Disciple of Immortal

Act 3: Chapter 13: Knight From Royal Capital

Act 3: Chapter 13: Knight From Royal Capital


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.


Pomera, Philia, and I left the parlour room and then went out of the adventurer guild.

「Uhm… Could it be that the result of the appraisal is bad?」

「It’ll be okay… Pomera-san. It’s not like I’m not worried about it but, Gannet-san is a sensible person…」

Gannet was truly a great person.

He knew that we, who didn’t want to stand out had no choice but to rely on him in this regard.

This should prevent another absurd story from being spread around.

At that moment, I suddenly saw a group of eccentric people.

It was a three-man group that wore blue metal armour with golden patterns.

It was a group of two men and one woman.

Adventurers with strange get up aside, their attire was clearly unified.

「Who are they?」

「Pomera heard about them before. That blue armour… They might be the strongest combat force of the kingdom… The Royal knight.」

I see, so that trio was the messenger from the royal capital.

Pomera seems to be nervous when she talks about them.

Well going by their name, they’re definitely not just soldiers working in the royal castle.

Due to the existence of levels in this world, there was a huge gap in combat power among people.

The biggest war potential of the kingdom, the Kingdom Chivalric Order was supposed to be able to match 《Humanoid Dragon》 whose power broke the common sense of the human.

Though the three were definitely keeping a low profile by hiding their level, their true ability must be cut above normal adventurers.

「But… Why are those people wandering around in Manarak?」

I mean, there was no need to especially send a knight to act as a messenger.

Was there any special reason for the kingdom to use their precious war potential just to deliver a message?

「Good grief, do we have to do miscellaneous jobs such as delivering a piece of baggage?」

The dark green-haired knight with bobbed heaved a sigh as he spoke.

「I think this is just to prevent the worst case. The king is just overly worrying about this matter. Even I think that this setup is overkill.」

A giant man with one eye replied so.

His age was around his forties. Seeing that he was the eldest in the trio, he might be the leader.

「I heard that Manarak was the most developed city after the royal capital but, I guess this is as expected huh? I originally planned to spend half of our time here sightseeing but, let’s not waste our time.」

The purple-haired woman spoke.

The trio was walking while talking loudly, they didn’t even bother to hide the fact that they were not too passionate about their current job.

She might be a beauty but, she smells like a land mine.

「I guess we shouldn’t get involved with them.」

When I whispered so, Pomera nodded in agreement.

But, someone close to us suddenly raised their voice.


A man wearing a red robe approached the trio of knights.

Yes, I remember now, Gannet did tell me before that most Manarak citizens… Was proud bunches who didn’t give a shit about outsiders.

In short, their love for their hometown was second to none.

Well, it might be natural for them to be proud of their city since it was one of the big cities in the kingdom.

The one-eyed giant man shrugged his shoulder as if he saw this trouble coming.

The purple-haired woman stepped forward, smiling proudly.

「What’s your adventurer rank?」

「I-I’m a C-rank adventurer but, what’s the matter!?」

The next moment, the woman leapt forward and kicked the chin of the man in the red robe.


Stepped on the head of the man in a red robe who fell on the ground, unsheathed her sword and pointed its tip toward the man in quick succession.

「If you’re talking about the quality of the adventurer, someone like you only qualified as a D-rank adventurer in the royal capital you know? Aren’t you glad to be born in a backwater city like Manarak?」


The man retreated and then escaped while raising a panicked scream.

The woman was looking at the fleeing adventurer with a mocking smile on her face.

「Oi, you forgot your cane you know? Oh well, it’s a useless weapon I guess.」

She stepped on the crystal at the tip of the cane that got left behind, and push it down.

Yeah, nothing good will come from associating with them.

We mustn’t be involved with those fellas who dare to draw their swords in the middle of the city.

「… Philia, hate those people.」

Since Philia puffed her cheeks as she looked at the trio, I seized her hand in a hurry before she did something to them.

「P-Philia-chan, it’s better to not have ourselves involved with someone who we don’t like.」

The two men didn’t even stop the woman from her act of barbarity.

「The adventurer guild is around this area but, I have no idea about its exact location. Bennett, you’ve come to this place before, right?」

When the one-eyed knight asked so, the knight with bobbed hair just shrugged his shoulders.

「That time I’m only passing by you know.」

When I tried to leave that place in a hurry while pulling Philia by hand, the bobbed-haired knight called Bennett suddenly pointed his finger toward us.

「Oi, the one over there, guide us till adventurer guild.」

I could only give up, crestfallen when that knight called out to us.

Now we missed the chance to escape from this place.

「Sorry but we’re in hurry, Knight-sama. Just follow that direction till you arrive at a huge building where many adventurers gathered together a—」

「We’re also in hurry. Who ordered you to be in hurry? In our case, we received a direct order from the king.」

Bennet squinted his eyes, glaring at us.

I tried to resist but… I guess we still got involved with them.

We shouldn’t get ourselves involved with them any longer than this.

「… Follow me.」

「Look, it’s an unimportant matter after all. You should just guide us from the very beginning instead of wasting our time.」

Bennett tapped my shoulders twice as he spoke.

Philia was glaring at Bennett when I showed a business smile toward him.

「Have any complaints, Young Lady? Just tell me but, I’m still immature so I might not be able to hold back if you went too far Young Lady.」

Bennett smiled lightly as he brought his face closer to Philia.

Philia whose face flushed red due to anger had already pulled her arm, ready to unleash a cute yet deadly punch.

Seeing that, Pomera and I held Philia’s body in hurry.

「P-Please calm yourself, Philia-chan!」

「Y-Yes! P-Pomera will buy you, sweets, later as long as you act like a good child, Philia-chan!」

This might become really messy if Philia killed Bennet by accident.

Those kingdom knights might be powerful but, Philia’s level could rise more than three thousand at her strongest.

「Hah, I’ll forgive you just this once to give a face to your obedient big brother. C’mon, guide us already.」

Thus, we guide the trio of knights toward the adventurer guild’s building.

I hope nothing happens along the way but…


TN: Check out my new project too! The Replacement for Suicidal Undead catches up with the raw.

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