Chapter 88: Ania’s Worries

Again, morning came slowly for Oli. Like before, Oli was unable to move until he slept and finally unsealed the door to find Ania waiting for him.

There was only one difference this time. Netra was also there, waiting together with Ania.


Both of them hurried into the open door saw Oli give a self-mocking laugh. “I’m sorry for not coming home early. I tried something new, but I had no clue it would turn out to be so difficult. I’m definitely not trying that again for a long time.”

“Well I’m glad to hear that, but we’ve got to hurry and get you some food,” replied Ania. She closed the door behind them and brought out another quick breakfast she had prepared for him. “Now, eat up. We don’t have much time.”

“Thanks, Mom!”

“You too, Netra. You can’t miss breakfast because of his stupidity.”


“Thank you, Ania,” Netra laughed and joined them without hesitation.

“Mooom...” whined Oli.

“What, was I wrong? You just said you tried something new and admitted that you failed miserably. Knowing you, I’m guessing that you tried to do something that most people wouldn’t dare attempt till they were at least elders, if not perennials,” reasoned Ania. “Or am I wrong?”

In response, Oli stuffed as much food as he could possibly fit into his mouth.

“See, Netra, Oli may be talented, but he lacks common sense at times. You’ll have to keep that in mind when you’re around him.”

“Yes, Ania.” The fox girl nodded, chuckling at Oli’s guilty face.

“Now, hurry up! Today, I’ll let you two stay here in the chambers, but I’ve got to get back to the classroom. Netra, do you mind taking care of Oli until the class is over?” asked Ania.

“But Mom, I’m–”

“I’m afraid that if he doesn’t have someone watching over him until then, then I won’t be able to get back in here after class. Today, he’s coming back home, whether he likes it or not.”

“Sure, I can take care of him till then,” agreed Netra, finding Ania’s logic to make sense.

“Ohhh... But you know that I–”

“Oli, there’s no use trying to get out of it.” Shaking her head, Ania stood up. “I’m leaving but I’ll be back after class. Netra, set the timer for nine hours, please. Once it ends, just open the door and I’ll be here. See you after class!”

After leaving behind a covered basket, the mother gorilla ran off, quickly exiting the third floor of the library.

With a sigh, Oli looked at Netra. “I’m sorry I’ve made you lose precious cultivation time, Netra. If you want you’re welcome to use this room while I rest on the side.”

Netra didn’t immediately reply, first looking removing the blanket that covered the basket.

Both of them were surprised to see the basket contain some kind of ointment, which Oli easily recognized. It was the same ointment that his mother used the last time this happened.

The ointment would feel normal until it had time to be absorbed through the skin. Ten minutes after it was thoroughly rubbed into Oli’s skin, it would make his body feel like it was on fire from the inside out. Muscles would burn and joints ache, but it would help Oli make a quicker recovery in the end.

“Oli, do you know what this is?”

“Yeah, it’s a type of ointment made from some of my mom’s herbs. We used it to help me heal quicker last time,” explained Oli. “It feels nice while it’s being spread, but it’s like a going through hell for the next couple of hours as my body absorbs it.”

“But does it help?”

“Yeah, it does in the long run...” mumbled Oli, somewhat wanting to just wait till he heals naturally.

“Then, let’s hurry up and spread it.” No more questions asked, Netra put her paw into the ointment. “Lay down, Oli. It’ll be easier that way.”

“I... fine.”

Obediently, Oli laid down on his belly. “You don’t have to rub it on my metal plate, it’s pointless there.”

“Okay, then I’ll get started.”

The fox dipped her other forepaw before she started applying the ointment to his back, carefully and gently rubbing into Oli’s fur and skin.

She was much gentler than Ania had been, how made sure that Oli suffered through it as a lesson. Ania didn’t want her son to get used to doing this so regularly.

While Netra had started massaging the ointment into Oli’s skin in the sealed room, Ania was on the second floor, sitting down on her personal cushion.

“What do you think about this, Vloz?”

From nowhere, a figure appeared beside her. “I’m not totally certain I have an opinion yet.”

“She’s a nice girl, but could it ever work between them?” Concern was riddled all over her face. “If only she was a gorilla or at least some kind of ape...”

“Actually, her being a fox isn’t too bad. Thanks to Oli’s dark essence, they’re still compatible as partners.”

“True... but that’s not for a long while...” added Ania.

Vloz sighed and shook his head, “That part is also true. In their case, if she and he were really going to try and be together, they wouldn’t be able to do much until they were both at least kings. Then, they would easily be compatible since they would both be able to take hybrid forms, or maybe even a human form in Oli’s case.”

“But will she even make it that far? I mean, her bloodline is a little weaker than ours yet even we haven’t become kings...”

“Ania, calm down.”

“Vloz, it’s hard for me to keep calm about this,” replied Ania with a worried look. “I’m confident in Oli reaching the king plane thanks to his mutation, but what about her? Reaching the king plane is a high condition for her, something I’m unsure about.”

“Well, don’t forget about her perfect dark affinity,” stated Vloz. “For her to have that since birth shows that among all other youth her age, besides Oli, she has the most potential. Technically isn’t her potential to reach the king plane naturally even higher than yours.”

“True...” groaned Ania. “But still, that’s such a high standard for her to meet. What if Oli’s able to meet other apes during his travels but he doesn’t bother getting to know them because of her.”

“Ania, you’re just going to have to let Oli live his own life. As a former human, he’s already very openminded to accept us as family. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was so openminded that he, a gorilla, accepted being in a relationship with a fox.”

“... I know...”

“Then realize that he’s going to live his life how he wants. In my opinion, it’s a miracle that a reincarnated expert was even willing to accept you two as parents. That only is astounding,” stated Vloz.

“Think of it this way, would you be happy if he’s happy, or would you be happy to see him begrudgingly living a life he didn’t want for himself?”

“... I guess I’d rather him be happy,” replied Ania. “But... It’s just so strange and unorthodox.”

“True, but we’ll have to let Oli decide that. If not, you may push him further away in place of keeping him close.”

“You really think she’ll reach the king plane?”

“If we can help, then there’s definitely a chance,” answered Vloz. “I’ll be the first to enter it, and I should have a king-level cultivation technique by the time she needs it to do the same.”

“Well... You’re not wrong about that... But what about their kids? Would their odds of having children be too low?”

“Do you think that’s the reason Oli would say no to being with her,” argued Vloz.

“No...” Defeated, Ania sighed, “If Oli really wants to, I’ll find a way to get over it. But I’ll only agree if you promise to help her reach the king level.”

Vloz chuckled, “I’m already willing to do so. You realize, of all the methods to cultivate that we’ve gathered, that girl chose mine. Since that’s what she chose, I’ll naturally be helping her whether I like it or not. Whenever she has questions about cultivation, she comes to find me here in the library.”

“That explains why she only talks during the lessons,” laughed Ania. “I guess I’ll just have to live with my son’s decisions... So this was how my mom felt back then...”

“Oh yeah, she was against your and Dioro’s relationship. Rathe had mentioned it.”

“Yeah... She said it was too risky.” She shook her head. “Even though he was the mortal champion and was stronger than my father, they both thought it was too dangerous to be with someone that was wanted by Prefecture Lord...”

“At least with Oli, that’s not an issue,” laughed Vloz, lightening the mood. “It’s just a matter of time and chance. Who knows? Maybe she’ll beat you to the king realm, Ania.”

“If she can do that, then I’ll willingly accept their relationship. But only if that’s what Oli wants,” stated Ania. “If she’s used some kind of trick to convince Oli, then I won’t have it!”

“You should head to class Ania, you don’t want to be late.” He smiled, happy to see that Ania was somewhat reasonable.

“Alright, alright...”

The gorilla left the library while Vloz disappeared like he always did as if their conversation never happened.

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