Chapter 76: Geniuses From Other Territories

After Vloz disappeared, the crowd grew excited thinking about the future of the Iron Academy. Even those from other territories were thinking about it. Some even wanted to mention it to their territory leaders, hoping that their own leaders would create something similar.

Oli and his friends took a deep breath and then stood up. Soon, they would enter the academy library. There, they would find all kinds of new techniques and battle arts.

“Hmph! These beasts think they’re so great because they finally thought of making an academy?”

A loud voice rang out across the open colosseum. All eyes quickly turned to a group of people in the front rows.

They were humans and they wore blue and white robes. Their demeanor was quite noble, making some feel lower in social status just by looking at them. A young man at the front was the one who spoke up, and he wasn’t done talking.

“In the Prodson Territory, we’ve had the Prodson College set up for decades. For some lowly beasts to think that they’re all that just because they have a tiny school, it’s funny really.”

“They may be beasts, but you have to give them credit,” another human youth spoke up but he was with a different group.


“Our Tolarian Territory is still in the process of creating a school and we’ll be using some of the concepts we’ve seen displayed by the Iron Academy. Also, you’re not even from this region, so what right do you have to speak up here?”

That was when Oli remembered why the humans were willingly speaking up for them as beasts.

Those from Prodson Territory could be considered as enemies if war ever broke out between regions. It was like the common phrase, those with common enemies are also friends.

“Humans may be smart, but we beasts are far stronger!”

Another booming voice filled the air. It was coming from a group of giant lizards. One of the younger-looking lizards looked at those from the Prodson Territory with disgust. “If you think you’re so strong, then prove it. There’s a stage already prepared, so why not?”

“Sure, I don’t mind being the referee.”

Everyone looked at the stage and saw that Hurdo had stepped forward while the other apes had hopped off the platform. Hurdo continued, “Anyone who wants to challenge someone else, so long as they agree, can fight here on the battle stage. These will not be death battles, but sparring sessions to prove as lessons for the younger generation. Any complaints?”

Those who were wiser quickly realized why the meeting at the library would take place in one hour. It gave the visiting powers a chance to test the Iron Academy’s new students.

All visiting powers looked first at the stage and second at a young ape who had stood up.

Oli noticed everyone’s gazes and decided it was best to sit down. With sparring sessions involving the other territories, it was clear that Vloz and the others wanted Oli to represent the academy.

“Since that’s the case, hurry up and get to the stage you ugly lizard!”

Angered further by the young man’s taunts, the young lizard nodded to his fellow lizards before walking toward the stage.

Once the lizard was there, the young man also hopped onto the battle stage and gave Hurdo a strange look. “Can we hurry up and start this? I don’t want this ugly lizard wasting my time.”

“Begin!” Hurdo’s simple shout marked the start of the battle.

The young man and the young lizard stared at each other first, examining their opponent’s initial battle aura. First to act was the young man, gathering fire essence in his hands. It grew rapidly, stunning many of the spectators.

“Be careful Yatsu, that fire is too big of threat!”

Hearing the advice of his clan chief, the young lizard, Yatsu, covered himself in earth essence, creating another layer of scales from it.

“Remember Todd, the Earthen Lizards are known for there stong hides and their strong tails. Keep your distance and don’t let him get too close.”

An old man from the Prodson Territory called out to his pupil. Since it was a sparring match and not a real death battle, it was fine for those spectators to give advice if they saw fit. At least that way it would make things more interesting.

“Just give up before I fry you alive!” Todd yelled, launching a fireball toward the lizard covered in earth essence scales.

Suddenly, the whoosh of the wind was heard by everyone. They watch as Yatsu stepped to the side and slammed his essence covered tail at the fireball to test its strength.

The fireball exploded, not moving any further. However, the essence armor covering Yatsu’s tail was damaged and it was easy to see that the lizard was in pain. He had successfully destroyed Todd’s attack, but Yatsu knew that he shouldn’t do that again or he would face serious damages.

Taking the initiative, the lizard charged the young man with shocking speed. For an earth type lizard, Yatsu was faster than the crowd had expected.

“Is that all you can do?” Todd laughed, preparing a second fireball as he back up. “If all you can do is charge me, then just quit now before you regret being crippled.”

That second fireball flew to Yatsu, but it was dodged without much difficulty. The issue wasn’t the second fireball, but the third and fourth fireballs that immediately followed the second.

Surprised, Yatsu rushed to the side, avoiding one of the two fireballs but unable to completely avoid the other.


A pained cry came from the lizard, which put a smile on the young man’s face. “See, just give up! I can do this all day and not a single one of you beasts can do anything about it. Maybe those from the Tolarian Territory can last a while, but it’s hopeless for you dumb beasts.”

“I will–”

“Yatsu!” the lizard chief yelled, interrupting the fight and keeping the young man from launching another fireball. “Yatsu, that’s enough. You’ve proven that we are strong, it’s just a mismatch. If they had chosen a warrior and not a sorcerer then you would have won.”

Seeing that the chief was so insistent, Yatsu groaned, “I conceded. It’s your victory this time.”

With that, the lizard stood up and made it’s way back to the stands. Once Yatsu was with his clan, they gave him a healing potion.

“If that’s all the lizards can do, then I don’t see how they’re fit to rule a territory. Maybe the Tolarian Territory should just go and dominate their territory, and take this one while they’re at it,” taunted Todd. “I’m sure facing a few stupid gorillas would be easier than the lizards with a perennial bloodline.”

Just then, the crowd was surprised to hear laughter from the other side of the stands. When they all looked to see who it was, they froze and wondered what would happen next.

Oli looked to his side to find Yeter laughing his head off. Apparently, he still needed to teach his new friend how to keep his mouth shut.

“You’re stupid, you know that?” declared Yeter, surprising everyone further. “Gorilla’s are easy to face? My friend Oli could floor you in a fight, without any contest at all.”


The young man from the Prodson Territory laughed when he saw that Oli wasn’t saying anything, just keeping quiet. “Oh, so you’re too afraid to fight me and prove that you’re just a weak gorilla? So much for Iron-body Gorillas being feared by everyone under the perennial level, you won’t even dare face me.”

Oli suddenly grunted loudly, grabbing the crowd’s attention. He looked at the young man. “What’s your name?”

“Todd Troddel, for the Troddel clan in Prodson City. You’re lucky I’m even willing to waste my time talking to such a lowly beast,” mocked Todd.

“I’m just disappointed is all. With these rules, I’m not allowed to silence your filthy mouth for good. If your elders are willing, I’ll fight you to the death. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate proof of who’s better?”

Silence spread across the colosseum. Many of the people present vividly remember Oli’s fight a few days ago. That young ape showed unparalleled control of his own essence and unmatched physical strength.

Thanks to everything that happened during the final match and using the Ever-life Sap, Oli had already broken through to the high-novice level. He wasn’t too proud of it though. In his eyes, Oli wasn’t anywhere near strong enough. He wouldn’t even call himself an expert until he was a divine beast.

Everyone wanted to know how Todd and those from the Prodson Territory would respond to the young ape’s challenge.

Though Oli was one level below Todd in cultivation, the wiser people among the audience wouldn’t dare say that Oli would lose to Todd. If anything, all the experts who witnessed Oli’s battle personally and recognized that Oli had made a breakthrough since then thought Todd wouldn’t survive such a fight.

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