Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 30: Knight Among Knights

Act 3: Chapter 30: Knight Among Knights


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「Bennet-san be careful, I know that he’s your acquaintance but, you do realize that something is off about him, right?」

I whispered those questions to Bennet.

Bennet nodded slightly, trying his best to hide their gestures from Garan.

「I have no idea what he’s doing here. In fact, the kingdom suspected him for being a spy of foreign country. But, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s a genuine 《Hundred Demon》. The 《Hundred Demon》 is the countermeasure against 《Humanoid Dragon》 or the Demon King… In short, the kingdom’s most powerful fighter. He’s on whole nother level compared to Bosgin or Lovis.」

After Bennet said so, he turned his head and stared at Garan.

「Garan-sama… Why have you gone MIA without any news whatsoever until now? Why did you hide yourself? Also, what are you doing here in Manarak?」

Bennet bombarded Garan with those questions.

「You seem quite agitated despite our reunion, Bennet.」

「Honestly speaking, I’m really delighted by our reunion. But, but…」

Garan scratched the back of his head.

「The old you will follow me obediently without saying anything but, kukuku, I see now, that youngster has become an adult eh.」

Garan let out a melancholic smile.

Bennet frowned with an apologetic look on his face upon seeing that.

I felt something was amiss from Garan seeing their interaction but I didn’t think that he was a fake either.

Garan walked toward us with a stiff look on his face.

「I left the knight order since I had an important mission. I can’t say the exact information about it to the knight order yet. But I’ll make an exception for you, Bennet.」

「… EH?」

Bennet stepped forward as he was really curious on that matter.

I hesitated for a second since I thought that it might not be information for civilians.

「Now hear me, the reason why I left the knight order is related to that muscle doll over there… Bosgin.」

Garan turned around and pointed at Bosgin’s corpse behind him.

That moment, I noticed another abnormality.

Some of Bosgin’s wounds didn’t seem to be caused by a sword.

And the majority of them seem to be either scratch or strike wounds.

Even the cause of his death, his twisted neck surely not a sword wound, right?.

I had no idea about Garan’s combat style.

But, Bosgin was clearly not killed by Garan.

「The reason why I leave the knight order, is…」

Garan shut his eyes, his hand had already touched the hilt of the sword on his back.

Seeing that, Bennet’s eyes opened wide as if he finally noticed his blunder.

「Too bad, I forgot about it.」

Garan rushed toward Bennet, drawing his sword with a sticky smile on his face.


「Things will become troublesome if there’s more eyewitnesses. Then, in order to prevent informations leaking out, I’ll start killing the high level knight first, and the adventurer behind him after that…」

I kicked the ground, slipped in between Garan and Bennet in an instant.

I seized Bennet’s shoulder and pulled him back.



Garan let out a smile.

「Hou, nice speed you got there. But, what can you do with your bare hand in front of 《Hundred Demon》 Garan?」

Garan leapt forward as he swung his long sword.

I took a step back, and pulled my back a bit.

A flash suddenly came from the opposite direction.

I ducked forward to dodge that.

Garan’s eyes opened wide, glaring at me.

Well, It seems that he was really shocked.

Looks like he had never expected that I could dodge those two attacks.

But, he didn’t stop.

Garan used the residual force of his swing to jump in the air, pulling his sword at the same time.

「What a surprise… 《Hundred Demon》’s sword craft is created to subjugate empty-handed 《Humanoid Dragon》.」

He pointed the tip of his sword to my chest.

「《Titan Slayer Strike》!」

I twisted my body to dodge his thrusting strike.

And then stooped forward to dodge the following attack.

Garan who descended on the ground pulled his sword forcefully, spun around and rushed from the opposite direction.

I send a kick on Garan’s body while standing up again.


My kick sent him flying backward but he spun in midair, and landed perfectly on the ground.

「H-《Hundred Demon》 ‘s strike crushed so easily… His strength should be on whole nother level compared to the top brass of 《Blood Cup》.」

Bennet commented with a dumbfounded look on his face.

「I might have been killed due to the previous attack if not for this 《Hundred Demon》 ‘s armor of mine. Just… Who in the hell are you? I’ve no idea that there’s still such powerful human.」

Garan pointed his sword toward me again.

Beads of sweat came out from his forehead.

That moment, Garan’s armor cracked, and shattered to pieces.

The shattered pieces fell to the ground.

Garan looked dumbfoundedly on his destroyed armor.

「Impossible… It shattered, in one kick? The armor, which is made by spending a lot of the kingdom’s treasure which can even block the blow of a dragon… Got destroyed so easily?」

「Garan-san, is it?」

I lowered my leg while calling out to him.

Garan snapped out, finally remembering that we’re still in the middle of battle, he readied his sword again, this time fully vigilance against me.

「Are you done talking? Coz I’m just about to go all out with the next attack.」

The moment I said so, Garan’s body stiffened, his mouth wide open.

「That attack was just… Not your most powerful kick?」

Garan was… Around level 200 I guess.

If I went all out with the kick just now, my kick would directly pierce his body.

But, this huge gap in level was enough for me to prevent him from escaping.

This man might know the reason behind the mysterious situation in Manarak.

「K-K-Kanata… Just how much po—」

Bennet who stood behind me pointed toward me with his finger, completely flabbergasted.

But, he snapped out immediately, and glared at Garan.

「G-Garan-sama! I’ll have you… to spit everything! Why are you betraying the knight order!? Are you the mastermind behind the incident in this Manarak!?」

Garan’s face stiffened for a while but it soon replaced it with a stifled laugh.

「Ufufufufu… As expected, getting my hand on 《Red Authority Cane》 won’t be that easy. Even though I’m using the most secretive method so that I won’t bump into this kind of opponent, reality is shi*t.」

Suddenly, Garan spoke with a speech that was completely different from before, he covered his face with his hand, and then glared at me from the gaps between his fingers.

No, it wasn’t just his speech.

His gesture, intonation, even the air around him was completely different from a while ago.

「Garan… Sama? So you really are an impostor! Are you using mind control? Return Garan-sama to normal immediately!」

「Luckily, I’ve already got both 《Red Authority Cane》 and Kotone-chan. Barely avoided from being crushed one-sidedly.」

Garan raised his sword.

「Can’t be helped then, even though I don’t want to use this magic too often… Ghost Magic, 11th Rank《Puppet Coffin》!」

A magic circle deployed with Garan as its center.



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