Disciple of Immortal

Act 4: Chapter 18: 《Rock Cliff of Dragon Head》

Act 4: Chapter 18: 《Rock Cliff of Dragon Head》

「We have arrived. This is the place for the first trial, 《Rock Cliff of Dragon Head》.」

We followed Raigan to a rocky area with sparse grass.

Many rocks in there had the shape of a dragon's head.

And they came in various sizes.

Those might be the so-called dragon head rock.

There was various number written on their surface such as 【20】 or 【80】.

「Are those letters directly related to the result?」

「Yes. This 《Rock Cliff of Dragon Head》 is the place to test how much weight of dragon head rock you can lift. The lowest rank, the young dragon has to get a total score of 100 points in all three trials. If you can't even lift a total 【30】 dragon head rock, you won't be able to proceed to the next trial.」

Said Raigan with a nasty smile on his face.

Surely, I need more than a thousand points to become a dragon saint and meet the dragon king.

Meaning that I need to get 300~400 points in this trial.

Upon a closer look, there were other dragonfolks in this place.

It seems they came to this place to train lifting the dragon head rock.

Though I saw humans every now and then, they were quite rare in this place.

Some look curious, and some others look disgusted.

I nodded lightly to those humans.

「Ooh, Odio-sama of dragon saint has also trained in this place today!」

Said Raigan loudly.

When I looked at the direction he was looking for, I saw a thin old man sandwiched between two giant dragon head rocks.

He stood on one leg, closing his eyes as he propped dragon head rock with 【300】 written on its' surface with three left-hand fingers.

He seems to be in the middle of training.

「To be able to prop 【300】 point dragon head rock with three fingers in sandwich training! As expected of Odio-sama… He's too awesome!」

「Uhm… Isn't he just standing on top of Dragon Head Rock while propping another one with three fingers?」

Pomera glared at Raigan as she spoke curtly.

Only realized a moment later that she made a verbal slip and bowed quickly.

「Hee, there's another human beside me in this place huh?」

I turned around in a hurry upon hearing another voice from behind.

There stood a man whose hair color was mesh between blonde and black.

He carried a huge sword on his back and had piercings on his ears.

His age seems to be the same as me.

Following closely behind him was a dragonfolk girl with black wings.

Raigan made an obviously displeased face upon seeing the newcomer.

Which reminds me that he did say that there was another human visitor before us.

But, that face…

「Are you… An otherworlder too?」

「A series of coincidences huh.」

Said him with a belligerent smile, showing a bit of the canine in his mouth.

Then he squinted his eyes as if observing me.

When I suddenly raised my guard up thinking that he might be trying to see my level, the man shook his head.

「Let's stop such a boorish act since it's obvious at a glance. Kukuku, it's my fault though. I can't help but feel curious. And you don't seem to know my name either. Meaning that you must be a mob who happens to come to this place. Sorry, we might come from the same place but, I'm not interested in a weak mob.」

He seems to be a famous person.

From the way he acted, he must've been in this world far longer than me.

Kotone was the kind of person who hate conflict alas, due to her 《Ares Hand》, she ended up becoming an S-rank adventurer and involved in the problem related to Manarak city.

「Remember this, mob. I'm the one who stood at the top of otherworlder in this world, S-rank adventurer, Mitsuru Ijyuin.」

Mitsuru Ijyuin…

That was obviously a Japanese name.

「I'm Kanata Ka–」

「Stop, I've told you that I'm not interested in weak mob right?」

Mitsuru interrupted me as he passed by my side.

「Even if both of us are otherworlders, there's a difference between level, plan, and 《Gift Skill》.」

After Mitsuru said so, he took a deep breath.


The dragonfolk who was training in this place stirred at once upon hearing Mitsuru's voice.

Even Raigan was pouting, glaring angrily at Mitsuru with a throbbing vein on his temple.

「M-Mitsuru-san… I-I've told you that y-you shouldn't pick a fight like that right? The average level in the peach dragon village is on a whole nother level compared to the human habitation…」

The black-winged girl moved in a hurry to Mitsuru's side to soothe the latter.

「You've said it now, brat!」

Raigan finally stepped forward.

「If it isn't Raigan who got beaten by me after trying to mess with me? How dare you to show your face before me again? The prideful dragonfolk is unexpectedly short tempered ain't cha? If it's me, I'll hide myself in a hole.」

Raigan's face flushed red the moment Mitsuru said so.

「 It's because I was under underweather back then! And this has nothing to do with that! Since you're asking, try to lift that!」

Said Raigan as he pointed at the huge dragon head rock.

There was 【500】 written on its' surface.

「The heck… The most you have is just 500. Since I heard that Dragon King is 2200 points, I expect that this place has at least 800.」

Said Mitsuru while scratching his head with a bored look on his face, he then walked to the 【500】 point's dragon head rock and placed his hand below the rock.

「Etch this spectacle in your eyes. 《Double》… Assault mode.」

Red steam rose from Mitsuru's body.

It seems that was Mitsuru's 《Gift Skill》.

「I'll give you a free lesson, mob. There's no need to hide it since this is the strongest 《Gift Skill》. My 《Double》 can double the status that I wanted to in exchange for decreasing the other status.」

Said Mitsuru as he lifted the dragon head rock.

The dragonfolk was left flabbergasted upon seeing Mitsuru's feat.

「Y-You must be kidding me right?」

The color drained from Raigan's dumbfounded face upon witnessing Mitsuru's feat.

What a pitiful man you are.

「Is this the heaviest rock in the first trial? I can still lift more.」

Said Mitsuru with a daring smile on his face.

「Hou… I've never expected to see a human manage to lift that up.」

The eyes of dragon saint Odio that still in the middle of sandwich training suddenly snapped open.

It seems Mitsuru's feat gained his interest.

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