Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 47: 《World’s Recorder; Sophia》

Act 4: Chapter 47: 《World's Recorder; Sophia》

There was a certain company called Sophia Trading company that established its' headquarters in the royal capital of Royaberg.

Originally, Sophia was the name of a legendary high-elf minstrel.

She had been living for a long time to the point that no human knew her real age, her name was recorded in various legends as she had always been involved in various huge incidents in the turning point of history.

And this company used such legendary figures of the high elf as their name.

It was also one of the biggest companies in the kingdom.

The head of Sophia Trading Company was a woman called Nilmein.

Nilmein was adept when it came to reading the flow of economy or trends, she even got called 《Nilmein of Future Vision》 due to that.

Due to the thick high blood in her veins, she kept the appearance of a girl despite nearing a hundred years old.

Contrary to her adorable appearance, she was a sly old vixen, and an extremely conceited woman to boot, those who knew her trembled in fear upon hearing her name.

And that Nilmein was currently meeting a certain person in her president's office.

Normally she was arrogant als, but the current Nilmein was kneeling on the floor and bowing her head to the person before her.

And then, the other person was making herself comfortable on the president chair where Nilmein was supposed to sit.

The woman before Nilmein had long, light blue hair.

She had a well-ordered, doll-like face, porcelain white skin as if there was no blood flowing beneath it, and cold eyes.

The crystal in her hand was glowing in golden light.

「Long time no see… Sophia-sama! This Nilmein has always been waiting for Your Excellency's visit.」

Yes, the person to whom Nilmein bowed to was none other than the legendary high elf, Sophia herself.

In the first place, Sophia Trading Company was something that Nilmein-Sophia's subordinate- built so that Sophia could take hold of the flow of economy in the kingdom of this era.

The management of the company was left to Nilmein, while Sophia herself was hiding behind the scenes as the former's secret advisor.

The source of Nilmein's future vision was none other than Sophia's advice.

Sophia couldn't stay in one place, she flew around various places of the world, taking part in various organizations or mechanisms around the world.

As one of the 《Invisible Hand of God》, she was moving actively to regulate the world.

「Since Sophia-sama came to visit this place, is that mean there's another change in the flow of the economy? The Greed Company from Polorock City has been showing more and more shady trends as of late, I'm afraid they wi—」

「There's an order from the 《Invisible Hand of God》 to assassinate the otherworlder called Kanata Kanbara.」

「The 《Invisible Hand of God》 is moving just to assassinate a mere otherworlder?」

Nilmein couldn't help but frown upon hearing such unexpected news.

「Yes, I'm just as surprised as you. Alas… I fully understand the reason for such a strange order. I saw with my own eyes… The moment when this crystal, the 《Eye of Tiamat》 showed me the moment when he turned the table against the 《Ruler of The Sky》 who came to assassinate him. Even I have never expected that one of the 《Five Fingers》 will be defeated.」

The 《Eye of Tiamat》 was the name of the golden crystal in Sophia's hand.

It took the name of the 《 Wise Dragon, Tiamat》, the dragon who was said to live in another dimension.

With that crystal, she could see the situation of a certain place at any time.

The one that currently reflected in that crystal was the figure of Kanata.

By the way, it showed the moment when Kanata spoke to the 《Ruler of The Sky》 who got chained with lots of enchanted chains to seal her power.

「T-The 《Ruler of The Sky》 got defeated!?」

「Yes. Kanata Kanbara has a high level. Even I, am no match for him in frontal combat. I've told the 《World King; Veranta》 about what I saw from this crystal and maybe… The 《Demon King of Sixth Heaven; Nobunaga》 will be dispatched. Not even Kanata will be spared from that fella's demon sword.」

「Such thing has happened out there… But, does that mean the situation is going to be resolved soon?」

「Something does weigh in my mind. I have no idea how Kanata Kanbara managed to raise his level to such height. Because there might be a powerful person who I have no idea about hiding out there and they're the one who raised Kanata Kanbara's level to such height, I'm afraid that Kanata Kanbara isn't our only problem. Good grief, even though the oracle usually comes vaguely. That must be the limitation to protect this Lochlore.」

「There's another troublesome enemy? Does that mean Sophia-sama wants… An insurance against that person?」

「Yes. Well, I do have a wealth of knowledge about magic that I have been accumulating over many years and various items at my disposal. I can fight back to some extent also, my true strength lies in the organization I built. I want you to prepare so that you're ready to act when something happens. If this situation dragged any longer, I'll use everything at my disposal to corner Kanata Kanbara… And kill him for good.」

「Roger that, Sophia-sama. Then, I'll make arrangements so that we can use it right away as soon as we receive the order.」

「Thanks Nilmein. I've narrowed down the list of the people behind Kanata Kanbara. Among the famous people who left their name in history and went missing later, they were either high elves or lichs. A thousand years ago, there was a genius necromancer who did a trade-off against the Demon King Morax. I guess she became a lich and has lived in hiding for a long time.」

Said Sophia with a wicked smile on her face.

「Fufufu, Kanata Kanbara, pray that you die in peace under 《Demon King of Sixth Heaven; Nobunaga》 because you might regret it if you somehow managed to survive. Because I can easily cause a war with a flip of the hand and make Kanata and the one behind him the culprit. You'll lose everything, be betrayed by everyone, and die in the most gruesome way」

The moment Sophia said so.

Part of the wall of the office exploded inward.

A girl clad in a jet-black robe stood before the cloud of dust settled down.

The tip of the girl's white hair grew until her feet were dyed red like blood.

Her right eye was green and her left eye was blue.

「W-Who are you!? How dare you to attack the headquarters of our Sophia company! Don't think this will end with a mere apology!」

Nilmein stood up and shouted at the white-haired girl―― Lunaire.

Lunaire looked at Nilmein, and then at Sophia.

「My apologies for the forceful entrance. But, I have to meet you and I heard that you're in the company of the royal capital Royaberg. High elf who live for a really long time… Sophia.」



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