Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 28: Puppet Show(Side: Kotone)

Act 3: Chapter 28: Puppet Show(Side: Kotone)

TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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「Box and key… No way…」

Kotone started sweating profusely from her forehead.

The box that Bosgin was talking about was clearly referring to 《Red Authority Cane》.

And the key to open the box was obviously referring to her 《Ares Hand》.

There was the mastermind who manipulated the puppet coffin, namely Bosgin and co.

From the beginning, their aim wasn’t to steal the cane, their true aim was Kotone’s 《Ares Hand》.

「You managed to suppress this meat doll even though I predicted that you’re only about as strong as him. Your strength has actually exceeded my prediction.」

Bosgin stepped forward.

《Garan The Hundred Demon》 and 《Balot The Dungeon Master》 were also moving along with him.

Garan was holding a longsword in his hand, while Balot readied his sickle chain and axe.

「Nevertheless, you’re no match for us!」

The three S-rank adventurer’s class rushed toward Kotone.

This was the first time Kotone was cornered like this.

She could only maintain her superiority if she only fought against Bosgin.

Kotone’s eyes wandered between the three assailants coming toward her.

「《Status Check》!」

Against such an unfavorable situation, Kotone started with checking her enemies using 《Status Check》.

That skill allowed her to see her opponent’s HP and MP but, seeing that there was more than one enemy, she had to move around while creating winning tactics in her brain.

Kotone’s level was 208.

The number of S-rank adventures had exceeded her imagination.

As the owner of an extremely high level, she was treated as Manarak’s guardian deity.

Though this was the first time she met them, she knew that the three were among the ten strongest in this kingdom.


Bosgin Bowgrane

Race : Ningen[Human]

Lv :173

HP :148/865

MP :187/709


Garan Gastiara

Race : Ningen[Human]

Lv :21o

HP :966/966

MP :1029/1029


Balot Bemilio

Race : Ningen[Human]

Lv :189

HP :895/895

MP :890/890


「… The worst situation.」

Kotone couldn’t help but mutter.

The average of her opponent’s level was 190.

Normally, three people around this level only appeared together during the subjugation of the Demon King.

Even though Bosgin was injured and the weakest among the three, he still couldn’t let her guard down.

Even though Bosgin should’ve broken a few of his bones during his fall, he moved as if he wasn’t injured at all.

Nevertheless, his movement was unnatural, as if it was controlled by some sort of invisible thread.

But then, if she had to aim first, it would be Bosgin, the weakest among the three and the one with least HP.

Garan was waiting behind. He wasn’t the kind of swordsman who would wait to strike the last while ganging up on a single opponent.

Balot threw the chain which connected to his sickle.

The chain could be controlled with weight placed at the end of it, sickle and chain was a complicated weapon.

If she made a mistake and tried to block the weight, the chain would come at her and seal her movement.

Thus, Kotone countered by punching the weight with her arm-covered gauntlet, sending it straight back to its owner.

「Barrier Magic, 6th Rank《Divide》」

Garan hoisted his sword.

The white light with mass came out of his sword, dividing the floor and headed toward Kotone.

Kotone dodged to the right.

Bosgin jumped in the same direction, swinging his arm.

They tried to limit Kotone’s movement with weight and 《Divide》 and then prepared a trap on her destination before attacking her.

Their cooperation was too perfectly linked together.

As expected, they’re being controlled by one person.

「Uhn! Time-Space Magic, 8th Rank 《Dimension Pocket》!」

Kotone pointed her hand toward Bosgin.

A giant round shield that was big enough to cover her entire body appeared in her hands.

It exuded silver light and had a relief of a woman’s face right on its center.

Bright, blue gems laid in the eyes part of the woman’s face.

「《Protection Shield, Aegis》!」

Bosgin’s punch struck the round shield.

Though his punch was strong enough to repel the round shield, Kotone stomped her feet on the ground from the other side of the shield, and forced the shield to resist the impact.

The eyes, where parts of the woman’s relief face on the shield suddenly fired brilliant light.

Bosgin’s body stopped moving.

And then, no matter how much he tried to move his body, his body refused to move.

「Uhm… Sealing movement with counter eh, nice item.」

And yet, Bosgin could still mutter those composed remarks.

And then, Kotone went to attack Bosgin with her shield but she was stopped by Balot who interfered at the right timing.

Right at that very moment, Garan cut in to unleash his attack.

「Too bad. You got outnumbered.」

「《Dimension Pocket》!」

A jade green sword appeared in Kotone’s hand.

「《Wind Flow, Aeolus》!」

The wind spirit dwelled in her sword could raise the swinging speed of the sword with tailwind.

It was possible for the sword to exhibit ability beyond its theoretical performance but one needed delicate control to do that.

「Trying to compete in a sword fight against me when you’re in a disadvantageous situation eh. Still too naive I guess. As if you can win against me with mere speedy sword.」

Garan unleashed three swift thrust.

Kotone stopped two of the three thrusts with the blade of her sword, and twisted her body to dodge the last one.

And the counter that she unleashed after that was stopped by Garan’s sword.

Thus, the two clashed blades were locked at each other.

「Hou… Turns out you’re not as naive as I thought. My apologies, do allow me to retract my rude remark from before. But, this is the end.」

Garan put more power and pushed the blade of his sword, repelling Kotone’s sword.

That moment, Kotone’s stance crumbled.

The chain thrown by Balot then wrapped her left arm.


Balot followed with throwing the axe in his other hand immediately.

When Kotone leaned forward to dodge the axe, Garan’s blade had already swooped down toward her.

She took the blow with her gauntlet but the impact alone almost broke her arm.

When she staggered due to the impact, Balot pulled his chain, bringing her closer to him.

The unprepared Kotone was pulled up into the air.

That moment, Bosgin’s giant fist nailed down on her abdomen.

Bosgin licked his lips as he did so.

「Fufufu, I’ve never expected that you’ll persist until this far. It makes me like you even more than before. Don’t worry, I’ll treat you with care.」

Thus, Kotone’s body slammed on the hard floor.

She tried to get up immediately but then, she felt the handle of Garan’s sword struck the back of her head.

She fell forward this time.

Kotone tried to raise her body again but she realized that her body refused to listen to her command.

She was glaring at Bosgin with her eyes that barely opened.

「Fufufu, now I get both 《Red Authority Cane》 and 《Ares Hand》. As long as I get that cane, not even a god can intervene that easily with me.」

「Uhm… But, I guess it’s time to replace a member.」

Garan touched his chin as if he pondered about something.

「Yes. Balot, time for rock, paper, scissor game.」

Bosgin outstretched his arm toward Balot.

Balot nodded and outstretched his arm toward Bosgin.

Bosgin’s hand showed rock while Balot’s hand showed paper.

Bosgin nodded.

「Maybe it’s thanks to Kotone-chan, or the persistence of the A-rank adventurer of this city, many of the top-brass of 《Blood Cup》 have been defeated. I guess it can’t be helped since without them, there’s no reason to keep Bosgin around either. Originally, I planned to push the blame about 《Red Authority Cane》 to them… So it’s time to part way I guess.」

Bosgin touched his head as he spoke.

Kotone looked at Bosgin, wondering what he wanted to do.

Just like that, Bosgin increased the strength of his grip, and twisted his own head.

His big head then twisted to an impossible angle.

He then started vomitting blood as the white of his eyes showed.

His huge body then crumbled on the spot like a puppet cut off its string.

「HIII! L-Lies, what are yo—」

「It has been decided right?」

「To make a spot for you, of course, Kotone-chan.」

Garan and Balot approached Kotone with an eerie laugh on their faces.

Thus, Kotone’s consciousness got interrupted amidst the fear.


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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