos that he comprehended from it to improve it.

However, he didn’t know that he had actually walked onto the wrong path.

Looking at it once more now, the black whirlpool in his soul was different in many areas like the giant hole in front of him.

Compared to this real Black Hole, my Dharma is closer to the end. Unlimited Beginning and End Buddha? So those few Buddhist Faction Buddhist Venerables saw things even clearer than me...

Zong Shou thought about it clearly and then broke into a smile. He then shook his head without worrying too much.

No matter how he looked, grasping the end of the universe and beginning of the universe was much stronger than purely Black and White Holes.

Could this be considered obtaining a blessing from disaster?

He bumped around randomly and managed to break away from the fence.

After this period of enlightenment, as long as he paid a little attention when he formed his True Image, it would make things much easier.

All matter and all energy in the world are eternal. However, where did these things which were swallowed go to? They wouldn’t have returned to their original points, otherwise, this world should have been destroyed...

Zong Shou’s eyes turned and then he focused on some place in the void. That was where many stars were gathered, where the star system was the most dense and the most eye-catching.

With this place as the core, billions of stars gathered and were slowly expanding.

Each day, it would expand by a hundred million miles. In this vast void space, it didn’t seem really apparent at all.

*What a waste! 5 days of time is just too short and is far from what I need. If I knew that this was going to be the case, then I would have ditched Lu Wushuang even further away. Who knows where he has chased to now? *

He broke into a smile and used a portion of his Wish Power to suppress some of the bloodline weird movement. He then stopped remaining in this area and continued to travel forward.

What seemed like trillions of miles which even when traveling at light speed would take a few million years to pass, with his mount, Zong Shou directly twisted space. He stacked the space in the distance and jumped step by step.

In just half a day, he appeared within this star ocean.

This place was covered in different kinds of colors and numerous thick star clouds.

Zong Shou’s gaze focused on an area slightly right of where the core of the galaxy system was.

From the outside, the white hole looked like a sun which gave off strong and intense light. There didn’t seem like there was anything special about it.

Only cultivators like him could use the surrounding energies and changes in laws to sense what was different from it.

It was similar to the Black Hole and affected everything around it.

However, it was tough for him to get close. Zong Shou was only able to get 250 million miles away before he felt like his entire body was about to burn up.

The Blue Fire Xuan Turtle under him was sweating. Layers of Xuan Ice gathered but was instantly melted.

Compared to this pure and powerful flame power, be it that True Flame from the sun or his Sky Burning Flame, they were too minuscule and impure.

Like comparing fireflies to the moon... no it couldn’t even be compared to a firefly.

One should call it dust.


He was stunned for a moment before he felt that there was a slight movement within his body.

It was like there was something that was being nourished and growing.

However, when he split his focus to search, he sensed nothing at all. Everything was the same as usual, there was nothing different.

He was unable to find anything and as such he could only shake his head and stopped worrying about it.

If it was in another environment, Zong Shou would carefully back out and get to the bottom of it.

However, at this moment, he wasn’t willing to waste any time at all.

However, he didn’t dare to get too close. The Black Hole was retracted and all of its strength was within.

The White Hole released its power, it was really violent and explosive. It spat out numerous amounts of energy, large amounts of light and matter.

It was roughly 40% similar to the scenes of the Absolute Beginning that Zong Shou saw that day.

Probably only in this world can I witness scenes of the end and the Absolute Beginning...

Thinking about it, Zong Shou didn’t dare to delay at all, placing out several Dragon Tooth Swords in front of his body.

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