Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 16: Red Authority Cane

Act 3: Chapter 16: Red Authority Cane

TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.


I ran around Manarak along with Bennett.

「The reason why we bring 《Red Authority Cane》… The greatest treasure of our kingdom is to deliver it to 《Ares Hand》.」

According to Bennett’s story, 《Red Authority Cane》 was once an item owned by one of the otherworlders.

The previous owner was supposed to be one of the four heroes who defeated the Union《Nightmare’s Curse Festival》, an organization composed of the five strongest demon kings three thousand years ago.

But, in fact, the cane couldn’t exhibit its greatest potential if the wielder didn’t make a pact with the weapon spirit residing inside the cane.

「So, 《Ares Hand》 who possesses a skill that can disregard the weapon’s requirement should be able to become the second otherworlder who can wield the《Red Cane Authority》and her being able to unleash its maximum potential is the conclusion of the royal alchemists. In short, we have to give this cane to 《Ares Hand》 so that she can become our trump card against the incoming monster wave disaster.」

「I see…」

So that’s the reason why Kotone came to the guild.

That was a valid reason indeed.

Sure enough, depending on the equipment, Kotone’s skill should let her harness the cane’s power that even its original user couldn’t.

This was the world in which it was normal for a city-state to vanish overnight due to monster wave disasters.

It seems the royalty did their best to strengthen the combat prowess of the kingdom.

「… Eh, wait a minute, that cane isn’t that dangerous even if it fell into the wrong hand, right?」

Bennett did tell me that something bad would happen if 《Red Authority Cane》 fell into the hand of our assailant.

But, Bennett also said that no one but Kotone could use that 《Red Authority Cane》.

And even if Kotone could use the cane, it was still a mystery how much prowess from the cane could be utilized by her.

Surely, the loss of the cane could be related to the loss of combat potential for the kingdom, and though the loss wasn’t a big deal to begin with, I don’t think that this kingdom would be so unlucky to the point of a major event happening in succession.

「The hell you’re talking about, C-rank adventurer! My promotion is depending on this job!」

「… Bennett-san, should I just abandon you in this place?」

I’ve heard enough information from Bennett.

Moving alone would be much faster, and Bennett was honestly nothing more than a piece of baggage.

Not to mention that he actually wanted to use me for his own promotion.


「What is so strange about that?」

「《Red Authority Cane》 is just gonna be an ornament without its user. Surely, it’s quite valuable as the cane of a legendary magician but, I don’t get the reason why 《Blood Cup》 gathered their members that scattered across the kingdoms in this place just to take such useless weapon. There’s no doubt that 《Blood Cup》 are thieves’ organizations but they’re not a group of thugs. They’re not the kind of thieves who stole because they have monetary problems, they’re plundering for the sake of their passion. Their leaders are said to rival A-rank adventurers in strength.」

Sure enough, someone with an A-rank adventurer’s ability wouldn’t have a problem with securing money.

I mean, they are literally free to choose their job.

But, some people in 《Blood Cup》 definitely choose to loot for this mission.

「Especially their leader, 《Gigantic Arms Bosgin》 is a figure whose strength could be counted as one from above average in the list of strongest in the kingdom. His strength rivaled that of an S-rank adventurer. We usually mobilize the entire knight order once we heard a rumor about his coming in the past. But, if he came to this city too, Manarak will become hell on earth.」

I was at a loss for words.

Pomera wouldn’t be troubled if the opponents were merely A-rank adventurers.

But, she might be in a pinch if she were to face that Bosgin.

I guess I had to take some precautions too.

The measurement for an S-rank adventurer was still rough in this world with no clear reference for its requirement. Thus, I should make an assumption for the worst-case scenario.

「《Gigantic Arms Bosgin》 along with the overall strength of his 《Blood Cup》 is said to rival a 《Humanoid Dragon》.」

「Then he’s no big deal…」

I heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing that.

I mean, level 400 Notts, who was counted as one of 《Humanoid Dragon》 can’t do anything against me, someone weaker than Notts wouldn’t pose a threat either.

「Is that a joke?」

Bennett furrowed his eyebrows as he asked that question.

「Anyhow… I don’t know why 《Gigantic Arms Bosgin》 went this far to acquire 《Red Authority Cane》. It’s not like he’s someone with heroic syndrome either. Even if he’s an immoral person who wants to sell the 《Red Authority Cane》 to some wealthy person, the value of the item itself makes it only worthy of an expensive ornament.」

Come to think of it, I don’t think that 《Blood Cup》 was such a group of thieves who would gather the entire organization just to enjoy the reward together.

「Do you think that Bosgin has somehow find a way to use the cane?」

「Most likely yes. Anyhow, it’s an item that has been sleeping in the treasury of the kingdom for a really long time after all. Who knows what kind of destruction will happen if the 《Red Authority Cane》 is misused by them? It is going to be a crisis for the entire kingdom.」

Though it sounds like total BS, I still couldn’t underestimate the worst possibility if 《Red Authority Cane》was stolen.

I guess securing that cane would be our top priority.

Moreover, the leader, Bosgin himself, was aiming for the 《Red Authority Cane》.

There was a high possibility that I would fight Bosgin as long as we were looking for 《Red Authority Cane》.

Bosgin had to be killed as fast as possible to minimize the damage.

「And think about my safety too! If a huge disaster happens due to this incident, it’s not just me, my entire family going to be branded as the worst war criminal too, understand?」

Bennet spoke desperately.

In the end, it was all about his own safety huh…

「… I know that, so stop telling me about that again, otherwise I’m going to drop you right here.」

「This is no laughing matter! My house has been serving as a kingdom chivalric order for many generations! If I made a blunder on this mission, not even my father will be spared from the punishment. Though this situation is beyond our initial assumption, the worst situation has yet to happen. We must prevent them from getting their hands on 《Red Authority Cane》 no matter what!」

Thus, I was secretly thinking about dropping Bennet as I ignored his rambling.


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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