Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 24: Eloquence(Side: Lovis)

Act 3: Chapter 24: Eloquence(Side: Lovis)

~Kanata’s prediction in act 1 turned out to be true, Lovis did have a talent as a swindler!!

TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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「Y-YES, I’M HIS ACQUAINTANCE! You might even call me his best friend but, I actually respected him so much.」

Lovis could see from Lunaire’s expression that the latter was not hostile toward Kanata.

Originally, otherworldly people weren’t supposed to have such high levels.

Thus, he assumed that Kanata either had some sort of special item, or a master with extremely high levels.

From the information that he inferred after seeing Lunaire’s expression, Lovis concluded that Lunaire might be Kanata’s master.

「Y-You two are… Kanata-san’s acquaintance too?」

Pomera asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Lovis, whose sense entered heightened state due to the life and death situation didn’t miss Pomera’s remark, and heaved a sigh inside, his intuition turned out to be correct, Pomera really was Kanata’s disciple.

Though he didn’t show it on his face, he felt really relieved in the fact that he didn’t kill Pomera.

If he really killed Pomera back then, he knew that his fate would be sealed.


Lovis didn’t say anything even when Damia called out to him.

「… I doubt Kanata will befriend someone like you.」

Lunaire bit her thumb as she muttered.

Though Lovis’ remark was completely outside of her expectation, she doubts the truth of that remark.

Lovis’ voice caught in his throat, he realized that he was in a rather unfavorable situation right now.

「T-That magical power… That beauty! Beautiful, flowing snow white hair with crimson red tips! No doubt about it! You must be the one who has always been mentioned by Kanata-sama. You are, Kanata-sama’s teacher right.」

「K-Kanata, always mentioning me!? I see…」

Lunaire’s cheeks flushed red, and was clearly shaken.

She averted her doubtful eyes from Lovis as she twirled the strands of her hair on her finger.

「What a fool. Good grief… Surely, Kanata might be still unfamiliar with outside world but, I know that he won’t be so careless to mention about me to the others.」

「No, you’re mistaken, it shows just how much Kanata-sama placed his trust on me. It’s precisely because how much he respect and adore you that he want to tell others about you.」

Pomera looked at Lovis’ and Lunaire’s conversation with a perplexed look on her face.

Because she really had no idea about the identity of the otherworldy beauty that appeared out of nowhere in front of them.

Not to mention that Kanata had never mentioned about one of his acquaintances being such otherworldly beauty.

And yet, the shady man from the criminal organization had actually heard about the otherworldly beauty from Kanata.

It was as if Kanata trusted the shady man more than Pomera.

Damia and Yozakura on the other hand truly had no idea about the sudden change of the situation. They were even more bewildered than Pomera.

Reason being they knew that Kanata had never mentioned about the white haired beauty before.

In the first place, they weren’t even Kanata’s friends.

Lovis’ prostating performance was nothing more than a show to tell Kanata that they surrendered.

And yet, the Lovis before them spoke passionately about him being the best friend of Kanata.

That kind of speech might be possible but, no matter how much he spoke, it was literally impossible to talk about Lunaire who he had no idea about.

Even Dami and Yozakura had the impression that Lovis might’ve unknownly deepened his friendship with Kanata during their journey.

「… A-And then, what he told you?」


「T-Then, what Kanata said, about me?」

Lunaire asked Lovis with a stuttered voice.

「Naturally, he has nothing but praise about you, he says that you’re an extremely wonderful woman! He deeply respected and adore you.」

「I-I see… And then… Did he say… Something else? Is that all he say?」

Though Lovis had no idea what was in the mind of the god-like girl before him, he wasn’t a fool who would say that.

「My apologies, that’s all he said about you since he never mentioned your identity but… I know that he love you so much from the way he spoke about you…」

Lovis chose his words carefully while peeking at Lunaire’s expression.

When he saw Lunaire looking down bashfully while playing with the tip of her hair, Lovis was convinced of his safety.

This current situation was akin to threading a needle hole, one simple mistake might result in fate worse than dying.

But, Lovis overcame the impossible.

「T-To think that Kanata told such a story to the others so carelessly! Good grief… That’s troublesome indeed. Surely, Kanata is such a gentle person. But… Right, why would you be suddenly talking about Kanata… after attacking me?」

「E-Eh. Well, I don’t think he told anyone about this though. Well, he did tell me indirectly though…」

「… Indirectly?」

Lunaire’s face frowned, a flash of cold light dwelled in her eyes.

That simple action was enough to make Lovis feel that the entire room was dipped into the ice lake.

「Y-You misunderstood! That was just slip of tongue!」

Lovis is desperately trying to find a road to survival.

But, it was impossible, any random topics could only go for so long.

Reason being he might accidentally stepped on a landmine.

Not to mention that his lies might be exposed once Lunaire met Kanata.

Thus, he had to escape from this place as soon as possible.

「I’ll turn over the new leaf and work to save the others! That’s why please… Please let us to leave this place.」

「… That’s right. I guess I really can’t afford to hurt the so-called Kanata’s best friend. I really can’t afford to hurt him… I… Might lost the will to live on if he resented me after all.」

Lunaire muttered with a troubled look on her face.

But then, right after Lovis heaved a sigh of relief, Lunaire raised her arm.

「Summon Magic, 23rd Rank《Yama Daruma Raja》」

A huge, black coloured magic circle drawn on the floor.

「T… Twenty… Third rank?」

Lovis couldn’t believe what he heard.

Before he met Kanata, he believed that 15th rank was the highest rank of magic, a legendary rank.

But, his worldview got overturned upon witnessing Kanata’s 19th rank 《Graviburn》.

But once again, his worldview got overturned by Lunaire who used 23rd rank magic.

A giant, bright red demon appeared from the magic circle, stood tall until breaking the ceiling of the adventurer guild building.

Though the giant figure sits on the floor, It’s still tall enough to prevent Lovis from seeing its entire face.

He could finally see the tall demon’s face when the latter bowed its head.

It had a terrifying face, and three inorganic eyes.

The huge demon wore luxurious attire and black hat on his head.

It had four arms.

Hanging around their neck was a necklace made from a human head.

All the human heads’ eyes opened wide as if they’re screaming in despair.

「Uhm… W-W-What kind… of monster is that?」

Lunaire walked carefreely and tapped the feet of the huge demon.

「Great spirit, Yama Daruma Raja. Well they’re… Insurance just to make sure that you’re not lying on me.」

Thus, Lovis was facing his death penalty again.


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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