Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 34: 《Fraus the Evil Claws》

Act 4: Chapter 34: 《Fraus the Evil Claws》

So this is the dragon king's castle.

I looked up at the giant castle before me.

It had white walls and a dark-colored roof.

There were golden dragon ornaments placed now and then.

It was the very definition of a Japanese-style giant structure.

Uhm Master I think it's better if you're not meeting the Dragon King-sama today

Though Odio was guiding me to this place, he still persuaded me to not meet the dragon king, albeit with a regretful face.

Sorry but My original intention for coming to this place is to meet the Dragon King, I can't afford to back down after coming this far.

The dragonfolks might hate me for saying that but, I really couldn't afford to back down.

The matter about items in the Dragon King's castle could be postponed but, I had to tell the Dragon King about the scheme of the Ruler of The Sky no matter what.

And since the dragon king was ill, the pawn of the Ruler of The Sky might make their move soon.

By stomach pain, are you saying that the Dragon King's physical condition is really that bad?

He was the leader who ruled over the high-leveled dragonfolks after all.

There was no way that his level was lower than his subordinate.

That's why I couldn't imagine him having a poor physical condition.

It wasn't some sort of ploy, right?

I also don't want to act like a coward by faking an illness that the Dragon King-sama did but, he did this to preserve the honor of the peach dragon village

Odio muttered something before he shook his head and raised his face.

C-Cough! Just kidding, the Dragon King-sama is really in bad shape!

It's okay, Odio-san. I've some elixir that works a wonder against curses or disease.

N-No Uhm I mean, this peach dragon village has those kinds of drugs too. Moreover, the disease or curse that afflicted the Dragon King-sama isn't your average one. Yes It must be some sort of an unknown curse cast by a foreign enemy of Peach Dragon Village

Curse from Foreign enemy?

At that moment, everything finally clicked together in my head.

If the dragon king got afflicted by a mysterious disease at this time, it must be the deed of Ruler of The Sky.

Maybe it was an assassination attempt by the Ruler of The Sky.

Y-Yeah, that's right! That's why please wait for a bit. I will try to persuade him for the time being, I'll try to coax him Or persuade him. That's why please wait for him in this place.

Even more reason for me to go if it's really the outsider deed. That person is the best alchemist in the world. I should be able to at least help the Dragon King-sama a bit.

When Lunaire kicked me out of Cocytus, she prepared all kinds of drugs in my magic pouch.

Some of them might be useful for the dragon king.

Even if none of my drugs was effective, I had to tell the dragon king about the matter of the Ruler of The Sky.

I-I see N-No, I mean

Odio groaned.

Something was off about Odio's speech and conduct.

He had been acting strange since we met up again after finishing the dragon's trial.

It was as if he had been trying to hide something.

Pomera-san Don't you think that something about Odio seems to be off today?

I whispered to Pomera.

Though I didn't want to doubt him, there was a possibility that Odio might be in cahoot with the Ruler of The Sky.

I couldn't see Odio as someone who would betray the peach dragon village but, that Odio might be used by someone to trap the dragon king.

After coming this far, I knew that the Ruler of The Sky was a cunning coward who used underhanded means.

Maybe it's just your imagination, Kanata-san But, shall we get along with Odio-san's story and wait for a few days?

Why though? I don't think the matter of the Ruler of The Sky is something that can be postponed.

Something that couldn't be undone might happen if we postponed the meeting.

Uhm Yeah, you might be right but still

Pomera frowned as if being troubled by my remark.

Upon arriving in front of the Dragon King's castle, someone had already been waiting for us.

That person was a cold beauty, a female dragonfolk with pink hair.

Though she was the slime type, her fangs and nails were huge, so was her height, she was around two meters tall.

Her reptile-like eyes were locking on us as if trying to evaluate us.

I knew about her from Odio.

Among the twelve golden dragons, she was the closest to reaching the status of dragon saint, Fraus of the Evil Claws.

She held the Dragon King in high regard and normally stayed in the Dragon King's castle as his bodyguard.

Y-Yes! According to Dragon King-sama's decree, no one shall pass. And knowing her loyalty to the Dragon King-sama, Fraus won't let anyone to pass. Forcing your way of her will only worsen your reputation, Master. I'll try to persuade her, that might work for be

Odio-sama And the humans. I've heard the rumor about you three. Congratulations on claiming the title of Dragon King.

Fraus bowed respectfully as she spoke with cold voice.

Pomera, Philia, and I bowed back at her.

Alas, per accordance to Dragon King-sama's order, no one shall enter the castle. My apologies but, you shan't meet him.

I was at loss for words.

Despite her polite speech and conduct, she unleashed fierce coercion.

I've heard about the worsening condition of the Dragon King-sama, that's why I brought a miraculous drug that can cure disease and curses. This is my gift to Dragon King-sama. In addition Though I can't say their name in broad daylight, I can already guess the identity of the person who cast a curse on Dragon King-sama. This is an urgent matter so please let us in to meet Dragon King-sama!

I bowed to Fraus.

Fraus stared in silence for a while before opening her mouth.

I see If that's the case, I shall let you pass. Please give my regards to Dragon King-sama.

Fraus nodded quietly.

When I thought that we had no choice but to force our way through, My remark ended up convincing her instead.

Thank you very much.

F-Fraus, are you sure that you're going to let them pass without asking for Dragon King-sama's opinion first!?

Asked Odio with a confused look on his face.

Dragon King-sama's condition is strange, even I can't help but be suspicious about it. I doubt he faked his illness to avoid the challenge from the outsider but I guess it starting make sense if he's also under attack from an unseen enemy. Moreover, seeing that they're benefactor of the dragonfolk and people who got recognized by Odio-sama, I've no worry about them up to something no good. Even if this is Dragon King-sama's order, I'm not stubborn enough to stop the trio who cleared the trial for no reason.

Fraus replied calmly to Odio.

N-Nay, Fraus, I think you have to reconsi

Do you have no faith in them despite being close enough with them, Odio-sama?

W-What are you talking about, Fraus! My Master is a truly amazing person! My long life isn't just for show.

Then you've got no problem, right?

Fraus replied calmly to the enraged Odio.

Fraus looked at us and then walked toward the gate of the dragon king's castle.

Though Odio looked rather dumbfounded upon seeing Fraus' unexpected reaction, he followed after her in a hurry.

F-Fraus! I'm not talking about that, this and that is a completely different matter!



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