Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 32: Cursed Soul Crystal; 《Agniraz》

Act 3: Chapter 32: Cursed Soul Crystal; 《Agniraz》

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「You can use this, Garan-dono.」

Balot took the sword strapped by a leather belt on his back and gave it to Garan.

Garan took it, and pointed the sword at me.

「Kanata-kun… Your level seems to be very high. But note this, I’m used to fighting against opponents whose level is waaay higher than me. Fufufu, otherwise, I won’t be as strong as now.」

Balot took the knives sheated around his leg and twined it so easily in the air.

「These knives are coated with special poison. Naturally, I’ve a lot more trump card in my arsenal, this isn’t the end of it.」

I looked in turn at Balot, Garan, and Kotone.

I heaved a deep sigh, suppressed the irritated feeling in my heart.

It’ll be okay I guess. I could still save them if they were only being manipulated.

「… First, please forgive me for using such forceful means, I will make sure that all of you got healed back by Pomera-san.」

「Fufufu, underestimating us, is it? But, it’s okay. This kind of hot-blooded fight is the best. C’mon, give me your best shot, Kanata-kun.」

Balot squinted his eyes as he spoke, as if enjoying this situation.

I shifted my line of sight to the last, unopened coffin.

The mastermind was still unwilling to reveal their own trump card, is it?

No… Maybe, the last coffin was the coffin of the user of 《Puppet Coffin》.

Though I had no idea about the other party, I could pretty much guess to some extent from their speech and gesture.

Maybe, Bosgin was similar to Garan and Balot, the puppet of the 《Puppet Coffin》.

This strange magic enabled its user to gain full control of their target without killing them.

The user of this magic controlled the 《Blood Cup》 from behind the scene to raid Manarak, and while everyone’s attention was focused on them, the user retrieved the 《Red Authority Cane》.

Even then, there were still some mysteries in this situation.

It should be a simple matter for the user to steal the 《Red Authority Cane》 from Bennet and co by letting Garan and Balot to rampage as much as they want.

I mean, both of them were strong enough to do that, and there was no need for a roundabout method such as using the 《Blood Cup》.

The user of 《Puppet Coffin》 was a surprisingly timid person.

This roundabout method of using the 《Blood Cup》 could only mean one thing, they didn’t wish to expose their identity.

Otherwise, they would show themselves already.

「You won’t be able to defeat me even if you manipulate all three of them. Get out already and settle this once for all.」

I provoked the person hiding in the last coffin.

「《Dimension Pocket》… 《Blazing Sun Bow; Gandiva》」

A magic circle appeared on Kotone’s palm.

The next moment, she had already wielded a huge, fiery bow in her hand.

「Ooh, the bow of destruction that can only be used by high spirits or the royalty of the high elf… As expected of 《Ares Hand》, to think that she has such weapon in her arsenal.」

Balot spoke with a surprised look on his face as soon as he saw the blazing bow in Kotone’s hand.

She might be able to use that bow since her gift, 《Ares Hand》 enable her to ignore the equipping condition of the weapon.

「If the magic of these adorable puppe— Garan-chan and co isn’t working, then let’s use even more forceful method.」

Garan readied the sword that he got from Balot, and leapt at me.

Balot followed him from behind.

It seems their plan was to use poisoned knives at me when I was busy with Garan.

Kotone fired a blazing arrow with her bow.

I turned to the side to dodge the blazing arrow.

At first, I thought the arrow would crash against the wall but, against all expectation, the heat of the arrow alone melted the wall, and it flew away just like that.

The blazing arrow created a huge hole in the wall, and is still spreading even now.

「S-Such a power… It isn’t an enchanted weapon anymore. And you shouldn’t fired something as dangerous as that right in the middle of the city.」

Bennet became really frightened seeing the power of the blazing arrow.

Balot and Kotone had a lot of trump cards and they used each according to the situation to turn the table against a more powerful opponent.

「Spirit Magic, 5th Rank《Tricker Will O Wisp》!」

A magic circle formed with Garan as its center.

Light gathered in the middle of the circle, creating the second figure of Garan.

This sensation… Wasn’t illusion.

It seems to be a magic that conjures one’s own clone with the power of spirit.

Just when I expected him to use offensive magic, he ended up using support type magic.

「Really now… As if they had been fighting together for years.」

It was something that I could understand by seeing Garan, Balot, and Kotone’s interlinked movement.

After realizing the difference between our level, the other party changed their tactic and used all tricks at their disposal and instant but deadly firepower.

It wasn’t a simple brute force.

Thus I also probed the limit of their strength.

I guess it wouldn’t be more troublesome than Evil God Apostle; Notts and Demon King; Mother.

The three Garans came from three different directions at the same time.

At the same time, Kotone knocked her blazing arrow.

This situation… It was as if she had no problem even if Garan accidentally killed in friendly fire.

「You can’t handle this right! No matter how high an otherworlder level, you won’t come out unscathed if you got hit by this 《Blazing Sun Bow; Gandiva》.」

Garan shouted loudly.

I saw the flow of his magical power and discovered the real one of the three, closing in on the two clones and sending them flying with a kick.

My kick tore through the clones of Garan, instantly killing them.

And then, I tripped the feet of the real Garan.

Garan couldn’t stop his falling momentum and fell first from his shoulder.

「I-I can’t… Even see his movement.」

Garan shouted loudly.

I felt bad for doing this but I stepped on his leg and crushed them to prevent him from joining the fight again.

This should be enough to stop him.

「But, that will make you a perfect target for 《Blazing Sun Bow; Gandiva》!」

I caught the incoming arrow of 《Blazing Sun Bow; Gandiva》 with my bare hand.

I clenched my fist and crushed the flaming arrow in my hand.

The red flame of the flaming arrow exploded in my hand, and then vanished.

Garan’s eyes opened wide upon seeing me accomplish such a feat as if it was not a big deal.

The next moment, I seized Balot’s wrist as he came out from Garan’s shadow and tried to stab me with his poisoned knife.

The knife stopped inches away from my face.

Balot tried to push further alas, his strength was simply far below mine.

But, at this very moment, I noticed that something was off.

The black knife’s blade began to tremble, and emitted purple light.

「This, isn’t poison…」

「You’re really strong huh… Kanata-kun. You’ve pushed me this far.」

Balot let out a laugh.

It wasn’t a knife, part of it twined around Balot’s body as it trembled nonstop, releasing purple light.

I’ve seen something similar to this in 《Cocytus》.

This thing is called 《Agniraz(Cursed Spirit Crystal)》, it was created by the devil with magic, and could be detonated with magical power.

It wasn’t a simple knife, it seems to be a combination of several different weapons to create 《Agniraz》.

「Something such as a poisoned knife doesn’t work against someone like you. Sorry but I’m bringing you with me to the after life. This is obviously going to destroy every single 《Puppet Coffin》 in this place save for Kotone-chan but, I’ve no other choice I guess.」

Balot let go of the knife and hugged me.


「Bennet-san stop! Don’t come any closer!」

I stopped Bennet who was about to rush toward me.

The exploded 《Agniraz》 created a giant pillar of black flame after all.

It scorched the floor and the wall.

「That was close….」

I carried Balot and Garan away from the center of the explosion.

The problem wasn’t the knife, it was the fact that it entwined on Balot’s arms.

So I took it off, and ran while carrying the two of them.

I dropped Balot and Garan as soon as I landed on the floor.

I felt bad for them but I crushed the joints of their limbs.

「Are you… Fucking invicible or what.」

Said Bennet to me.

「I never expected that I would be driven this far. Actually I don’t want to do this since I’ll definitely catch “THEIR” attention but… I’ve no choice I guess.」

A high pitched, childish cry resounded. f𝐫e𝚎𝘄eb𝚗o𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝚘m

The last coffin opened up.

The next moment, a blonde haired little girl stood beside Kotone.

She was clad in a dress with a base color of black and blue, there was katyusha attached to the ribbon on her head.

Contrary to her adorable appearance, she gave off this malicious air about her.

There was a deep black mark under her eyes as if she lacked sleep.

Contrary to her childish appearance, she looks like someone who had gained enlightenment.

Cruel light dwelled in her eyes.

Her blood dripped down from the finger that she bit in her irritation.

Clasped in her hand was red coloured cane.

The color wasn’t bright red, it was blood-like red.

Literally, the entire cane had the same kind of color.

Could it be that the toy-like cane was 《Red Authority Cane》?

The person herself had an aberrant and evil aura around her.

The same as what I felt from Lunaire.


TN: I’ll take a break from 13-19 march 2023 for rehabilitation of my neck(due to wrong sleeping posture)

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