Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 5: 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》

Act 3: Chapter 5: 《Yggdrasil's Droplet》

「We did it…」

A blue crest that looked like a wolf appeared on my arm and then vanished as if melting into my skin.

It was the proof of a spirit’s recognition and proof that I had succeded in contracting with the spirit.

And though the crest had vanished, I felt something hot in the magical power in my body.

Urzottle would follow this crest to come to my side whenever I summoned it.

In short, I could use this crest to borrow Urzottle’s power next time.

After our contract had concluded, I decided to negotiate with Urzottle.

From the very beginning, my goal was to get one of 《Ether》’s ingredients, the 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》.


【Spirit Tree’s Droplet】《Value : A-rank》

Otherwise known as Yggdrasil’s droplet, the giant, towering tree in the spirit world.

It said to be the origin of ALL SPIRITS.

It has incredible healing effects and is an important alchemy ingredient.

By forming a contract with a high rank spirit who was permitted to live in Yggdrasil by the spirit king, the contractor could get the droplet by negotiating with their contract partner.


I could get 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》 as long as I managed to contract with a high-rank spirit.

From the very beginning, A-rank items weren’t that hard to get. Even A-rank adventurers could get their hands on this item as long as they persevered.

The item was supposed to be really easy to get for Urzottle whose level above 2000.


Urzottle was sitting politely while its tails moved non-stop.

They’re supposed to be really intellegent but were they able to understand my words?

「K-Kanata-san, you’re not going to do something dangerous, right? Your soul is going to be sucked away, like Pomera’s.」

Pomera left my side, and then looking at Urzottle and I.

「Er, I think they only took small amount of your mana…」

After licking Pomera all over her body, I told Pomera that in the worst case, Urzottle could accidentally suck someone’s soul by licking them but she ended up becoming really frightened.

Maybe I shouldn’t have told her about this matter.

… No, this was an extremely dangerous matter that might endanger her life if I didn’t tell her about this.

「T-The big fangs are… scary…」

Philia, who was originally scared of dogs, was hiding behind Pomera for a while now.

In the first place, as long as she created four figures of me with 《Dream Sand》 just like when she fought me, Philia wouldn’t have any trouble fighting Urzottle…


Urzottle was looking at the girls with sad look on its face and its face dropped lifelessly.

It looked so sad. It seems that Urzottle simply wanted to get along with them.

「Uhm, Urzottle-san, I have a request.」

Urzottle’s line of sight moved back to me again and then closed their eyes as they averted their face from me.

E… Eh?


They then lied on the floor, let out a big yawn, completely ignoring me.

W-What was happening here?

「Uhm, Urzottle-san…」

Their triangle ears suddenly closed down with a snap as if to tell me that they didn’t want to speak with me.

「Did I make some sort of mistake?」

I signaled to Pomera while asking that question.

Pomera approached me slowly and Philia was pulling the former’s hem from behind.

Pomera frowned, looking really troubled.

Let’s try to curry the favor first.

I sit down and brushed Urzottle’s head.


Urzottle let out a groan but, they closed their mouth immediately.

Their tails were moving lightly on the ground but they stopped moving immediately as soon as I looked at the tails.

As if they were sulking on purpose since there was something that they couldn’t accept.

「Ah!」said Pomera when I was pondering about what happened to Urzottle.

「Could it be that the reason is the way you call them?」

「The way… I’m calling them?」

Ah, come to think of it, their mood had certainly worsened when I called them “Urzottle-san”.

Urzottle was the name of their race after all.

I guess calling them by their race name was wrong.

Moreover… contrary to their appearance, they’re surprisingly friendly by nature.

So, they might hate the way I’m being so formal toward them.

「Ur, I’ve a request for you…」

Hearing the change in my tone, Urzottle had finally raised their face, opened their mouth and moved their tails again.

Yup, they were really happy with the nickname after all.

「Fuu, Fuu!」

… Urzottle might look scary but they were surprisingly more like a dog than a dog itself inside.

「I’m actually looking for 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》 from the Yggdrasil tree, can you get it for me?」


Urzottle nodded quickly as they back to their sitting position.

Ooh, there was no hestitation in their movements at all.

As expected, getting 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》 was a simple matter from Urzottle.

Now I’ve got all ingredients for 《Ether》.

「Then, please get it for me, Ur…」

When I said so, Urzottle looked at me with a greedy look in their eyes.

… Yeah, I couldn’t understand them without some sort of translator after all.

The only information about this in the 《Akashic Record》 was 『Can be obtained via negotiation.』

《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》 was an important item in the spirit world too after all.

Thus, one had to pay a certain amount of compensation to get that item.

Money… Nope. f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m

The safest choice was food.

As for what they really want, I guess I need to study a bit once we got back to the city.

At a glance, Gannet didn’t seem to posses 《Yggdrasil’s Droplet》, but who know what we could come across if we looked carefully.

Even though there was no information about it, it must be something akin to a state-secret.

Lunaire should be able to get it pretty easily but I had no idea when will meet her again.

I heaved a sigh upon recalling my reunion with Lunaire in front of Mother’s corpse.

I guess I had to do something to prevent her from escaping next time…

But then, I’d finally almost gathered all the ingredients, it took quite bit of time though.

「… uhm?」

Urzottle plopped to the side, showing their belly to me and sent expectant glance toward me.

I stooped over and patted Urzottle’s pale blue abdomen.

「Kuun, Kuun! Kuun!」

Urzottle raised a delighted voice.

Around twenty minutes later.

Urzottle suddenly stood up and vanished right in front of me.

When I summoned them again after waiting for a while, they appeared with big bag in their mouth.

They were looking at me and dropped the bag in their mouth, swinging their tails non-stop.

I checked in 《Akashic Record》 and found out that the bag was really filled with 《Yggdrasil’s Droplets》.

I mean… was the compensation really just scratching their abdomen?

Let’s prepare some delicious meat for them next time…

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