Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 20: Mitsuru’s Stubbornness

Chapter 20: Mitsuru’s Stubbornness

「I-I lift it up! Pomera lift it up too!」

Pomera managed to lift the 【500】 dragon rock head too.

Pomera was 【Lv: 1032】 but, it seemed to be possible for her to lift the stone.

Maybe Mitsuru’s level wasn’t even reaching the thousand mark.

Though I could let my guard down due to his dangerous 《Gift Skill》, I guess there was no worry about that for now.

「Pomera-san, can you hold it with one hand like Philia-chan?」

「O-One hand!? That’s, sounds dangerous but… Ah, I can lift it, barely but not for too long.」

Pomera then held the rock with both hands again before she placed back the rock on the ground.

According to what I saw, the measurement method was pretty simple.

Maybe the number on the rock was related to the level.

Since everyone had a different kind of status distribution, this kind of trial couldn’t be used as a standard.

Especially for Mitsuru’s case, his ability couldn’t be judged with this kind of trial due to his 《Double》.

「A-Am I dreaming now?… Three human who can lift 【500】 rock has actually appeared in a single day…」

Said Raigan with a twitched smile on his face.

「Raigan-san, with this both Philia-chan and Pomera-san got 500 points right?」


Raigan nodded obediently as if his arrogant attitude yesterday was a lie.

I guess he really lost his confidence this time.

「Uhm, Kanata-san, you’re the last one…」

Said Pomera timidly while squirming due to the gaze of the dragonfolks around us.

I nodded and walked to the dragon head rock.

And wasted no more time to lift it up in a second.

Since Philia could lift it so easily, I guessed that it wasn’t that heavy.

I wouldn’t have a problem even if I stacked a few more rocks of the same point.

I guess my hypothesis about the rock having equal value with level wasn’t mistaken.

「You have wonderful strength! As expected of my Master’s friend!」

「… Odio-san, we should’ve rejected your request just now right?」

We were visiting due to the matter related to the 《Ruler of The Sky》 after all.

We had no time to take in disciple, even if we took Odio-san as a disciple, we wouldn’t have anything to teach him.

My current strength was the result of Lunaire’s power leveling, in terms of finesse and knowledge, Odio was way above me.

Not that Philia had something to teach him either.

Alas, even though I still had a lot of leeway, was five hundred points really the limit of the first trial?

Since we need more than one thousand points to get the Dragon Saint title, it would be for the best if we could get five hundred points in the remaining two trials but, let’s see how many more points I could amass in this first trial.

「Ah, come to think of it… Odio-san, can you throw that 300 point rock over there on top of this one?」

「Uhm… What are you trying to do, Kanata-sama.」

… Please stop calling me with “-Sama” honorific.

Raigan was strangely oppressive and yet, Odio was the exact opposite of him.

Was Peach Dragon Village composed of people with such extreme personalities?

In spite of his doubt, Odio still lifts the 【300】 dragon head rock.

「A-Are you sure that you want me to throw this? Personally, I don’t think you have to risk your life like this…」

Said Odio alas, he prepared to throw the rock as soon as he saw my resolute face.

「Okay then, here we… Go!」

I tilted the 【500】 dragon head rock to catch the 【300】 dragon head rock and straightened the stack at once.

「Is this mean I got eight hundred points?」


Odio raised a voice of admiration.

「Yes, it happened before after all! To begin with, the maximum point for the 1st trial is one thousand points.」

「Then, can you add another one with that stone?」

「Right away!」

Odio threw another rock, and with this, I had lifted 【500】 rock with an additional two 【300】 rocks stacked above it.

My total point should be 1100 now.

Since I’ve literally hit the upper limit, it should be 1000 point.

This point should be enough to make me a dragon saint.

At this moment, the dragonfolks started making a stir that was even louder than before.

「W-What in the world… Is this youth?」

「This is an impossible feat. And yet, he looked as if he could still lift more!」

I put the three dragon head rocks on the ground and placed them in three different places.

「He’s the next dragon king-sama! He’s the candidate for the next dragon king-sama!」

Odio screamed while raising both his arms.

「To be able to become the apprentice of the next dragon king-sama is truly Odio’s greatest honor!」

Said Odio, kneeling on the ground while he burst into tears.

「I’ve never said anything about that right!?」

「You’re supposed to be Philia’s apprentice though…」

Philia puffed her cheeks cutely, glaring at Odio.

「It seems we can still aim for a higher point, are you going to try again, Pomera-san?」

「Pomera refuse… It’s going to be dangerous if Pomera can’t support the rock anymore after the other rock is thrown on top of the first one.」

「Oi, I’ve never heard about this, Yorna!」

Mitsuru returned with a flushed red face.

「S-Sorry… But, it’s not something that one does in a normal situation… I-I also have no idea that there’s such a case in the past…」

「If that’s the case, I’ll take the challenge again! I’ll double my previous score!」

「Please stop, it’s da—!」

「Shut up! I’m the strongest. Like hell I’m going to lose in something like this.」

Said Mitsuru as he sent a sidelong glance at me.

It seems he was the self-conceited type, similar to the dragonfolk.

Maybe he thought that I made a fool of him after seeing me pull out a much higher point than him.

With his personality, it seems like a slap on the face.

Mitsuru ignored Yorna’s warning and tried to lift the 【500】 dragon head rock again.

「《Double》… Assault Mode! There you, go! Old man, throw the next roc!」

「I really think that you have to stop… Even if you don’t want to, how about I add 【50】 for now?」

Said Odio in bewilderment.

「Just do it! Are you scared that my point going to surpass you?」

「Since you insist… Prepare yourself.」

「Just do it!」

Just like that, Odio threw the 【300】 dragon head rock to Mitsuru who urged him.

The two dragon head rock then piled on top of each other.


At that moment, Mitsuru’s stance crumbled and he got crushed beneath the two rocks along with a nice, crisp sound.


Yorna’s cries resounded in that place.

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