Disciple of Immortal

Act 5: Chapter 10: Cancellation and Confrontation

「Huff… It seems you're the kind of person who can't read the air, Rosemonde-san. I'm in no way trying to do something bad to Mel-chan. I'm offering this proposal in order to minimize her losses. And though it failed since you ripped the paper, Mel-chan did agree to sign it. Do you understand what you're doing here? You're belittling her resolve. The only people who cannot be asked to take responsibility for the result of the battle are only the ones who never believed in it.」

Wontz spoke eloquently.

The more he spoke, the more Mel trembled behind Rosemonde.

「Well, as her friend, I understand that you might look at me as if I am some sort of villain. I have no problem with taking that role either if that will make you satisfied. But rather than such a trivial emotional problem, thinking about what will happen to Mel in the future while the wound is still shallow should be your top priority right? Don't lose your cool and think about it from the perspective of profit and loss.」

「Is that all you want to say? If so, then get out of here. If you really think about Mel, then bring another document later, a document which is truly for her wellbeing. I'll make sure to check that document.」

「Dear me… I've told you that I'm not your enemy alright? I don't have the time to make this contract document either. I'm a busy person too, so I hope that you won't waste my time for no reason. I know that you're doing this for Mel-chan but, your action will only strangle her even further you know?」

Wontz spoke with exaggerated movement as he tapped his own forehead.

It seems Rosemonde's interruption gets on his nerves.

「Well nothing can be done since you seem to have a huge misunderstanding about me or Greed company. Finally, how about we do this, I'll answer all of your questions. But… You might be not interested in it, I mean, what is an adventurer desperate fo-」

「Ptoey, what's strange about me not liking an unpleasant guy like you? I have enough reason to feel that way. You folks are just kind of idiot who only think about money, money, money, and how to rob others of their money. I might not get along with him but… I know a certain old raco— I mean, a big shot of Manarak called Gannet. Do you think you can lump this Rosemonde with a dreamy girl from the countryside like Mel? Listen you a*sshole, don't think that your petty words can deceive me. Shall I explain it in words that you can easily understand?」

A blue vein throbbed on Wontz's forehead.

「What a vulgar, rude, and obstinate woman. Though it's not in my plan to deceive a monkey adventurer, I changed my mind. Do you think you can provoke me? I've changed my mind and I'm asking you to leave this place immediately.」

「R-Rosemonde-san… You really shouldn't get yourself involved in this… This person is… A really scary one. And you have become his target…」

Mel whispered to Rosemonde.

「I just tried to end this matter peacefully since there's no money involved in a pointless dispute like this. And yet, it seems my goodwill is wasted on you. Indeed, accepting this offer doesn't guarantee your safety but, those who dare to oppose me met an even worse end.」

Wontz's gentlemanly face turned into that of a cruel face.

It seems he finally realized that he couldn't keep on putting the "Good Guy" mask before Rosemonde.

It seems he got so pissed off being made a fool of someone he looked down to.

「At this point, you might be as well as giving up on your meaningless struggle. Hah… Thoughtless monkey. Do you really think that you can win a fight against me in this Polorock? You just thoughtlessly wasting your emotion. This is why I hate dealing with idiots, nothing good co—」

「I do think of a way to get out of this situation」


「A way to crush a scoundrel like you till you have nothing left. I happen to hate a guy like you the most after all. Wash your neck, Wontz. We will crush you to pieces in your own game.」

「Ph my, what a lively monkey we got here. Too bad for you, I also happen to hate an idiotic woman like you the most. I'll crush you underfoot like a bug you are.」

Wontz then turned to Jude, his escort.

「Let's pull out today.」

Just like that, both of them left the 《Fairy's Wings》.

「Be prepared… The darkness of Polorock is deeper than what you thought.」

Wontz muttered for the last time before he left.


Mel was so overcome with emotion that she went to embrace Rosemonde while crying loudly.

Rosemonde on the other hand looked at Mel with an expressionless face.


When I called her, Rosemonde looked at me.

「… It seems I got a bit too emotional back then. Kanata, do you think we can win? Please be honest with me.」


Mel opened her mouth as if she was about to scream.

「I-It'll be alright, Mel! Since I also pick a fight with him, I'll make sure to see things properly. Leave the labor to an adventurer like me… I-If push comes to shove, I'll try to negotiate with that old raccoon.」

Despite her burning passion from before… She acted as if we had been defeated right now.

Either way, Wontz had already decided to crush Mel but, it might be better to leave the possibility of reconciliation and seek a way to settle the dispute peacefully than forcing both sides to crush each other.

As long as they didn't offend Wontz, they could bring the discussion to the negotiation table to get the condition loosened.

「Well… Not that I disagree with Rosemonde's outburst since I would do the same if I were in her shoes. I might lack confidence and knowledge but… Depending on the method, I have a way to turn the tables. Now then, let's crush our enemy in their own game. Though I might not be as hot-blooded as you, I felt just the same a while ago.」



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