Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 25: Return of The Double

Chapter 25: Return of The Double

After descending to the lowest floor of the 《Dragon’s Jaw》, our 《Dragon Eye Crystal》 had already become so red.

The color was so deep to the point that I think it couldn’t get any redder..

Since it was so red that it couldn’t go any redder, I collected the one for Pomera and Philia for comparison and stowed them in my magic pouch.

And then we flew back to the upper floor with wind magic, 《Flugel》 which allowed me to fly in the air.

I carried Pomera on the front, and Philia clung to my back as we flew up.

「Yaay, it feels so good!」

Philia seems to enjoy the headwind as we flew up.

It took us less than a minute to arrive in the 1st floor.

We only need to head toward the entrance from this place.

「Though it’s indeed more troublesome than the 1st trial, we cleared it without a hitch.」

「Kanata-san, we only managed to do so since we broke the floor of the 《Dragon’s Jaw》 but… Do we allow to do such a thing? I mean, the citizens of Peach Dragon Village might expel us if they think we overstep our boundary…」

I chewed my lips since Pomera’s remark stabbed right into my chest.

Yeah, I’ve overlooked the biggest problem we’re going to face.

I could already see Raigan starting to throw a tantrum once we told him about what happened here.

「… But, please think of it carefully. Everyone who accepted the trial won’t think that the dungeon’s structure is so fragile right?」

「Because Kanata-san and Philia-chan are just abnormal you know!?」

「It’ll be alright… Something like a monster coming out from within, a little change in the route within the dungeon is not our problem.」

「B-But still…」

「Let’s be careful about falling rock till we’re out of this place… Well, Raigan-san has also mentioned that this place is riddled with traps.」

「… You’re surprisingly cunning when it comes to self-protection, Kanata-san.」

Said Pomera dumbfoundedly.

A while after we headed toward the entrance of the dungeon, we heard footsteps from the ahead of us.

I was so startled to the point that I almost hid myself in the corner of the passage.

I mean, it might be the dragonfolk who came to see the situation in the dungeon.

「Is something the matter, Kanata-san?」

「… No, it’s just rather embarrassing to be found out in this kind of situation.」

I cleared my throat while replying to Pomera.

Man, Pomera had sent a cold gaze on me.

When I tried to peep from my hiding place, I saw a man whose hair color had two striking tones.

「Ah, it’s Mitsuru-san huh…」

He should be on the verge of death after being crushed under the heavy rock but, it seems he already recovered and is ready to challenge the 2nd trial.

Though his toughness was astounding, I did feel that he should take a rest a while longer.

Though Raigan reassured us that the peach dragon village had their own secret miracle medicine, the effect shouldn’t work so fast.

「Let’s go back Mitsuru-san. It seems something unusual is happening in this place.」

The girl with black wings, Yorna had also accompanied Mitsuru.

Maybe she judged that it was too dangerous for the injured Mitsuru-san to take the 2nd trial.

「Shut up, Yorna! That otherworlder has also taken the 2nd trial, right? Like hell I can allow him to get ahead of me! I’ll show that weak-looking bean sprout that I’m the strongest! The dragon king’s turn will come later!」

Mitsure was yelling at Yorna.

Hearing that, Yorna could only shrink her body helplessly.

「But, the dungeon doesn’t seem to be able to be used this time. Look, there’s monster’s corpse now and then, and the trap has also been destroyed…」

Feeling embarrassed, I stopped eavesdropping on them anymore.

Right at that moment, I bumped on the wall, causing the wall to collapse.


「Who’s there? Dragonfolk?… Ah, the otherworlder from before huh!」

Mitsuru discovered us when walking to our direction upon hearing the sound of the collapsed wall.


「Hah, it seems I’m catching up pretty fast. I heard that the 2nd trial is pretty tough since I can’t just rely on my 《Gift Skill》 to clear it. I guess there’s no need to worry about that.」

Despite his provocative attitude, I could see that Mitsuru heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing me.

「Uhm no, I’m actually on the way back…」


「Well the thing is… I feel that I need to go back immediately to report about the strange earthquake.」

「Tch, what a sissy man. I don’t care what you think about it but, I’ll get 2200 points.」

Speaking of dragon saints, one needs more than 1000 points to become one, as for 2200 points, it was reserved for the Dragon King.

Since Mitsuru scored 500 points in the 1st test, he’ll have a hard time gathering 2200 points.

Dragon Saint was the highest, readily available title. And it wasn’t just anyone who could aim for the Dragon Kin title but… avai

「Kukuku, for those dragonfolk, strength is justice… Even the current Dragon King is someone who gained their status with their strength. I really can’t wait to see their agonizing face once they’re beaten down by the human that they’re looking down to.」

Said Mitsuru as he revealed a belligerent smile on his face.

「In the end, a trial is a mere trial, my point is…」

「It doesn’t matter. I just know that I can challenge the Dragon King as long at my point crosses the minimum threefold for the Dragon King. In that way, the Dragon King won’t have any other choice other than following the rules. Beating them means that I’m the next dragon king. Not that I’m interested in that title but, I hear that I can choose some treasure from Robbing them of their treasure after beating them up, doesn’t that sound kinda interesting?」

There was such a rule huh.

I didn’t hear about that rule from Ramiel and Raigan.

No wait a minute, Ramiel did say that I would be rewarded with the item that was kept by the Dragon King as long as the Dragon King acknowledged my strength.

She might be referring to this matter.

「The explanation is lacking…」

I heaved a sigh.

The image of Ramiel that appeared in my mind was the smiling her who makes a peace sign with her hand.

I’ve wondered what would happen if someone with ill intentions received the trial but then, I recalled that only the benefactor of dragonfolk could come to the Peach Dragon Village.

Not to mention that the dragonfolk pride and their doctrine about power were akin to a match made in heaven.

They might be fine as long as they’re not defeated.

「Well then take care, we’ll go back first…」

When I was about to leave, Mitsuru suddenly grabbed my shoulder from behind.

「Oi, wait right there. I can’t go all out in the 1st trial due to your trick and ended up fatally injured. Well, my injury aside. But, how dare you to embarrass me in front of those dragonfolk? Do you think you’re going to get away with this?」

「Let go off me, you just reap what you sow. I do feel sorry for the bad timing but… What are you trying to say here?」

I glared back at Mitsuru, catching his wrist.

「You know right, mob! Let’s make it clear here. You’re using a dirty trick to beat me before. Fight me here and I will crush that trick of yours! What, getting cold feet now? Don’t worry, we’re near the entrance, even if you’re beaten black and blue, your comrades will carry you out of this place!」

Mitsuru unleashed a punch with his other hand.

Man, never expected that he would attack me out of nowhere.

I reacted immediately, twisted the arm that holding on Mitsuru’s wrist, and flung him far away.

Though Mitsuru’s back almost collided with the wall, he fixed his posture in mid-air, landed on the wall with his feet, and landed safely on the ground.

「The hell you’re doing!」

Well, I knew why he did this but, I still couldn’t help but be surprised to see him so fast picking a fight.

Almost as if he was lacking the common sense of the otherworlder, a former earthling.

「Your reflex and strength ain’t bad. I guess I can go all out. Otherwise, there’s no point in defeating you!」

Mitsuru clenched his fists and then crossed his arms.

His muscles bulged out and red smoke started rising from his body.

「《Double》… Assault Mode! Now then, show me your 《Gift Skill》!」

At that moment, a tremor ran inside the dungeon

「… HAH?」

Mitsuru looked up to the ceiling.

And then crushed by the falling rock that coming from above.


Yorna who watched from afar with an excited face called out to Mitsuru when she saw him being crushed down by a huge rock.

Apparently, the delicate balance in the ceiling had finally collapsed thanks to Mitsuru’s kick.

I covered my face with my hands.

Pomera had told me a while ago that this place might become a bit too dangerous right now but, I’ve had never expected that she was right.

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