Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 41: Breakthrough

Act 4: Chapter 41: Breakthrough

Close combat against someone of your caliber is a huge mistake. Time to change my tactic.

Ramiel floating in the air, raised her right hand to the sky.

A bright red magic circle expanded around her.

Kihihihi I can't use this since it puts a heavy load on my body in normal situations but, the current me can unleash this as much as I want. Let's see how long you can survive this.

A bright red wheel appeared near the ceiling.

It was around 15 meters in diameter.

Maybe because it was really hot, the air around the wheel formed a haze.

And though it was still some distance away from me, I could feel its' heat from my place.

It said that the ancient king of dragons can wield the power of the sun! She actually mastered that magic!

Riddler raised a scream.

Flame Magic, 18th Rank Agneyastra(Wing of Sun God)!

The giant flame wheel fell at me.

This is the first time I saw such large-scale magic

I unintentionally grumbled so.

Though it was high-rank magic, it seemed to drain a vast amount of magical power, far more than other magic of the same rank.

It seems she consumed the magical power of Dragon Hole.

That's only natural alright? I'll be troubled if you're used to this. This is the territory beyond the realm of humans, even a transcendent being like me can only wield this power under certain conditions, in short The 18th rank is the realm of god!

Outside of Cocytus And Distorted World of Cursed Mirror, that's it.


I pointed the Hero Sword; Gilgamesh at Ramiel.

Flame Magic, 20th Rank Apocalypse

A giant flame dragon appeared from the tip of the sword and flew straight to the sky.

It broke the wheel of flame to pieces and opened its' giant maw toward Ramiel.

L-Lies T-Twenty rank!?

The giant flame dragon crashed against Ramiel and then exploded.

Since two high-rank flame magic exploded in succession, the space was dyed in red color.

The shockwave from the explosion was more than I expected.

When I turned around to confirm Pomera and co's safety, I saw a pair of white hands growing from the ground, fingers clasped together to form a shield.

Philia faced me while raising the "V" sign with her hand.

Riddler sprawled on the ground with a pale face, it seems he took that stance to protect himself from the wheel.

What a surprise but, it won't be a problem as long as I'm protected by this barrier of magical power! Shall we keep this pace and see who will last, your magical power or the world's magical power!?

Ramiel shouted.

Alas, she was obviously flustered.

It seems that Agneyastra was Ramiel's trump card.

Alas, the same could be said about my current situation.

The reason was that I couldn't find a way to break the barrier of Dragon Hole's magical power.

My Apocalypse couldn't be fired endlessly.

Even if we really fire magic at each other, my magical power definitely going to run out first.

Even if I used my stock of drugs to recover my magical power and minimize my consumption rate, it would turn into a battle of attrition over 24 hrs long which might end with my defeat.

Though there was also the possibility of me winning the fight in a battle of attrition, doing that would exhaust the magical power of Dragon Hole.

Seeing that Apocalypse couldn't get through, defeating Ramiel with brute force was close to impossible.

Eh Has the ring become a bit cooler?

Muttered Riddler as he borrowed Pomera's shoulder to stand up.

After staring for a while at the Dragon Hole's Ring, he let out a relieved face.

K-Kanata, her control over the dragon hole has weakened! TheDragon Hole's Ring always burns hot after she takes over the dragon hole but, it cools down a bit when she uses her magic and goes down again after she's engulfed by the flame dragon! The ring is still hot but No doubt about it! Her control over the dragon hole weakened after she used a vast amount of magical power at once!

The Dragon King is telling you to force me to suck dragon hole dry. Are you sure about this? You know what gonna happen if you do that right? Doing so will incite the wrath of the dragons. I'm not scared of them but They'll know that entrusting Dragon Hole to the dragonfolk is a mistake and destroy the peach dragon village.

I hestitated upon hearing Ramiel's remark.

Dragon hole was something akin to the heart of this world.

If it kept being burdened, who know what gonna happen to this world.

And the one who will take responsibilities for that was the dragonfolk and Riddler.


Riddler shouted at me.

Ramiel glared angrily upon hearing that.

Weak aside, you can't even do your job properly! It seems the standard of Dragon King has fallen below 1000 now, and the rules became lenient compared to before. Good grief, peach dragon village become so weak now. Fine then, bring it on!

Strength, mission, is that even important?

That words of yours similar to those puny human who can only life for hundred year. This is why I can't see human as nothing more than puny bug.

I don't want to talk about individual values but, you Aren't you the one who broke the taboo of the dragonfolk, robbed the magical power of the magical power of dragon hole and then escaped from the peach dragon village because you're weak?

Ramiel was nothing more than your average dragonfolk a thousand years ago.

When I asked Riddler about the surname of the dragonfolk, unlike in the past, currently no dragonfolk was robbed off their surname just because they're weak.

Meaning that such thing happened a lot in the past.

In the current peach dragon village, those with low combined score in Dragon's Trial only regarded as young dragon reardless of their age, they were treated differently since there was a huge gap in level.

Meaning that the law did become much more lenient compared to Ramiel's era.

Thus, it was easy to imagine that Ramiel targeted the dragon hole.

Don't speak as if you know about me Lowly creature.

A bulging vein throbbed on Ramiel's forehead as she spoke in a low voice.

She obviously so pissed off.

The toughest part of this fight was to enter into Ramiel's defense, moving calmly.

I had to force Ramiel to make a big move like before to exhaust the magical power in Dragon Hole and allow Riddler to regain control over Dragon Hole.

And my provocation seems to work on her.



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