Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 49: Information About the Invisible Hand of God》

Act 4: Chapter 49: Information About the Invisible Hand of God》

「L-Lunaire… As you can see, I'm in poor condition.」

Said Sophia while leaning at Nilmein.

「Surely, you're definitely not in good condition. Sorry for suddenly intruding.」

Lunaire bowed her head, apologizing to Sophia

「T-That's right! Sorry, but I don't thi—-」

「Time-Space Magic, 23rd Rank《Retrograde》」

A white magic circle appeared beneath Sophia's feet.

White light enveloped Sophia's body, rosy color returned to her pale cheeks.

「Much better than before right?」

Sophia and Nilmein were frozen solid as they saw Lunaire use 23rd rank magic as if it was not a big deal.

At this point, they realized that they wouldn't be able to defeat her no matter how much they struggled.

Not even an ambush would work against Lunaire.

Sophia realized that even if by some miraculous chance she managed to deal tremendous damage to Lunaire, the latter could recover with a flip of her hand.

「She's going to kill us if we make even a single slip…」

Muttered Sophia in dejection.

「Now then, let me ask you again. Do you know about the 《Invisible Hand of God》?」

「I-I don't know… Y-Yes, I have no idea about such an organization. Sorry for giving such a disappointing answer after you went out of your way to go this far but…」

「You don't know? Not even You, the longest-living being in this world know about them? That's strange, even royalty know about them from oral instruction as top secret information, and even the nobles are aware of the rumor about the 《Invisible Hand of God》. Have I by chance overlooked something?」

Lunaire was wondering while touching her lips.

「I-I mean, of course, I know! T-That's! I know about them! My apologies, I seem to misheard their name!」

Sophia quickly corrected herself with a loud voice.

Nilmein was looking anxiously at her from the side.

「Sophia-sama! You can't, you know what will happen if you betray 《Invisible Hand of God》…!」

「Excuse me, Nilmein? What do you mean by betraying? I've nothing to do with those guys!」


Nilmein was calling out to Sophia with a perplexed face

The main job of the 《Invisible Hand of God》 was regulation of the world.

It ranged from eliminating dangerous elements or retrieving dangerous items to controlling the war potential or policy of each country.

Naturally, the assassination of someone who had become too strong was included in their job to regulate the world.

The only way to escape from the 《Invisible Hand of God》 was by becoming the 《Five Finger》of the 《Invisible Hand of God》.

The 《Corpse Doll; Alice》 who defeated Kanata also knew about those higher beings, when she realized that she couldn't avoid the scenario of her death that might happen sooner or later, she stopped conspicuous acts that would destroy the balance of the world and sought power to become one of the 《Five Finger》.

In short, defecting from the 《Invisible Hand of God》, it was akin to making an enemy of the higher being of this world, the Lochlore.

The 《Invisible Hand of God》 Would never forgive a defector.

Even Sophia realized that betraying the 《Invisible Hand of God》 was the ultimate stupidity.

「… Listen, Lunaire. I'll tell you everything that I know about the 《Invisible Hand of God》.」

But, it was a different story if her life was put in balance.

In the first place, the reason Sophia joined the 《Invisible Hand of God》 was to survive.

She had no reason to risk her life for the higher being.

She rather deal with the assassin who would come to kill her later than be killed right now.

「S-Sophia-sama… The path you choose is a thorny one…」

Muttered Nilmein as she looked at both Lunaire's and Sophia's faces.

「The 《Invisible Hand of God》 is an organization of a selected few who receive the oracle from the higher being to regulate this world. In short, they are the most dangerous lots in this world.」

Sophia explained as if the organization had nothing to do with her.

「The first one is the 《Ruler of The Sky》 who ruled over the dragon, the guardian of this world… To know more about that fella, you have to visit the hidden village of the dragonfolk who watch over the humans or, go to the unexplored continent of dragons which has yet to be touched by humans.」

「I see, the continent of the dragons untouched by humans…」

Muttered Lunaire.

「The second one is the ancient king of the Yamato kingdom, the 《The Demon King of Sixth Heaven; Nobunaga》. The supreme ruler who almost united this world as one. He might've succeeded if not for the higher being's interference. The well-known cover story is he's betrayed by his subordinate and died. You can get more information about him at Yamato Kingdom.」

「Yamato kingdom, is it. I've never come to that place.」

Lunaire nodded again.

Sophia already knows that the 《Ruler of The Sky》 has already been defeated and captured.

Even if it wasn't that efficient, Lunaire had to go to the Yamato kingdom to get the information about the 《Demon King of Sixth Heaven》.

Sophia planned to only give a minimum amount of information about the 《Invisible Hand of God》 to minimize the effect of her betrayal.

Nilmein kept glancing anxiously at Sophia.

Sophia acts really carefully to not look back at Nilmein to prevent Lunaire from noticing Nilmein's state.

「The third one is the 《Void of Silence》… Honestly not even I know about this fella aside from appearance. This fella is a shorty whose body is covered in a white robe. I don't even know their gender… They might not even a humans. I can say for sure that this fella is the most dangerous one among the 《Invisible Hand of God》. Even I have no idea how to meet them.」

「… Surprisingly, you know more about them, Sophia. It feels as if you've spoken to them many times before.」

「T-That's only natural for a well-informed person you know!? I'm someone who has been living for more than 10000 years, TEN THOUSAND YEARS! MY AGE ISN't JUST FOR SHOW!」

Said Sophia as she hit the table with an extremely desperate face.

「I'm not undere–」

Replied Lunaire with a troubled face.

「Be careful with your words, Lunaire. We, the high elf are prideful creatures.」

Sophia interrupted Lunaire before the latter finished her words.

Nilmein was looking anxiously at those two.

The one who should be careful the most right now was Sophia.

Despite her facade, Sophia was thinking about how to escape from this place as soon as possible.

「The fourth one is the 《World King; Veranta》… The de facto leader of the 《Invisible Hand of God》 who received oracle directly from god… Or so I heard. It is just a rumor, I have never found the person himself. He always wears a mask, making it impossible to see his face alas… He has 《Gift Skill》. Alas, I have no idea to what extent his ability is. He's an extremely cautious man who never took an action on his own, you'll eventually meet him if the 《Invisible Hand of God》 had their eyes on you.」

「I see, I guess it'll take a really long time to go after the 《Void of Silence》 and the 《World King; Veranta》.」

「That seems to be the case. Those are the 《Four Finger》… Of the 《Invisible Hand of God》 who will go after you.」

Sophia nodded with a serious face.

「Four fingers!? Sophia-sama, that's a bit too fa—!」


Sophia moved quickly, strangling Nilmein by her neck to stop her.

「S-Sorry, SorrySorry!」

Lunaire cocked her head in confusion as she looked at the duo's interaction.



Tanetsuke Ojisan no Isekai Press Manyuuki~Sono Mono, Zen Shuzoku(Yuusha to Maou mo Fukumu) ni Tanetsukeshi, Sekai wo Sukutta Saikyou Musuo no Harem Ou Nari~<—Really fun but suggested to read when you're alone so that other won't mistake you for mentally handicapped

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