Disciple of Immortal

Act 5: Chapter 1: 《Invisible Hand of God》

Act 5: Chapter 1: 《Invisible Hand of God》

Act 5 – Judge of Avarice

In the northern part of the continent where Kanata and Co staying, there was a realm of monsters untouched by humans.

A giant structure, the 《God's Arm》 could be found in the hinterland of that land.

Three figures could be seen inside the building.

A masked man who sits on his throne, 《World King; Veranta》.

A mysterious person whose body was covered in cloth that had magic formulae engraved on it, 《Void of Silence》.

And then a three meters tall man whose entire body is covered in demonic-like armor, 《Demon King of Sixth Heaven; Nobunaga》.

The three of them were the members of the 《Five Fingers》 of the 《Invisible Hand of God》, the secret organization created by a higher being to control Locklore from behind the scenes.

「Stop pestering me over and over again in such a short time, Veranta. It's annoying…」

Nobunaga voiced his irritation.

He looked around and frowned.

「What happens to the other two? And why there's no news from the 《Ruler of The Sky》? Tch, how dare those two small fries make me wait for them.」

「Their absence is the reason why I summoned you this time.」


Nobunaga frowned.

「I can't get in touch with the 《Ruler of The Sky》. She either died or grounded somewhere out there. Though there's a chance that she might've betrayed us, it's more reasonable to assume that she's defeated by Kanata Kanbara.」

「She got defeated? Hah, serve her right. Even though the order given to her is just reconnaissance, she makes a blunder by rushing up. Kakakaka, Veranta, this must be your fault for pushing her by saying that she will be replaced otherwise right?」

Nobunaga was laughing at Veranta.

Then he touched his chin as he looked at Veranta.

「But… Something is off about the way you say it. Is that mean you have no idea about what happened to the 《Ruler of The Sky》? The 《World's Recorder; Sophia》 should've been monitoring the situation right? The reason you sent the 《Ruler of The Sky》 is to let the 《World's Recorder; Sophia》 to analyze the target right?」

「I did ask the 《World's Recorder; Sophia》 to do that but, for some reason, I also lost contact with her. She either died, captured, or betrayed us. That woman has a really strong attachment to her life, she'll try to survive at all costs. There's a possibility that she might've betrayed us.」

「Hah! In short, everyone is a useless idiot! No, this might be the best situation! Yes, that stupid woman has betrayed us! Her way of life is filled with filth! That must be the reason why she gets so much money and lives a really long life.」

Nobunaga was laughing happily.

「In addition, I received another oracle. Be careful of Lunaire, the white-haired lich who supports Kanata Kanbara. With Sophia's power, there's no way she will let her guard down against a familiar opponent. So I think she got ambushed by Lunaire.」

「… Another oracle, could it be that the higher being is also unsure about this?」

「The oracle doesn't specify the detail, and the oracle that directly targets the otherworlder won't come. This is the law that we know so far. Regardless of the situation, the correction of the world is always achieved through indirect intervention with the action of the otherworlder. And both of these rulers have been broken. it seems the higher being has also been confused by the recent turmoil. They don't want to disclose too much information and yet, they're also afraid of what gonna happen if it's already too late due to the lack of information.」

「How foolish. The fate of the world turned out to be relying on those foolish guys.」

Said Nobunaga as he touched the hilt of the katana strapped on his waist.

「Originally, I followed the order from the 《Invisible Hand of God》 because I got fed up and couldn't go against the order of that higher being. I also won't join this organization if it's just the two of you. I mean, none of you can stop me, I can just kill you and conquer the world. 」That sounds a million times more interesting right, Veranta?

「You're strong. I do not doubt that you can kill me with ease.」

「The heck is that praise for? I'm disappointed. Even as a joke, you're the self-proclaimed "World's King".」

「But, sure enough, you're not dispatching Zero… The 《Void of Silence》 to me. If Zero really goes all out, not even I can defeat them. Zero is prepared for the worst situation, a reset button when the world needs to be reset. I don't want to use it either but if you run amok, I have no choice but to use Zero. 」

Nobunaga then looked at Zero.

Zero was like usual, eerily silent.

One couldn't feel anything from Zero's childlike figure.

「Tch, boring. Fighting that Kanata or Lunaire seems to be more interesting now. Kay then, I'll follow your order this time, Veranta. But what happened after that is depending on my whim. At least, prepare enough fingers for me to take down.」

「I'll keep that in my mind. But, the next turn isn't you.」

「What? Are you going to keep me waiting? Are you going to use Zero this time?」

「We already lost two fingers and know next to nothing about our opponent. I naturally won't allow something as reckless as dispersing our power even further. I'll use the seed that I sowed to attack Kanata Kanbara. It'll be for the best if they manage to bring him down. Even if Kanata Kanbara comes out as a victor, we can use the battle to get the information about him to bring him down. Getting the information about the 《Ruler of The Sky》 and the 《World's Recorder; Sophia》, save them if they're still alive. They're valuable manpower after all.」

「Well yeah, that's quite a wisdom… And cowardly of you, the World King.」

Nobunaga threw sarcasm at Veranta.

Veranta just smiled lightly from beneath his mask as he stood from his throne.

「You may call it cowardice. The fate of the world rests on our backs after all. Billions of lives of its' inhabitant is entrusted to us. We have to dispose of Kanata to keep the order and the in Locklore. Even with cowardly methods.」



Tanetsuke Ojisan no Isekai Press Manyuuki~Sono Mono, Zen Shuzoku(Yuusha to Maou mo Fukumu) ni Tanetsukeshi, Sekai wo Sukutta Saikyou Musuo no Harem Ou Nari~<—Really fun but suggested to read when you're alone so that other won't mistake you for mentally handicapped

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