Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 43: Dragon Pillar

Act 4: Chapter 43: Dragon Pillar

After safely regaining control of the dragon hole from Ramiel, I restricted her with an extremely tough cuff made with alchemy.

Sorry Riddler-san. The truth is, we came to Peach Dragon Village due to a request from Ramiel. In the end, I ended up involving the entire peach dragon village Since Ramiel's target is me.

Ramiel had already been subdued alas, the magical power of Dragon Hole was almost exhausted by her.

The magical power of Dragon Hole could become a disaster for this world if it is used inappropriately.

Ramiel had also said that if something were to happen to the dragon hole, the dragonfolk had to bear the brunt of the dragon's wrath.

To begin with, we, the dragonfolk just reap what we sow for letting the Ruler of The Sky, a sinner on her own device. Moreover, protecting the dragon hole is our duty. The reason why I failed to protect it this time is simply because I'm not strong enough. Though I've long since aware that the Ruler of The Sky has always been waiting for a chance to steal the magical power of Dragon Hole again, I, even the dragons for some reason have left her on her device since we're too weak. That's why I'm grateful for your assistance in this incident Kanata.

The dragon had overlooked her Maybe that was when she joined the Invisible Hand of God.

The dragon was something like the protector of this world, they wouldn't interfere with the humans assertively.

In short, they were Nyarlhotep's lackey.

Though I doubt the dragons would realize that fact.

Maybe the higher existence used the dragon to regulate this world from behind the scenes.

In short, the dragon community itself was akin to the direct subordinate of the Invisible Hand of God.

In that way, it was only natural for Ramiel to be overlooked by the dragon, she was their direct superior after all.

But, can I ask you to leave the treatment of the Ruler of The Sky to us, the peach dragon village?

No problem

I glanced at Ramiel's direction.

She was quite meek, it seems she knew that she had been rendered powerless and couldn't rampage around.

I understand your worry since you already know that I'm weaker than you but, rest assured, we have a lot of items to seal power in Peach Dragon Village.

No, I'm not actually wondering about that I'm just worrying that she might've escaped again after her power is sealed

Seeing me smiling wryly as I told him so while scratching my head, Riddler quickly explained to me.

C-Can you stay with us until we completely seal the power of the Ruler of The Sky?

Ah No problem

Riddler who came out with such a request immediately looked like a reliable leader to me.

I might look at him in a better light had it not for his nonsense during our battle.

No, in the tiniest chance the Ruler of the Sky escaped again, I had to make sure that her sealing process went on without a hitch

Riddler looked around and then heaved a deep sigh.

Maybe because of the sudden loss of the dragon hole's magical power, the vegetation and ground in this place look dimmer than before.

Riddler-san, you've told me before that you have a plan to restore the dragon hole, can you tell me about it?

A lot of magical power from the dragon hole had been used by Ramiel to the point that it was almost exhausted.

The magic used by her aside, she was also protected by an extremely tough barrier.

That was the reason why the magical power in the dragon hole exhausted so quickly.

I really couldn't think of a way to restore the dragon hole to its' previous condition.

Threw the Ruler of The Sky into the dragon hole. Being thrown into the dragon hole will be converted into the magical power of the world. That's why we need to seal her power to prevent her from resisting.

I see.

I couldn't hide my shock in hearing that remark.

Ramiel was an enemy.

She tried to kill me.

Though it was a lie, she still shared a meal at the same table with us, and she only made her move this time because of the order of the higher existence.

Alas, that wasn't enough reason for her to be spared.

I mean, I let my guard down when I heard from Riddler that we only needed to seal her power, only to hear that it was necessary preparation before throwing her in the dragon hole.

Kihihi, cease your naivety, we're enemies. The otherworlders, every single one of them are really such naive creatures. But Don't you think that it's still too early to celebrate your victory?

Said Ramiel as she revealed a nasty smirk on her face.

What the

Kihihihi, don't waste your time, just throw me into the dragon hole, I won't resist at all. I just reap what I sow after all but, do you really think that throwing me alone is enough? You know what I mean right, Dragon King-san? You know that throwing me alone isn't enough. Don't bother counting, I'll tell you for free. The amount of magical power needed to fill the dragon hole is around two of me. Since it's exhausted, that's a pretty cheap price to pay.


I felt blood drained from my face.

I looked at Riddler alas, he didn't seem to be perturbed by that estimation.

I see

Kihihihihihi! Now I'll kindly teach you the wisdom of the old as your great ancestor, Dragon King. Gather the weakling who have no hope of raising their level, and throw them all into the dragon hole. In that way, you can cull out the weak dragonfolk and fill the magical power of the dragon hole at the same time. Don't you think that it'll become a good stimulus for those dragonfolk who had nothing but uselessly high self-esteem? Choose carefully, you need at least 200 dragonfolk.

Ramiel was laughing even louder than before.

I glared at Ramiel, almost unsheathing the Hero Sword; Gilgamesh and slashed at Ramiel.

Kihihihihi, is the ancient way of peach dragon village, they took the surname of weak one without abilities and called as dragon pillar.

Added Ramiel weakly as she shrugged her shoulders.

My hostility stopped at once upon hearing her remark.

Ramiel had no surname too.

Though I didn't know about the details, after I put all the pieces in place, I knew that she never wanted to steal the magical power from the dragon hole, she was most likely thrown into the dragon hole as a dragon pillar.

Kihihihihi And Kanata, don't think that you can defeat the Invisible Hand of God with such naive thought. The other four members of the Invisible Hand of God are people at your level, and all of them are sly old foxes. This isn't a warning, this is a threat. Don't think that you can get out of this trouble unscathed. I on the other hand will see your struggle from the afterlife.

I'll throw myself into the dragon hole along with the Ruler of The Sky. It might be not enough but I'll try to make do about the deficit with the item from the treasury.

Said Riddler.

Ramiel was visibly startled upon hearing Riddler's remark.

Dragon King, have the peach dragon village become a softie after so many years!? You're smearing mud in honor of Peach Dragon Village.

I'm prepared to take the responsibility for this. That's the duty of the dragon king.

The incompetent aside, how can you sacrifice the strongest combat force into the dragon hole? Good grief, those old foogies from my era will never do something like that.

This era is different from your era. One of my missions is to protect the peach dragon village. Even if I'm no match for my predecessor, I'm prepared to sacrifice my everything for the village. If I, the chief don't put myself at risk before the danger in front of us, then the peach dragon village is truly done for. Naturally, I as the Dragon King also know about such an unpleasant, ancient tradition from the story. But, I've no intention of making my generation suffer from such a distorted past.

Riddler replied to Ramiel's taunting without a shred of hesitation.

Moreover Hump, even if I gathered hundreds of them, my people are no match for my magical power. That's why sacrificing me is the most optimal solution. However, I do feel bad for leaving a small trouble behind for my people.

It seems the people here become more and more naive with each passing generation. Not only did their physical strength weaken, but even their train of thought became more and more human-like you know?

Ramiel heaved a sigh, shutting her eyes as she shook her head.

But I wish I was born in this era.

Suddenly, I got a flash of inspiration.

If all we needed was a creature with strong magical power regardless of their race, then I might have a more viable solution.

Uhm Riddler-san.

I tapped Riddler's shoulders.

Don't stop me, Kanata. Nothing will change my decision. Though it just a short acquaintance, I'm grateful to see you being saddened by my death.

No If that's the case, I have an idea that I want to try.



I went into the Distorted World of Cursed Mirror along with Pomera while letting Philia to guard Ramiel, once we left the mirror around two hours later, I brought with me three weakened devils around the level of 2000.

It was moving internal organs, eel with two human faces, and a blue skull.

Though their bodily fluid overflowed from their torn-up body, they raised a loud, eerie laugh that pierced everyone's ears.

I threw them to the ground and held the rampaging internal organ.

Pomera was holding onto the human-faced eel with eyes like that of dead fish.

Kanata That is, uhm What is that repulsive thing?

Devil that beaten up to a pulp. Let's use them as substitutes since their level is quite high.

That is Beaten up to pulp? They look pretty lively to me.

Yes, otherwise, they would rampage and kill everyone in this place except for me.

I followed Riddler toward the edge of the dragon hole and threw those three devils at once into the hole.

The next moment, brilliant iridescent light overflowed from the dragon hole, and the ground and wall regained its' previous glow immediately.

Yaay We did it, Riddler-san! Now there's no need for you to sacrifice yourself!

U-Uhm I should've thanked you but

Riddler dropped his shoulders in dejection after saying that.

Something feels Wrong.

Am I not allowed to do this!? This is a pretty good solution right!? We solve the problem without having to sacrifice anyone!

No, the gap with the solution that I imagined is Quite big. I mean, you suddenly thrown something like rotten internal organs into the hole made me think that you're foo Ah my bad, let's forget about this topic

Riddler gazed silently at the dragon hole that regained its' brilliant glow with fish akin to dead fish.



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